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  1. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    I need help identifying this lump of at all possible. I recently noticed my young cockerel looking very lopsided around his head. His head sits off to his left side and the feathers on his right side were all puffed up. Initially I thought it was his crop because I noticed it in the evening...
  2. RowanTheRed

    Does Mareks Come On Very Sudden?

    And by very sudden I mean like perfectly fine and then in less than an hour not walking at all! I went out to give all the chickens their daily treat of 5 grain scratch, she was as normal as always. This was about 7:30 at night. Shortly after they all went into the coop for the night. At 8:30...
  3. RowanTheRed

    Twisted Feather

    I'm not certain of this is the correct place to put this, but I have a 4 week old Ameraucana that has a very twisted feather in it's right wing. This chick is from a set of eggs that I incubated. One required assistance to hatch due to a malpositioning. I'm not certain of it was this chick...
  4. RowanTheRed

    Please Help Me Diagnose My 3 Year Old Orpington Skin Issue

    One of my 3 year old orpington has something really strange going on. For about 5 months now she's been missing feathers on her lower chest and abdomen. At first I thought she was going broody, but she's had yet attempted to sit. Not only is the feathers missing, the skin is red (probably...
  5. RowanTheRed

    Help Figuring Out Problem With Sick Chick

    this is one of my 3 day old Ameraucana hatches. They were fine around 9 this morning. Then about 45 minutes ago when I checked on them this one wouldn't come out from under heat plate with others when they all came out to eat and drink. When I looked under the plate I could see it gasping. I...
  6. RowanTheRed

    Need help trouble shooting a Nurture Right 360

    I am currently in day 3 of incubation with the NR 360. It' not the first time I have used it and I generally have no issues at all. So here is my issue... I set the NR 360 up last Monday to verify all was in working order. Everything checked out: humidity and temp stable for the entire week...
  7. RowanTheRed

    Three Part Question about Getting Rid of Mites

    I found mites crawling on some eggs and then myself yesterday when I went out to check viability of eggs one of my hens is sitting on. So I am going to clean out the coop again (just did this a week ago and liberally sprinkled DE in the coop prior to new bedding) and this time I'm heading out...
  8. RowanTheRed

    Stay Put or Move to Incubator

    This is a bit of a long winded story but please stick with me... I have a 10 month old English Orpington pullet that is about that went broody over 3 weeks ago. Despite constant attempts to break her, she remained adamant that she was going to sit until she had babies. We finally relented...
  9. RowanTheRed

    Am I crazy?

    Im sitting in the veterinary clinic with my 9 month old EE cockerel Hiccup, for a possible dislocated leg. Have i gone off the deep end for spending the money on trying to fix a bird (a very beautiful one though) that is essentially a back yard mix!?
  10. RowanTheRed

    3 Handsome Easter Egger Cockerels ~ FREE

    After a very successful incubation followed by two hens going broody, I have an overabundance of cockerels, I have been able to find homes for many of them, however I still have 3 that need homes. all 3 are Easter Eggers, father of all 3 is my lavender Ameraucana. The mother of the...
  11. RowanTheRed

    Meet Hiccup

    Hiccup is one of the chicks hatched from my Mother's Day weekend incubation. He started off as a blue chick but as his male colors came in he has become one of the more handsome cockerels I have seen. His mom is a splash orpington and his father is either my lavender ameraucana or my easter...
  12. RowanTheRed

    How Long Will She Be Heartbroken?

    WARNING, my stories tend to be a bit on the long side and I will apologize in advance! This past Mother's Day weekend I incubated and successfully hatched some eggs because none of my hens wanted to be broody and hatch any on their own. I really only wanted a few more hens to replace the ones...
  13. RowanTheRed

    Who's the Daddy?

    I am still learning a lot about color combinations and find it fascinating yet confusing at times. I get some of the obvious like black x black = 100% black and such. What I have trouble with is the diluting and leaking on certain color and combinations. That being said I have two really...
  14. RowanTheRed

    Photos Showing Growth of My Chicks (picture heavy)

    I thought it would be helpful to show photos of my recent round of incubated chicks. I have 14 that are of various breeds so anyone interested can see how they develop and change as the weeks go by. I am hoping that in doing this I (and anyone else) will find it helpful in beginning to...
  15. RowanTheRed

    Pretty Now.....

    but I wonder what this one will look like once it is grown. This is one of the EE chicks that hatched on last weekend. The mother is a golden comet and the father was my red EE rooster that I have since sold. I have many extra chicks and have to decide which ones I want to keep and...
  16. RowanTheRed

    Does this Chicks Feathers Look Wrong to Any One Else?

    I have a black EE named Tink that is a product of either my red EE roo or Lavender Ameraucana roo X brown leghorn. This chick is most certainly a runt! It is about half the size of all the other chicks hatched the same day. It is very feisty and energetic though. It eats and drinks well and...
  17. RowanTheRed

    My First Incubation Experience (with baby pictures)

    The nervous excitement and eager anticipation is over. I can say that it was fun and this incubation certainly won't be my last! I had a few unexpected developments and with some fantastic guidance from some senior members I made it through with a pretty good hatch rate in the end. Here is my...
  18. RowanTheRed

    Need advice on what to do please

    Long story short, I'm incubating 18 eggs, and currently on day 14. 8 of the eggs came from my girls so I'm certain of when they were laid and they appear to be right on track when candles. Of the remaining, which I got from a local breeder, only one appears to be on day 14 as well. The...
  19. RowanTheRed

    Would You Please Take a Peak at This

    I will be the first to admit that I am truly new at incubating and candling eggs. After looking through hundreds of online images I am still trying to figure out even a ball park range of which day in the stage one of my eggs is. I started the incubation last Saturday with some eggs from my...
  20. RowanTheRed

    Incubating Eggs seem to be at Different Stages

    Let me start at the top. This is our first time incubating, we were hoping one of our girls would go broody soon, but it wasn't happening so we decided to incubate. We are using a Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 and so far everything is going pretty perfect. I have been keeping a decent log of...
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