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  1. Lady Catrina

    Definitions of terms on BYC

    Yes, yes, I know, but really - this is a random rambling My hubby and I have been discussing what some of the terms on this site mean, and I think I have most of them figured out (roo, etc.) HOWEVER there is discord in my home as to what the 'DH' and 'DW' stand for. I say it's 'Dear Hubby'...
  2. Lady Catrina

    Egg Cartons Delivered today!!

    I was so eggcited to see the big box outside my gate I counted them, and recounted, then counted again..... Does anyone count the cartons that they ordered, and come up a deficiency? I had ordered 200, and there were 194. Am I paranoid, or do the sellers of these cartons short change by a...
  3. Lady Catrina

    Brazilian Chickens??

    My hubby was talking to someone yesterday, who told him that there are a breed of Chickens from Brazil that have NO CHOLESTEROL in their eggs...... Is this possible, to have 0 cholesterol eggs? If so, has anyone ever heard of this breed? If so, does anyone know how/where to get some of these...
  4. Lady Catrina

    Helping a Hen 'give birth' to an egg...?

    After perusing this (emergencies, injuries) section, I realize that I should have taken photos, however I just went into 'clinical' mode, fixed it, and now would like to know who else has had this issue, and what to do about possible recurrences? When gathering eggs this am, as I was leaving the...
  5. Lady Catrina

    Seperate flock of Roosters - will they fight?

    In a nutshell, we ordered 38 birds in August - including two males. The order was 'messed up' in that I did not count 8 Americaunas, so I contacted Ideal and they sent me one male and one female Amer., plus 8 male barreds for warmth. Needless to say, both the Americaunas were male . So, now I...
  6. Lady Catrina

    Decided to join :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? This is my second run at having chickens - our first flock (10 years ago) were killed off by strays. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 45 (3) What breeds do you have? Americauna, Ideal 236, Barred Rock, Naked Necks...
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