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  1. ChikinInThePines

    Chicken ate Chicken Twine....

    Hey everyone! One of our smaller, adorable, "bottom of the totem pole" chickens just ate about 5 to 6 inches of chicken twining at once. My wife and I had leftover rotisserie chicken that we just threw out and did not realize there was twining still on it... We chased her (Sophie) around as she...
  2. ChikinInThePines

    Hawk Attack

    Hey BYC! Today I turned 29 years old...and just had my tonsils ripped out this morning in surgery due to recurring strep throat. 10/10 I would not recommend.... Back to chickens... Yesterday, our white Americana/Brahma mix (1 only) chicken was attacked by a hawk as we were sitting inside with...
  3. ChikinInThePines

    Strep A? (Strep Throat)

    Hey Everyone! I have been fighting strep throat since Christmas Eve. I took one round of antibiotics for 10 days, and 2 weeks later it came back. I just finished my second round of a different antibiotic....I wanted to ask if it's possible to contract Strep A or B from chickens? From tracking in...
  4. ChikinInThePines

    To Heat or Not to Heat?

    Hey everyone! I live in South Carolina and the temperatures have been dropping into the upper 'teens (F). I was curious if it would be worth adding some supplemental heat inside my coop? I have read where people will put just a normal lightbulb, all the way to fancy split systems on their...
  5. ChikinInThePines

    Yellow Diarrhea

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I acquired 6 heritage turkeys a couple of months ago (Narragansett). These are more of "pets" than anything. Today, I realized that one of the gobblers near me poo'd a yellowish/mustard color which was a little more watery than usual. I walked over to it and noticed a...
  6. ChikinInThePines

    Lime Time?

    Hey Everyone! I wanted to ask if anyone uses Lime in their chicken runs/coops? We recently obtained 6 turkeys (I know you aren't supposed to house them together, but these are babies still and our temperatures dropped!), and I wanted to make sure the run is kept as clean as possible. We bought a...
  7. ChikinInThePines

    Cold Weather and Turkeys

    Hey everyone! My wife and I acquired 6 heritage turkeys (Narragansett) from a friend, and had to build a quick run/coop for them. Here is what we have.... I know the door is a little fancy, but it is was the cheapest available! We are planning to free range these gobblers once they attribute...
  8. ChikinInThePines

    Narragansett Turkeys

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I have established a perfect little flock of 13 chickens. We originally had 21, then lost one..gave away some...gave 2 roosters away. Pure chicken math. But now, we have 13 altogether. Something that we have been realllllyyy interested in is keeping heritage turkeys...
  9. ChikinInThePines

    Mating Injuries?

    Hey everyone! My wife and I are going on 9 months of raising chickens. We have a beautiful run, and large coop to keep all of them. We started off with 21, and are now down to 17 as we had just wayyyy too many! There is an issue that we are trying to solve currently involving what seems to be...
  10. ChikinInThePines

    Purebreds and Mutts

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I have successfully graduated with an A+ in chicken math as our original "5 chickens max" has turned into 24.... Here is the issue we are facing. We currently have a run and coop that is plenty big enough to house all of them! We planned BIG. However, we were gifted a...
  11. ChikinInThePines

    Surprise Chick

    Hey everyone! My wife and I received our chicks around the middle of April. We ordered Anconas, Americaunas, and Barred Rocks. We only lost one from the shipment, but the one surprise chick is definitely a curveball! She started off as a normal size little yellow chick, but now she is 5x the...
  12. ChikinInThePines

    Purina Feed?

    Hey everyone! My wife and I are new to keeping chickens and have been using Manna Pro for awhile now (even in the past with Quail). We will most likely need to change to a more "bulk" option of feed - however, our local stores have stopped carrying Purina due to the issues they have caused for...
  13. ChikinInThePines

    Too Hot?

    Hey everyone! We have been raising 8 baby chicks who are now just over 1 week old. They are fuzzy and starting to get some nice colored feathers coming in. One thing I noticed is that one of our Brahma chicks will lay and start panting. Now she doesn’t pant all the time, but only when I spy on...
  14. ChikinInThePines

    Outgrowing the Tote

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I acquired 8 free chicks from our friends nearby. 4 Blue Factor Brahmas, 2 Speckled Sussex, and 2 Rhode Island Blues (Our friends pure-breed rare stuff). So far, they have been doing great! Not scared/hand-shy and are very healthy. They are at about 1.5 weeks old now...
  15. ChikinInThePines

    To Roof or Not to Roof?

    Hey Everyone! My last post on here was regarding a coop design in the hot foothills of South Carolina. We ended up going with an "Open Coop" design that will ultimately be perfect. We have been taking advice from our friend and his wife (who is a veterinarian) about a coop and run design but I...
  16. ChikinInThePines

    Male Chicks?

    Hey BC community! I wanted to ask a quick question as I know that some hatcheries may operate differently...but what do major hatcheries do with the excess male chicks that aren't sold? I have read (and seen) many chicken industries straight up kill every male chick that is hatched. Out of...
  17. ChikinInThePines

    Got Hot Chickens?

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I finally decided to dive in and get some chickens. We now have 16 of them arriving the 2nd week of April here in South Carolina. So now I have been given the "Honey-Do" task of making the coop. Now I have a lot of experience with parrots and all kinds of birds, but...
  18. ChikinInThePines

    Pre-Fab Vs. Scratch

    Hey everyone! My fiance and I are pretty serious about raising some chickens for fresh eggs. Our schedules work out very nicely to where we can let the chickens free range while we’re home. The biggest issue/question we have been brainstorming is buying a pre-fab coop or building from scratch...
  19. ChikinInThePines

    Cotton Pickin'Finger Lickin'Chickin Plucker in the making

    Good Morning Everyone! I moved to South Carolina 2 years ago with my girlfriend (now fiance). We recently bought a home with 30 acres of land and are looking to keep chickens and have our own fresh eggs! Now being from south Florida I am used to the heat, however I must say South Carolina is...
  20. ChikinInThePines

    Hen Mother Gagging?

    hey everyone! My button Quail recently had 6 babies and she started doing this “regurgitating/open mouth” thing. I added some chick grit to their crumbles. Any idea on what this is? I’ve been reading about sour crop and different things. Video in Link. Hen Gagging
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