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  • Users: mlcrowley
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  1. mlcrowley

    All the quail advice

    Okay, here goes … any and all advice/constructive criticism is welcome, I need as much info as anyone’s willing to take the time to give. This will probably be long, apologies and thanks in advance if you make it to the end. We purchased 10 coturnix quail, they were 5 days old. We lost 3 of the...
  2. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    I have 7 coturnix quail. We got them 5 days after hatch (hatch date was 10/17). They are now 6 weeks old. Can anyone tell gender based on feather pattern? I’ve read that some colors you can, some you can’t. I’m not sure what colors they even are, we’re brand new to quail. Any info you can give...
  3. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    TLDR: wanting to know hen or roo ;) Parents: Roo - Black Bantam Cochin Hen(s) - Barred Rock for chicks #1 and #2, unknown for chick #3, but will follow with list of breed possibilities, maybe silver laced? These chicks were hatched on 7/31, so they’re a little over 3 weeks old at this point...
  4. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    We got 4 polish chicks bought as straight run. Two are white crested, two are silver laced. They are almost 6 weeks old, so I know it’s still early, but I wanted to see if anyone had any guesses. We’re fairly certain of gender on 3 of the 4, but the smallest one is giving me a run for my money...
  5. mlcrowley

    Integrating one young bird

    I think I've officially entered crazy chicken lady status, there's a chicken sleeping in my bedroom Anyhow, we went to our local fair type thing and they held a "chicken chase" where they let kids chase chickens around and if they catch one, they get to keep them. My 4 and 5 year olds both...
  6. mlcrowley

    Contagious disease?

    Hello all, We just lost our dear Vesta, a 3 year old Easter Egger. We had a really hot few days (over 90) and she didn't seem to be handling the heat well. We did our best to keep all 5 of our girls cool, they had plenty of shade, lots of cool water refreshed often, cool treats, etc. We would...
  7. mlcrowley

    Easter Egger Roo Southwest Idaho

    Unsure of his age, he was great in the beginning, but he does NOT like small children. He's gone after my two year old twice and his days are now numbered here. He's been around goats and dogs and done fine. He's great with the ladies. He finds food for them, watches for predators and I've seen...
  8. mlcrowley

    Egg questions from a chicken newbie

    Hi! This may seem silly, I apologize if so. We've got 5 3-year old hens that are starting to lay after a rough winter. I thought I had it narrowed down to who was laying, but today they confused me. It seems as though we are getting 5 different colored eggs, so that would tell me all 5 have...
  9. mlcrowley

    Hen isolates herself, normal?

    I've got 5 hens, all about 3 years old and all have been together since they were tiny. They all get along well, but I have one EE who's almost always by herself. They free range during the day and the flock will all wander around together for the most part, but she seems to be by herself more...
  10. mlcrowley

    Hen is squinting, no other symptoms

    I did a search for squinting hens and it seems as though respiratory infection is the usual culprit? How long would that take to show other symptoms? Or for any of the other girls to get sick. When we first brought her home she was squinting, I assumed she got pecked during transport or...
  11. mlcrowley

    Any guesses who laid this?

    We have 5 girls that are approx. 3 years old, I haven't been expecting any eggs at all since it's cold and not enough light these days, plus their age. The guy we got them from a few weeks ago said before winter they were all still laying but had slowed down to a near stop once winter hit. We...
  12. mlcrowley

    Breed guesses?

    We got these ladies from a guy that couldn't remember what breeds they all are. We've made our guesses based on some really in depth research (Google chicken pictures), but I'm really interested to see what you guys think. The first pic is Ethel and Vesta (Ethel in front, Vesta behind her)...
  13. mlcrowley

    Newbie, hello all!

    Hi! New to chickens and BYC. We've been talking about chickens ever since we bought our property 8 months ago. Done a ton of research, but never owned any ourselves. Anyhow, the coop was almost finished and I happened across an ad for 5 happy healthy 3 year old laying hens in need of a home...
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