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  • Users: trunkman
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  1. trunkman

    Show us your processing set up, here's mine. " pics"

    This is my overall setup. my dipping pot, I heat the water to 150 degrees, I also add dish detergent, it's said it helps make plucking easier but I found it takes that disgusting dirty wet chicken smell out of the whole process, I loved it! the cone, my home made plucker, this is...
  2. trunkman

    disappointed in processed weights

    I just processed my 3rd batch of cornish rocks last weekend and have to say I was very disappointed in the weights after processing. I was expecting 4 and a half to 6 pound range but ended up with an average of 3 pounds each at 8 weeks and 3 days. I kept them of feed 24 hours a day for the first...
  3. trunkman

    attacked by a tom "pic"

    Thank god I had full length jeans on, today I decided to separate my two toms because they have been cooped up in a 12 ft by 12 ft run together for the past couple of months. I separated them from the hens because the hens had gone broody and were laying on eggs. The toms were sometimes...
  4. trunkman

    Is anyone selling turkey eggs or poults?

    I haven't seen many people selling turkey eggs or poults in my area or on here this spring. Do any of you sell them and if so how much do you sell them for in your area? The price I have in mind is $50 a dozen for hatching eggs and around $7 or $8 for poults. Am I in a good price range?
  5. trunkman

    hatch with tom in pen

    I have several turkey eggs that I put in the incubator last night so it will be tied up for 28 days so in the meantime the 2 hens are still laying. I'd love to have the hens hatch their own poults but I'm wondering if the tom will let the hens set on the eggs since they're in the same inclosure...
  6. trunkman

    keeping eggs refridgerated

    My 2 hens just started laying eggs, I found 4 eggs in their run today! My main goal is to hatch poults and don't want to incubate just 4 or 6 eggs at a time so I'd like to know how long can you keep eggs in the fridge before you incubate them, what is a good time frame?
  7. trunkman

    anyone have chickens and bees?

    I'm about to be the owner of two bee hives and also already have a bunch of chickens that I free range in the area that I will have the hives set up so I'm worried if the chickens will bother the bees. Do any of you have both bees and chickens that co-exist and if so have you had any problems...
  8. trunkman

    signs of aggression?

    I have 3 toms and 2 hens cooped up in a large stall and run, I realize it is mating season and the Toms are getting aggressive towards each other and need to be separated, not a problem. My concern is that one of the large toms comes toward me when my back is turned and not quite but acts like...
  9. trunkman

    Turkeys fighting like crazy

    I have 3 toms and 2 hens penned up in a 12 by 24 run and 12 by 8 stall that are about 10 months old. They have been fighting a lot and bloodying themselves almost every day. My question is should I keep just one tom with the hens or just keep them the way they are?
  10. trunkman

    Super crazy behavior!

    I bought 26 egg laying day old chicks last October. All was well and every chick survived to this point but I have one production red chick that goes nuts every once in a while. I have a 40 ft. by 50 ft. open chicken run for them to scratch and run around in so they have plenty of space to do...
  11. trunkman

    Super crazy behavior!

    I bought 26 egg laying day old chicks last October. All was well and every chick survived to this point but I have one production red chick that goes nuts every once in a while. I have a 40 ft. by 50 ft. open chicken run for them to scratch and run around in so they have plenty of space to do...
  12. trunkman

    fun guess on first egg!? And first breed to lay.

    I bought 20 pullets 16 weeks ago today, 5 are leghorns, 5 are California greys, 5 are California whites and 5 are cuckoo marans. Which breed do you think will lay the first egg and on what date? Just for fun.
  13. trunkman

    Are any of your turkeys having a hard time with this cold?

    It was 5 degrees here in South Carolina last night and I thought the turkeys would have a hard time or get frost bite but it looks like they made it ok. They have a 3 sided covered stall they can stay in at night but chose to perch outside instead, I guess they know what they're doing, I would...
  14. trunkman

    should I coop up turkeys that attack chickens?

    I have 5 bourbon red turkeys that are pecking at and chasing the chickens and it's driving us nuts. We decided to separate the turkeys from the chickens so I'm making them an 8 by 12 three sided stall with a 12 by 20 enclosed run. They've been free range since they were about 2 months old and...
  15. trunkman

    finishing feed for added flavor??

    My cornish are 6 weeks old, 2 weeks till processing day and I am wondering if any of you feed them anything to add to their food to add flavor to the meat, or do you just keep them on starter grower the whole time?
  16. trunkman

    WOW!! 25 two week old cornish chicks eat 7 lbs of feed in one day!

    I bought 25 cornish rock chicks 2 weeks ago and feed them according to what the hatchery suggests I should but I fed them 7 pounds of starter/grower last night and when I got home from work this afternoon they were out of food! I think that is a bit too much for such small chicks, I've heard of...
  17. trunkman

    when do turkey hens start to lay?

    My hen is 6 months old and I am wondering if she will start to lay any time soon, do they lay this time of year or start in early spring?
  18. trunkman

    6 month old toms fighting, should I seperate?

    Hi, I'm also new to turkeys, I hatched them in May, 2 are toms and 1 a hen, then hatched 2 more in June which I think are hens. The toms started fighting recently and not to mention they are ruining my fall gardens. I have an 8 ft. by 8 ft. stall built in back of my shed with an 8 ft. by 20...
  19. trunkman

    Chicks from Strombergs Hatchery

    I'd like to let everyone know that I ordered 50 chicks from Strombergs Hatchery a couple of weeks ago and received them this past Friday. All the chicks made it alive and very active but I did lose one that looked very small compared to the rest of the chicks and had pasty but which I did try to...
  20. trunkman

    how big to I build my turkey nesting boxes?

    Hi everyone, I hatched some turkeys this spring and want my hens to hatch their own poults instead of my having to buy them from a breeder. I just need to know how big to make the nesting boxes, I have chicken nest boxes but know they are too small for turkeys so I'm in need of a little advice...
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