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  • Users: Sire12
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  1. Sire12

    How to encorage chickens to roost instead of sleeping on the ground ?

    I tried using 2 inch and 3 inch thick wood shafts but they just lay under them , in the mornings their bellies are dirty from lying on the coop floor is the problem, they are wing clipped but I've seen them get up onto tables before so I know they can reach them
  2. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    I was given an almost 3 year old female husky from an older couple who couldn't look after her any more, I have a flock of 14 hens in a large backyard and already have a jack russel and Doberman who were taught to respect the hens, but since huskies have such high prey drives I'm not sure if I...
  3. Sire12

    One of the chicks hatched a day early its fluffed up and all but the others have only just pipped will she be ok or should I remove her

    They were due to hatch on Sunday night and one hatched and was walking around last night its fluffed up now but the others have only just started to pip so they could take another day to come out and longer than that to fluff up
  4. Sire12

    Can you add eggs under a broody hen a few days after she starts brooding

    One of my hens has started to go broody which is great since I've had no luck with incubation, she started yesterday can I keep adding the other hens eggs under her for a few days or would that interrupt the cycle since some of them would hatch on day 21, then some of day 22 etc? she's the top...
  5. Sire12

    Is this the correct way to turn eggs prior to incubation

    Just started collecting eggs today I've been turning them 3-4 times a day like this but is this the right way to do it?
  6. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    I think they're about 3 weeks old they came from a company that sells birds for meat but I'm planning on keeping them for laying, could they be buff orpingtons? or is it too early to tell
  7. Sire12

    Need help identifying these candled eggs as good or bad please

    It's day 9, the eggs are from mixed breed hens crossed with a brahma rooster, there's 24 eggs and they all look the same except for 3 which were completely clear and I threw out, the rest look like this where there is a bit of a dark mass but I can't see any red spider veins or anything
  8. Sire12

    Is it necessary to candle eggs on day 7 or can you just wait until day 14?

    I'm new to incubation and have been reading up on what to look for when candling and some articles are saying even if you're unsure if they're good or bad eggs on day 7 then leave them in until day 14 just to be sure, it's day 6 for me now and I'm wondering if I should disturb them tomorrow or...
  9. Sire12

    What is the minimum amount of hens per roosters so that the roosters won't fight each other?

    I've read that as a rule of thumb 1 rooster per 10 hens seems to be the sweet spot, I currently have 1 rooster and 5 hens and they're happy enough they have huge big yard to free range in all day and I'm planning on hatching out some eggs in an incubator and keeping 1 of the hatched roos...
  10. Sire12

    I forgot to turn my eggs before putting them in the incubator, are they no good now?

    I've been collecting eggs for a week and set them pointy end down but didn't realise until now that I was supposed to turn them every day, should I collect a new batch for incubating or are they still viable?
  11. Sire12

    Does anyone have pictures of what a brahma rooster and Orpington hen cross looks like

    I have a large brahma rooster and a blue Orpington hen and I'm thinking of hatching out her eggs, I can't seem to find any pics of what this cross would look like when they're fully grown
  12. Sire12

    What breed of hen is this

    I've had her for a few years she's larger than average and lays quite a large egg compared to the others, she's pure black all over except for a bit of red on her neck, in these pics she is standing next to a blue Orpington for a size comparison
  13. Sire12

    Hen has green diarrhea and lethargic

    One of my hens has been on and off lethargic for about 8 months sometimes she seems depressed and stays on her on at one part of the yard, the past few days though she hasn't been eating much and seems more tired she's barely moving and has started having watery green diarrhea, what could be...
  14. Sire12

    Limping hen - her middle toe is limp

    I just noticed this an hour ago she was ok yesterday, I've had to treat bumblefoot so I know it could be that but her middle toe is limp and she wasn't able to grab onto my finger with it could this mean its broken? They don't have anywhere that is high anymore where she could have feel from so...
  15. Sire12

    Which type of grass seed should I buy for a free range yard - fast growing and hard wearing

    They have created a few blank spots here and there in the garden so I'm going to fence it off and sow some grass seeds to even it all back out, which kind is best for this? They hens usually have free range of the whole backyard, are there any types of grass seeds which would suit best for this...
  16. Sire12

    Hen is badly egg bound or something similar please help

    I didn't know what it was until yesterday but she had been showing symptoms for a few days before that, then when I realised what it was I learned what to do I brought her inside and let her nest in a basin with shavings, and gave her the bath with epsom salts, I didn't have any calcium pills...
  17. Sire12

    I'm looking to buy a new chicken house - which material is best to avoid red mite?

    I'd prefer to get a shed rather than a coop as they are used to sleeping in a shed on roosts also a shed gives me more room to get in and power wash and is easier cleaned out, it's mostly for them to sleep in as they will be free ranging for the rest of the day so no need for a run. At first I...
  18. Sire12

    Can you use tarp sheets to line a chicken run to make it easier to clean?

    I'm moving soon and I'm going to make a narrow run for my chickens about 4-5 foot wide and 40 foot long, it's going to be connected to their coop and nest boxes and il only put them in here when it's dark so for most of the day they will have free run of the rest of the garden - but since their...
  19. Sire12

    I'm moving house from a semi urban concrete backyard to a rural grass backyard, a few questions

    Hi I'm moving into new house and bringing my 9 hens with me, I've only ever had them in a concrete yard before so I'm not sure what it's like to have them in a grass garden, their coop is currently a shed with roosts in it so I need to buy a coop with a run or just a coop and build a run since I...
  20. Sire12

    These tiny bugs / mites are infesting my coop please help

    I just noticed them at the weekend, they're so small I couldn't really get my camera to focus enough to get good pics, they seem to only be living in and on wood, the whole shed is made from wood aswell as their roosts and they are everywhere I get some on me every time I enter the coop they...
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