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  1. purslanegarden

    Anyone interested in adopting pigeons? (dallas/ft worth area)

    I need to thin out the group that I have, it's a little more than I can take care of now at this time. I don't know the species name for them but they look like a typical pigeon. No fancy tail feathers or feathers on feet, or 5 toes, etc I'm currently thinking of doing 6-8 of them are...
  2. purslanegarden

    Ideas for how to cover food/water trays at night

    I knew it was a matter of time but I now see evidence of rodents visiting my pigeon coop at night, taking food and water as well, I'm sure. I pretty much can only think of every night, having to go cover up the food and water trays with some kind of heavy bucket/pail/diy container of some...
  3. purslanegarden

    Ideas for pigeon coop bedding

    My pigeon coop is a converted chicken coop on the ground. It's tall enough for them to fly around in. No more chickens, but I currently have 9 pigeons. I used straw for the chickens, and while they kicked it around, they would also kick it back, so that there really were not any bare spots...
  4. purslanegarden

    Which leg band size for teen and adult birds?

    I know that some pigeons are usually banded when they are just a few days old, as well as adults may be banded or their bands may be changed. But I don't know which sizes to get for the birds at these different ages. Any tips on what sizes I should have in stock and where to get them? I only...
  5. purslanegarden

    Proximity of multiple pigeon nests in same pigeon living area

    I made a typical chicken box style nesting area out of wood. Double version, so the nesting areas are right next to each other. For chickens, this would not be a problem, but I wonder if it is a problem for pigeon couples? I have 3 pigeons, 2 of them are a pair. Earlier this year, I noticed...
  6. purslanegarden

    Ideas for coop bedding needed

    For my 3 pigeons, which I am just raising them for fun and education, I'm re-using a coop that was originally intended for chickens (the chickens are gone now). The coop is on bare ground, and I use straw for the bedding. This worked fine for chickens, who will move the straw around as they...
  7. purslanegarden

    Wild bird feed with a few additives?

    I have just 2 pigeons. They are just for a hobby/pets rather than some kind of competitive or racing/show birds. My local farm feed story does sell racing pigeon feed at about $18 for a 50-pound bag (nothing smaller, unfortunately). But I was thinking that I don't want to keep 50 pounds...
  8. purslanegarden

    The size of the ladder pieces on the coop ramps

    I recently had to build a ramp for the chicken coop. I saw pretty much many similar designs with the ramp and what looks like small pieces of wood (let's say it's about 1 or 2" wide) that would be added on top of the ramp, which I assume is for footing. I did have small pieces of wood that I...
  9. purslanegarden

    Male mate died mysteriously, what happens with female partner?

    The other day I came home and the male pigeon of a mated pair had passed away. The two of them have 3 pigeon babies still all living together. No eggs currently. Would I be able to pair her with a new male or is this considered a bust, as far as this female pigeon goes? Thanks!
  10. purslanegarden

    DIY pigeon waterers?

    I'm currently using a typical chicken waterer with flat top. For chickens and quail, that works well enough to keep the water clean. But for pigeons, there is a pigeon sitting on top of it, pooping into the water. What kind of watering container/tray do you use for the pigeons to help keep...
  11. purslanegarden

    Dallas, Tx area: 6 baby chicks calling your name!

    I am in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area (Texas). I have 6 baby chicks that were hatched last week from an assortment of chicken eggs. I am looking for a new home for them. That might be a lot at once so I would like that if someone can't take all 6 together, then at least take 2. But because...
  12. purslanegarden

    Dallas, Tx area : adult hen and 2 older chicks need new home

    The hen is a few months old and is laying already. The 2 chicks were bought around Easter, so I don't know if they still qualify to be called chicks but they are quite cute and eager to explore their surroundings. Currently the three do not get along though, since the baby chicks were bought...
  13. purslanegarden

    Explain this behavior: pigeon dad seems to be chasing child away

    We have 2 adult pigeons since last spring. They tried a few times to lay and sit on eggs but only got their first successful hatch in December, in the middle of wintry temperatures and weather. We lost that batch to winter weather conditions. We had our 2nd brood of baby pigeons in early...
  14. purslanegarden

    I have never fully understood the humidity conditions

    I use a hovabator with the plastic tray for holding water. Generally, what I understand is, more water, means more humidity. Somewhere I read , maybe a long time ago in the instructions, that I can put water in just some of the carved out areas of the plastic tray, to get a certain % of...
  15. purslanegarden

    Hovabator wafer thermostat question about reliability

    The first year (about 5 years ago) that I bought this Hovabotor incubator, I had a good success rate. 2nd year was pretty good too. But on the 3rd year, barely any hatches. I did get some, so I assumed that the other eggs were just bad. 4th year, pretty much no hatches so I quit. I thought...
  16. purslanegarden

    Unknown female pheasant needs new home in Dallas (DFW) area

    I bought this 1.5 year old female pheasant with a male when they were babies, but the male didn't make it long. To my knowledge, she has only laid eggs about two times, so I think I never gave her the proper environment for her to feel comfortable laying more eggs, even if they were...
  17. purslanegarden

    Is it possible to relocate nest with babies?

    Ever since I was a kid, I've been told not to touch baby birds or the parents may abandon it. Even reading a bit here, I see stories that people are careful to take the babies (for feeding) at night or in the cover of darkness. But if the nest is not in a good location, especially with the...
  18. purslanegarden

    Ideas for keeping poop off the top of nesting house

    I had made a typical chicken-style nest box out of plywood (around 12" square) Now in retrospect, it is bigger than it needs to be for a pigeon but I'm using it anyway because it's available and it doesn't look half-bad for first time so I didn't want to not use it. It was supposed to hang...
  19. purslanegarden

    Seems like pigeons don't need as much poop maintenance as chickens? Is that right?

    I'm used to chickens, quail, and ducks. For those birds, we are often learning that we should provide a way that soaks up or dissipates bird poop. This includes having a caged bottom or straw in the coop / chicken house. However, for pigeons, so far from what I've seen, many people build the...
  20. purslanegarden

    Duck is actually jump-flying-biting me, how to deal with it?

    I have 2 muscovy ducks, male and female, around 6-7 months old. I have seen from having previous rouen ducks, as well as reading additional stories here, that the (usually) male ducks will bite your toes or leg areas either at a certain age or maybe closer to mating times. It's the winter...
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