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  • Users: kari_dawn
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  1. kari_dawn

    crested cream legbar hen x blue game mix roo = autosexing?

    So I have a clutch of eggs hatching, and some of them are crested cream legbar eggs. My rooster is a blue game mix, and when the first chick from a blue egg hatched, it had a white spot on it's head, which reminded me about autosexing. I know pure crested cream legbars are auto it...
  2. kari_dawn

    Broody hatch novice

    I have a hen that has been sitting on like, nearly 30 eggs (its a long story :rolleyes:). The first one hatched yesterday. A second one several hours later, and a third this morning. I don't see any other pips. How long do I let her keep sitting on those eggs? How do I know when I can start...
  3. kari_dawn

    Rare Breed assortments?

    I have two rare-breed assortment chicks in my order. I am pretty sure one of them is a buff brahma, but I am not sure about the other one. Maybe buckeye? She doesn't have a single comb. The possibilities follow. What say you? Buckeye Ancona Easter Egger Ameraucana Sumatra Andalusians Appenzeller...
  4. kari_dawn

    new chick, may need help?

    Okay, this is kind of a long story. I lost my blue orpington to old age about a month ago (she hatched in 2012, came from my pet chicken hatchery). I loved her dearly. She moved with me when I returned to university to finish my degree, and was the sole survivor of multiple assaults by a...
  5. kari_dawn

    first time incubating eggs

    So, this is kind of a long story, but here goes. In 2012, I ordered some chicks from My Pet Chicken. This order included blue orpingtons. The following year, I moved to return to university and complete my degree. I took my chickens with me. A neighbor dog slaughtered all but my now single blue...
  6. kari_dawn

    Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Roosters?

    Bought three pullets, suspected one to be a roo when I brought them home, now I suspect all three. Thoughts?
  7. kari_dawn

    Hens or Roos?

    I got a batch of freezer camp sexlink roosters (the white ones with black mantles), and a few barnyard mixes from a local lady. The barnyard mixes were straight run. I think the one with the black patch at the base of the tail may be a rooster, and the cream colored one with feathered shanks and...
  8. kari_dawn

    mystery roo? mutt perhaps?

    So, my local ASOs brought me a new roo today....he's brand new, and afraid, so sorry for the poor pics...he has a black breast with smutty pseudo lacing (or really poor actual lacing, but he wont let me get a good look or a pic), feathered shanks, and he is not single combed...any ideas?
  9. kari_dawn

    Partial Molt?

    My blue orpington seems to be going through her first "big girl" molt...except it appears that her new feathers have come in...she didn't loose all of her old feathers...she looks very patchy. Parts of her have beautiful new blue feathers, and the rest of her has ragged feathers that are longer...
  10. kari_dawn

    Best Guy EVER? I think yes. ^_^

    Ever had one of those days where you just wanna retreat from the world for a while? yep. that was me today. Until my guy came home. With a fresh leg of deer!!! Bacon wrapped deer steaks, asparagus, and homemade mashed potatoes for dinner. A gal could get used to this!
  11. kari_dawn

    Just found out I can have roosters here!!!

    I just moved to a half acre in the middle of a small town, and found out I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE ROOSTERS!!!!!! I am pretty excited about it, because in my opinion, a rooster is one of the very best ways to protect your flock. I have a half acre, but most of it is wide open, then partly surrounded...
  12. kari_dawn

    pretty easter egger pullet?

    She's such a unique color...hatch/ship date: Aug. 25th 2014...I really want her to be a her...
  13. kari_dawn

    Splash Orpington? Pullet?

    This beauty is one of my ten mystery, rare breed assortment chicks...I believe she may be a splash (blue) orpington. Can you guys confirm? The comprehensive list of possible breeds is below the pictures. Buckeye Ancona Easter Egger Ameraucana (Wheaten, Blue, Black, Splash) Black...
  14. kari_dawn

    rare partridge somethings?

    I ordered 10 rare mystery chicks a while back, and have been waiting for them to be big enough for me to tell what they are. You guys helped me on a couple of them already, and I am pretty sure I have a splash orpington in the mix, which I am super excited about, but I have these three chipmunk...
  15. kari_dawn

    assorted rare breeds = chicken pandemonium?

    I ordered 10 assorted rare breed chickens along with my normal docile, friendly, dual purpose types (2 EE, 1 BCM, 1 speckled sussex) to join my lone remaining blue orpington hen. From the breeds I can determine so far, it looks like I am in for a circus going by their "typical"...
  16. kari_dawn

    Columbian Wyandotte?

    So, I have been watching this little chicken develop, and I am beginning to think maybe a Columbian Wyandotte since that is one of the possible breeds, but she seems to have a single comb...I guess hatchery stock wyandottes sometimes have single combs...what do you think? Here is the possible...
  17. kari_dawn

    what the heck is she?!

    Okay, I have a crew of 15 little peepers running around, and I know what most of them are, but this one has me stumped. I have posted her before, and haven't gotten any guesses, so I am giving her her very own thread this time. It occurs to me that it is possible she isn't one of the "rare...
  18. kari_dawn

    not silver spangled hamburgs? + one more unknown

    I posted these pictures the day these little guys arrived, and the guesses made were silver spangled hamburgs. They have possible rose combs, grayish feet, and little white racing stripes. However, as they have begun to feather, they have quite a bit of black...a different color variety of...
  19. kari_dawn

    The babies have arrived! ^_^

    So, I ordered late this year, and they were sold out of most of the breeds I wanted, SO I went for the assorted rare breeds grab bag. I got ten little ones from the rare breed lotto, and I have figured out at least one for sure (most definitely a Sicilian buttercup), but I am not sure on most of...
  20. kari_dawn

    Well, I am not exactly new, but I haven't been here in a LOOONNNGGGG time.

    Howdy from Texas. It's been a super long time since I have showed up around these parts. I kinda backed off for a while when I lost all but my two BLRW girls to some voracious predators. Even after I replaced my losses, I again lost the whole crew after a big move, where I went from full time...
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