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  1. Coturnix Quail

    Swollen Vent Area

    My 4 year old hen has been kind of swollen around her vent area. It feels tight. What’s strange to me is that i can feel her stomach bone very easily, and although it feels like she’s gaining weight, the bone is still sticking out. I see her eat all the time. Anyone have any clue what’s been...
  2. Coturnix Quail

    Doughy Crop

    One of my hens is very thin, and when i felt her crop yesterday it was a bit mushy. I felt it again today and the mushy buldge got larger. She acts normally, and i think this isn’t sour crop, so what is it and how do i treat it?
  3. Coturnix Quail

    Thin Hen

    I’ve noticed a little while back my almost 4 year old hen’s belly bone was apparent. I didn’t think much of it because she was molting, but today i’ve felt it again and it’s MUCH more prominent. It’s almost like it’s popping out?? She’s not lethargic or anything, acts completely fine, when i go...
  4. Coturnix Quail

    Possible Infection In Toe (Bumblefoot aftermath)

    I have this hen who had bumblefoot, she was my first ever for treating bumblefoot, but i think i got it all out. Its been a few weeks now, and her wound still hasn’t healed, it was raw because i picked off the scab because it was black. I know i know bad idea, because about a week later (today)...
  5. Coturnix Quail

    After Bumblefoot Treatment

    So, i’ve treated 2/4 of my hens for their bumblefoot. The two that have been treated are still separated from the other hens. It’s been a few weeks for each of them, and they do have scabs over the area of bumblefoot and the swelling is gone. I was just wondering how much longer i have to keep...
  6. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    I've recently bought Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer, and I've been wondering how to administer it to my flock of 7. Everyone says something different, and I read somewhere that is wasn't water soluble? Some places say to mix it with their feed, but mostly I've seen orally, which seems like a bit...
  7. Coturnix Quail


    My 3 year old hen has been acting strange for the past few months, she lost a lot of weight, her comb turned pale, she stopped laying, and she has been lethargic lately. I separated her and her poos were small, green and liquidy. But she did eat egg and her pellets, and she drank her water. Her...
  8. Coturnix Quail

    Sour Crop??

    My 3 y/o australorp hen has lost a lot of weight over the course of a few months, her comb is pale, her poop is very liqudy, small, and green, she also doesn’t lay anymore. I checked her crop after keeping her without food and water, and it feels squishy like memory foam, even after she hasn’t...
  9. Coturnix Quail

    Weight Loss + Pale Comb

    I’ve noticed recently that my 3 1/2 year old australorp hen hasn’t been the same weight and her comb has become pale. When i pick her up, compared to the other hens she feels like nothing. I’m treating everyone for scaly leg, her legs don’t seem to be affected though. I don’t know if something...
  10. Coturnix Quail

    Run Space Requirement

    Simple question, how much run space do i need for 7 standard hens and 1 bantam to live comfortably? They will be confined almost always unless i let them out under supervision. Also, if i’m getting an 8x10 coop is that too large?
  11. Coturnix Quail

    Bump On Hen’s Eye

    Hello, i have 8 hens that are 3 and a half years old. I noticed a couple days ago that my Easter Egger has a bump on her eye, on the top half there’s a bump the same color as her face, and her eye is still open. The bump used to be smaller but it’s gotten larger which concerns me. I’m pretty...
  12. Coturnix Quail


    Please help me my 2 year old australorp hen was fine this morning but when i went to check on the girls there was blood everywhere in the coop and i found her bleeding from what looks to be her cloaca. She has been poofed up for the past few days but i didn’t think anything of it because it was...
  13. Coturnix Quail


    I have 9 two year old hens and just today after having my parents watch them for a week I found out that one of my RIR hens has a swollen eye! I think it’s from one of the other hens picking at her but usually she does not get picked on. I don’t know the cause or what to do?? They’re all mixed...
  14. Coturnix Quail

    Hand feeding a picky cockatiel

    Hi, so I just got my cockatiel yesterday who’s around 8weeks and last night she ate well but this morning she was being very picky and not getting the syringe in her mouth completely so I can’t feed her, otherwise it’ll get all over her. She did eat half of the syringe though. Also what’s the...
  15. Coturnix Quail

    Is My Baby Tiel Sick??

    I've had my baby for about a month now and just today he's closing his eyes and doesn't follow me around like he used to. He's around 2 months old and I feed him twice a day, but I don't think he's eating the actual seed, he just chews it and spits it out, but he does eat millet. He also knows...
  16. Coturnix Quail

    *URGENT* Creating A Brooder for Young Cockatiels?

    I'm about to get a 3 week or older baby cockatiel, and it'll be my first time. They said they would explain weaning, but can I have some pointers? I have a large fish tank that I can use as a brooder, but how do I sanitize it, and does the baby need a heat lamp or something? What about bedding...
  17. Coturnix Quail

    Extreme Feather Picking!

    Hello, my EE hen has recently been picked on for quite some time. Only on her back and the tip of her wings though. She's about a year old and so are the rest of my 8 hens. At first I thought it was lice/mites but I realized my RIR hen was mounting her so much that she lost her back feathers! Of...
  18. Coturnix Quail

    Do Chickens Need Daily Cuddles And Attention?

    Yes, I know they need food and water daily, but do they need cuddles and attention? My hens sit all day right by the edge of the run and wait for me. If I open the back door they all run to see me. I was wondering if I needed to spend and hour or two daily with them to fulfill their cuddle...
  19. Coturnix Quail

    Is My Easter Egger Sick??

    I have 9 one year old hens. My ee has been losing feathers, the cause of which has been thought to be mites/lice. This has been there for maybe 1-2 months now. I have tried dieatemacious earth and I've been dusting her every now and then but it doesn't seem to be working. Just today I've noticed...
  20. Coturnix Quail

    Conure and Parakeet Questions

    Hi there. I’ve thought about getting a Green Cheek Conure before and I’m thinking again. Currently I have 2 zebra finches 9 chickens and 3 parakeets. Also, I rescued a parakeet a couple months back and my 2 parakeets don’t seem to accept it. The system was I started with 2 parakeets and when one...
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