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  • Users: tlmancuso
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  1. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    Three of my hens are exhibiting bumblefoot symptoms. They have hard dark scabs on the bottom of their feet. They don’t seem to be painful. I have been researching causes of bumblefoot and I think my roosts are too high. They are just over 2 feet and 3 feet in a small coop. The hens in question...
  2. T

    When will broody leave nest after some eggs hatching?

    I have had 5 eggs hatch under my hen on days 21 and 22. 4 eggs are left, but are too dark to candle so I’m wondering when do I remove them from her? Also, when I move her out of the nest to streatch her legs she stays squatting. Will she recover okay from sitting so long? She looks so tired...
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    Hens with poopy butts

    Over half of my flock have poopy butts. This isn’t something I’ve ever noticed before! They are all acting normal and happy, but are all quite messy. Nothing has changed in their diets. I treated them with corrid this past fall. Could they possibly be needing probiotics?
  4. T

    Reoccurring Bumblefoot

    I am having an issue with reoccurring bumble foot in 2 of my hens. The vet recommended replacing their roosting bars with natural branches. They have been having problems since we changed their roost to 2x4’s. What is common to use as a roost? Our old coop had a round wooden dowel and we had...
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    Broken Breastbone??

    my neighbor's dog attacked his hen. I found 2 puncture wounds on her that have been treated, but are infected. She is very sick. I've attatched an image of her breastbone. It's bruised for sure, but not sure what it's supposed to look like. Any input would be appreciated.
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    Chick are rotten food and is now paralyzed

    My 7 week old chick ate rotten food that my husband spread out on the ground to dry. It smells like raw sewage. 24 hours after eating it, she lost function of her legs and lays limp with her neck streatched out. Is this a sign of botulism? Does Mareck's disease present itself that quickly? I'm...
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    Lethargic chick

    One if my 6 week old pullets is acting weak and lethargic. She and her sisters free range with their mom and have been acting normal. This afternoon I noticed that she is constantly laying down and separated from the flock. She is eating and drinking. She's usually really hard to catch, but now...
  8. T

    help! Cracked egg!!

    These eggs have been under the hen and today is day 16. I found this egg cracked tonight. (Yes, my kids drew a face on the egg). Can I repair it or is it too damaged? I'm so sad. I'm down to 4 eggs :(
  9. T

    Question about Incubating day 14

    I have 7 eggs under my hen. Today is day 14. I candled the eggs tonight and saw 5 eggs with obvious chicks inside, but am wondering about the other two. One was much lighter than the others, no obvious veins, but possible air cell and what looks like the dark eye of the chick, but no movement...
  10. T

    Broody hen in very hot weather!

    I have a broody hen sitting on fertile eggs, but the temps are spiking to 105-107 for a 4 day streatch. I can put a fan in the coop and I also have a mister. Should I set up the hen inside the house or keep her in her box outside? I'm worried that if I move her she won't sit on the eggs, but I...
  11. T

    Where to buy Marek's vaccine?

    I am in need of a small amount of Marek's vaccine, but not sure where to purchase it. Everything I've found online is for 1000 doses.
  12. T

    Where to purchase Marek's vaccine

    I am in need of purchasing the Marek's disease vaccine for only 6 chicks, but can only find them in 1000 doses. Where is the best place to purchase the vaccine and can I get it for smaller numbers?
  13. T

    Bumblefoot help!

    My hen has been limping and favoring her foot for a few days now and after cleaning her foot I think she might have a case of bumble foot. If that's the case how in the world do I help her?? I didn't even know this was a thing until today :/
  14. T

    Hen Limping

    I noticed one of our hens favoring her leg and limping two days ago. She can get around, but is slow. She holds her leg up and toes curled as much as possible. I checked for anything obviously wrong with her, but nothing strange. She has full use of her leg and toes and is eating and roosting...
  15. T

    Very sick hen

    I have a hen that is nearly 6 months. When she was 12 weeks old she was lost in over 100 degrees for a day and when we found her she was dehydrated and her feet were curled. I treated her with vitamins. It progressed to the point that she could only stumble backward and could not eat/drink...
  16. T

    Hen attacked by dog

    My favorite hen got into the neighbors yard yesterday and their dog attacked her. She has 3 long wounds on her back that didn't bleed, but are deep. I cleaned them out with iodine and have her separated from the flock. My questions are do I need to clean the wounds out daily? Should I be...
  17. T

    Can heat cause hens to stop laying?

    We recently went through a heat wave. Almost a week above 100! I have noticed a couple of my hens have stopped laying. One hen had just recently started laying and no eggs for over a week. Could this be caused by the high temps?
  18. T

    Sick Chick

    I have a 12 week old pullet who has had trouble walking since mid July. At first she got around okay with everyone, but two weeks ago I isolated her and am giving her vitamins. She's happy and eating and drinking, but will not stand or walk. When she walks she's weak and wobbly and off balance...
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    Weak Pullet

    I have an 11 week old Salmon Faverolle pullet who has weak legs. She got lost in 100 degree temps for a day about 4 weeks ago and when she returned she was very dehydrated and weak. She could not open her feet well and was off balance. I gave her electrolytes and she recovered after 2 days, but...
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    Silkie chicks with diarrhea!!

    I was given two 4 month old silkie chicks yesterday. They have diarrhea this morning. One wobbles her head when she drinks. They were both wet like they splashed in the water and their head feathers were wet. I know nothing about silkies and am worried something is very wrong with them!! They...
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