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    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    Hello Everyone, One of my chickens appeared like this today. I have cleaned her, put her in warm water to relax, and tried to put the guts back inside, but it's not working :( The strange brown mass attached to the prolapse looks like poo but it's not coming off. Could it be something else? What...
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    I caught him on video. I can't take him to a vet... Can someone help me, please???
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    Chick with puffed up skin! Help!

    One of my month-old chicks has a patch of skin, around the crop area, which is looking like a balloon. I don't know what to think of it... It is behaving normally, so far... but I'm afraid it doesn't look like the others...
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    Roosters fought, one lost an eye... what now?

    I know they need both eyes to see and function properly. Will the injured cockerel be able to do his basic stuff? I mean, can he still defend himself in a fight, watch over the flock, feed, etc.?
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    Hatching Dirty Eggs?

    Last night one of the eggs in my broody's nest broke... The hen, apparently, ate most of it but, still, some of the other eggs became full of yolk. Plus, it's been raining and her muddy feet went all over them. Is it ok just to leave them like this or should I try to clean them up somehow?
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    Chicken with a weird injury! Please, Help!!

    Two days ago I noticed a bump on her back (size of a small olive), right under her left wing. I didn't know what to do at the time (no vets here!) and since she appeared to be alright, I thought maybe it were just a bug bit. Today, however, she is not appearing alright anymore, has fluffed up...
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    HELP!!!! Pullet with a bloody butt! Don't know what to do!

    I don't know if the pullet has started laying yet. I noticed her being too lethargic today, so I picked her up and saw blood coming from her butt. I don't now what to do, not even where to begin with - and no vets around! Help, please!!!
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    Help with dosage of Tylan for CRD

    I have only one bird - my little Erik, on the photo - who has breathing problems. So, I don't want to medicate the whole flock by adding Tylan to their water. I thought of giving him the medicine directly into his beak, but for that I need to find the right dosage for his weight (2,250 Kg). Can...
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    My name is Kelly... Gene Kelly – Tale of A Great Rooster

    This story began when I arrived as a 4-month old cockerel, in May 2016, to the Valley of the Fox. I came as a gift to a couple of newbie carers, along with two younger girls – Lucrezia, the black beauty, and Isabel, the golden one. At first, we were suspicious of these strange...
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    How to treat recurring Chronic Respiratory Disease?

    Dear everyone, I have lost half of my flock to CRD, before I finally came across the right information: Tylan. I gave it to my birds when the illness was affecting almost all of them. Some still died, but the rest managed to make it into adulthood (10). Now, three months past, all seems fine...
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    How sensitive are chickens to human stress?

    Greetings everyone, Yesterday I spent the whole day with my birds, all normal and well... Then, a problem came up (nothing related with the chickens) and I got somewhat upset. I mean, I became nervous but I didn't yell or do anything strange. I was just talking about it with a friend who was...
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    Dear Everyone, I found this very enlightening text about roosters on the internet and thought it would be as useful for you as it was for me. I'm showing here the complete text, with credits. Enjoy! ---- Draft 11/7/08 By Mary Britton Clouse, Chicken Run Rescue Dedicated to Bing, who taught...
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    Black Star and Red Star... Roosters?!

    Hello everybody, I'm very confused here and need opinions. I bought half a dozen of "pure breed laying hens" but two of them, possibly three, are developing worryingly curved tails. I don't see comb or wattle development, plus their faces are still very pink, but that back side is really too...
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    Clipping wings and many doubts...

    Chickens jump over fences, we know, but is wing clipping really such a good idea? My situation: - My chickens live in an enclosure with high walls and a few lower access points, like gates and windows. It's pretty difficult for predators like cats, foxes or genets to break in but, if they...
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    My chickens are "purring"...

    Hello folks, good morning/good afternoon/good evening...! I've always loved psychology and everything my chickens do is subject of analysis! Lol... So, I've noticed this very cute thing they do, when they are sleepy or when they are on my lap and I'm petting them: it's a subtle trembling, the...
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    How intelligent is your chicken?

    I have come across the most diverse opinions on this matter, ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other. Actually, there is quite serious investigation being done nowadays, on the brain capacity of chickens. So, what are your feelings/experience on this? Do you believe they are as dumb as...
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    Greetings from Portugal!

    Dear folks, My name is Ariadne, I'm a visual artist, enthusiastic gardener and the worried caretaker of 14 birds, recently acquired. The group began with 17 but three have died by now. This is my first flock. I have done my homework the best I could before they arrived, but despite all I'm...
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    Diseased chick is swollen and transparent! Help!

    The chick has been ill with a respiratory problem and its head was swollen on one side. I first thought one of the bigger one pecked him, but maybe that wasn't the case. A week went by and it showed some improvement, I thought he would make it but yesterday everything changed again. Now, the...
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    Help! I have a traumatized Silkie pullet...

    Greetings everyone! The situation: I have a young rooster, who started to crow just a week ago, living together with 14 chicks. Ages of the chicks must be between one and two months but I can't be sure, since they all arrived recently (my first flock!) without background information. One thing...
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