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  1. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    Hi! My main flock of 13 chickens (2 years old) all seem to be super skinny and underweight. They all have super pronounced breast bones. More than normal. They've been like this for a while but I've noticed it recently. My hens all seem to be smaller than previous chickens even ones who are the...
  2. FarmerGirl101

    Flock and Coop integration length

    How long do I need to keep my new chickens in the coop with my old ones before I let them out to free range? I've got 11 chicks that are due to go into my big coop in a few weeks to join my 4 four big girls. In the summer I tend to free range my chickens daily as we see less predators then and I...
  3. FarmerGirl101

    Cockerel Breed ID

    I got chicks 5 weeks ago and they are around 5 weeks now. We got one chick from the bantam bin. They were no specific breeds listed on the label for the bin just "miniatures of popular breeds". When we first got him he was tiny and by far the smallest chick out of the batch we got (11 chicks)...
  4. FarmerGirl101

    Emaciated Hen

    I was locking up my hens tonight when I saw one of my leghorns laying on the coop ground. The past few days her comb hasn't looked very good being paler with purple tips lately and flopping over which isn't normal for her. It almost seems shriveled. I picked her up and she was extremely...
  5. FarmerGirl101

    Heating Options

    I'm getting new chicks this spring. I'm wondering what heating options there are out there. I've used a heating pad put on the wall of the bin with my rooster when I hatched him as he was the sole survivor of the eggs so I didn't need much heat. Now I'm getting 6 chicks so a heating pad on the...
  6. FarmerGirl101

    Rats, Rats Everywhere!

    Hello! So I went out tonight to feed my hens before it got pitch black (it was already dark but not too bad) and we had a visitor. I found a RAT in there! :mad: Not what I wanted to see at all. We have had encounters with mice before but now it seems like we have rats. Here are my encounters...
  7. FarmerGirl101

    How do YOU deep clean your coop?

    Hello! I created this thread to see what you guys do to deep clean your coop in preparation for winter. I will start off. I clean out the coop and vacuum it while taking out any excess poop. when done, I spray with a Permethrin 10 spray to disinfect. As I am done, I pack the nesting boxes full...
  8. FarmerGirl101

    What supplements do you feed?

    Hello! So I was wondering what supplements do you feed. I am looking at grit, calcuim, kelp, feather and laying supplements, etc. What about natural ones too? I feed them wet feed with Poultry booster, Omega 3 laying supplement, Feather Conditioner, and ACV. I do add some herbs but is too lazy...
  9. FarmerGirl101

    Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

    Hello! So I was wondering what were the benefits of ACV for chickens, I do use some with my wet feed but I don't know the benefits. Should I keep using it or is it useless? I do use it with the mother and it is organic.
  10. FarmerGirl101

    Dewormer for cats?

    Hello! We have a little issue about a cat so I will tell you about what happened. (sorry as it is a bit long) So we have a cat that doesn't have an owner (a stray) and my neighbour calls him The Guest Cat or GC for short. For the past month, he has been MIA at their house (they have the food)...
  11. FarmerGirl101

    Who is the dad?

    Okay so on August 9th, I hatched this lovely roo that I have no idea who the dad is. Recently I have also seen some strange yet colourful feathers on him. I would like to have two questions addressed: Who is the dad? and Why are these feathers this colour? Dad #1 is an americauna Ayam Cemani...
  12. FarmerGirl101

    These aren't fertile right?

    Hello! So I have been noticing this for a bit now and I just wanted to clear this up. I had seen another post about this today and I just wanted to clear this up. So the two things I need to clear up is bull's eye and some white stuff floating in the egg. The white stuff had a lot inside the...
  13. FarmerGirl101

    Fermented Feed-Is it really a superfood?

    Hello! So lately I have been seeing many posts about Fermented feed. I have heard that it cuts your feed bill by a whole lot. I am very open to this idea and I have been wondering how to do. For a long time, I fed 6 chickens 16% crumbles which would get eaten in a week and keep in mind that this...
  14. FarmerGirl101

    In need of eggs

    Hello everybody! I was wondering if anybody has Silke eggs that I can get. I might need to wait for spring but I want to see. I have been looking for this awesome breed for a long time so fingers crossed. :fl
  15. FarmerGirl101

    Help! Mite infestation!

    I have a bad red and also beige mite infestation. What can I do to help? I know that DE isn't the best for chickens. Check this out by the chicken chick: Anyway I am going to TSC this weekend and I need to find a product. Also...
  16. FarmerGirl101

    Lose air cells

    So I got MPC eggs and I let them sit in a cool dark place. For three days the air cells keep on getting looser. Why? What can I do?
  17. FarmerGirl101

    Where to buy food... In Montréal

    Hey y’all! So I need a bit of help from fellow Canadians. Do you know of a feed store near St-Mathieu de Belloeil.
  18. FarmerGirl101

    Chick not hatching

    So my little egg is not hatching and is 2 days late. The sibling just hatched yesterday. The air cell is getting so big and soon will be at half of the egg. What should I do? Should I assist?
  19. FarmerGirl101

    Fish, water, and chickens

    So my neighbour has a light blue clear waterer and it gets build up very often. They were thinking about fish in it which it is 3.5 gallons of water. Would this work?
  20. FarmerGirl101

    Not enough heat!

    Hello! So my little chick is hatching right now and I am setting up the brooder. I have a heat lamp with a red bulb that won’t get hot enough and I just changed the bulb! :he So what should I do?
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