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  1. belindaschicks

    Sultan chicken worried about winter

    I got a sultan chicken from meyer they said they were cold hardy now I am learning that's not the case. She doesn't have much down and it gets -25 here in the winter. My run is wraped in plastic during the winter the so the ground stays dry. Their house is well ventilated on top and this year...
  2. belindaschicks

    22 weeks no eggs!

    I have an Olive egger, sultan, amauracana, and orphington all not laying. They have access to oyster shell eating bugs, supervise free range so I know they are not laying outside. They are on a mixture of grower and layer. Fake eggs in the box. They are not squatting, some are red but not as red...
  3. belindaschicks

    16 weeks rafting calcium time to switch food?

    My 16 week chickens are eating free choice calcium like crazy. I'm about to run out of grower. Im figuring it time to make the switch to layer. Does this behavior also mean they are getting close to laying? A couple do go down to the ground when I pet them but it's not the typical squat just...
  4. belindaschicks

    HELP!!!! Chickens Dying Mystery Illness

    I have lost 3 chickens in 3 months to the same illness and it appears I have 2 more with the same thing. Symptoms are: white dirty bottoms that feel gritty, eggs that are nearly shelless, occational diarrhea, drop in egg, and drop in egg production. I have treated with valbazen, tylon, pen g...
  5. belindaschicks

    Olive egger chick with feathered feet

    I have a 2 week Olive egger chick with feathers coming off it's feet. Not many but it's noticeable. What breed mix caused this?
  6. belindaschicks

    4 day old chicks respiratory issue

    Noticed to tonight my chicks have a slight click raspy noisy In their breathing. Very slight. They have been in my wood work shop wondering if this is the cause. They are still active. Any thoughts how should I treat?
  7. belindaschicks

    Making a chick nipple waterer

    I would like to make a nipple waterer for my four new chicks. Has anyone done This? I have one in my coop for my other chickens and love it. I bought it. I would love to start my new chicks off early and not have the mess .
  8. belindaschicks

    What is this?

    I have been dealing with what I have believed to be gleet. I wash their bottoms daily, treated with pen G, medistatin powder, foot powder spray. Their bottoms especially one are covered in this white gritty substance and her egg shells are thin. The others have just a small amount of dirty...
  9. belindaschicks

    Daily hawk visit

    Nearly every day I have a hawk that comes and sits and walks/jumps around my coop. It cause great distress to my chickens to the point the chicksns don't want to go in their run. Their run is secure. No way for the hawk to get in. What can i do to deter the hawk?
  10. belindaschicks

    -25 degree temps Help!

    I have a flock of 5. One is a bantam. I do have my run wraped in plastic with several inches open on top for ventilation. My water is a nipple water with a heater in it. ( it's never frozen) there house has a heat board I only turn it on when below 5 degrees. Mostly to prevent frozen eggs. I...
  11. belindaschicks

    $80 to put a chicken down?

    I recently had to put my chicken down. She was suffering had only a few hours left In her. She couldn't stand and was breathing shallow for a few hours. She just wouldn't die on her own. I just got my bill today. I though 80 dollars to put a half dead chicken down was a little steep. What do...
  12. belindaschicks

    Where to get purebred bantams?

    Getting new chicks in spring don't know breed yet open to suggestions. Would like another Dom Banty though. Have 1 EE bantam thus the reason for getting bantams. She had 2 other bantam friends who are now gone and the standards torture her. It's been 1 1/2 years no change. So building a small...
  13. belindaschicks

    OCTOBER chicken sacrifice protection

    Anyone else have to lock their coop tight this time of year? My first year I had chickens on an early October night i heard a noise in my backyard. I quickly realized this was not the sound of an animal and my chickens were alerting. I jumped out of bed and turned on the lights in the house. As...
  14. belindaschicks

    How many chickens? MATH TIME

    My coop house is 5 feet× 5feet i currently house 5 chickens in there who all sleep on the one roost. I have 2. 5 foot long roost on the same level. The run is 10feet ×5 feet. In the coming weeks we are adding a 1 foot long tunnel connecting it to another 10foot× 5 foot run. No additional housing...
  15. belindaschicks

    Need shoe recommendation

    I have been wearing slogger clogs in summer. Problem is by the end of summer they are ripped and nolonger waterproof. I need a new clog slip on type of shoe that is waterproof to clean out my coop and garden. Help please!
  16. belindaschicks

    Bantam ate silica gel packet beads

    My bantam ate silica packet gel beads. I don't know if I should be worried or not. I have lots of water and fresh greens to hopefully flush them out. Any thoughts on what may happen? Or what I should do?
  17. belindaschicks

    Below 0 temps sick looking chicken

    Temps have been well below zero for days now wind chill below zero for over a week. My one hen is very skinny and comb very pale to the point it's almost white. My run is covered and sides also cover in plastic with 1 foot on top open all around for ventilation. Their house has proper...
  18. belindaschicks

    How to bring a chicken back outside during winter?

    I had a chicken get attacked by a hawk. She is slowly doing better. My question is it was 60 degrees when she was moved indoors now it's going to be 15 degrees during the day and below zero at night. How do I bring her back outside without killing her. She is also a bantam. Also worried about...
  19. belindaschicks

    Rehoming my roos. Heartbreaking

    I hatched my first chicks this spring and ended up with two roos. Super sweet. They follow me around the yard and like to curl up in my jacket and nap. They even learned to sing a little Beethoven. Now it's time to say goodbye and I am finding it heartbreaking. Trusting the word of a stranger...
  20. belindaschicks

    Why I think Bantams are not the best pet chickens

    This year I decided after my Black Austrolop went broody to let her hatch some bantam chicks. I ended up with 3 of the most adorable chicks. 2 Easter Egger and 1 Dominique. I handled them every day same as my previous chicks I had in the past. As they grew they formed there own little Banty...
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