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  • Users: dovecanyon
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  1. dovecanyon

    Just bragging a little...

    on my good girl Ruby! At 17 weeks old, she is my first pullet to start laying. She gave us her first egg 12 days ago, and has only missed one day so far. Out of 11 eggs, nine of them have weighed 2 oz, one weighed 2.5 oz, and today's egg weighed 3oz! I just love that chicken! My BR, Onyx...
  2. dovecanyon

    Yay! She did it!!!

    My sweet Ruby laid her first egg this morning at 10:00am! Ruby turned 4 months old today. Oh man, I'm so proud of her. I feel like a kid at Christmas! Here is a picture of my first egg, and the beautiful girl that laid it:
  3. dovecanyon

    I can't remember...coon or possum

    Something got six of my neighbor's young chickens last night. Pulled them through the wire, and ate the whole thing, feathers and all. Nothing left but a couple spots of blood inside the run. I can't remember which one eats everything, coon or possum. I promised to ask you all for ID help...
  4. dovecanyon

    dent in egg, day 18

    When locking down last night I found this on one of the JG eggs. I have no idea what I did, how it got there, or how long it's been there. I do know it wasn't there when I candled on day 14, so it can only be four days old at the most. I looked at it as closely as possible without making it...
  5. dovecanyon

    spraddle leg- splint didn't work. now what?

    One of my (13) new chicks has spraddle leg. I used the band-aid splint for 3 full days. Was that not long enough? When I removed it this morning, the leg seemed worse instead of better. The chick is hopping around as well as it can, and it will eat if I put it in front of the food, otherwise...
  6. dovecanyon

    pip at wrong end- anything I should do?

    One of my FCBM eggs has just pipped at the small end. Is there anything I should do? So far, the only thing I did was quickly reach in and kinda tip it up a little so the pip is up. Sure don't want to lose this expensive chick! Thanks!!!
  7. dovecanyon

    Looked at poop pics till I'm sick. Still???

    One of my girls has started pooping jet black poo. Shape and texture are normal, but it is solid black. At first I thought someone had tossed a couple of black olives in the run. I have looked at all the poop pics I can find, but none have solid black. Nobody seems sick, all three girls are...
  8. dovecanyon

    pics- chicks, old & new

    Decided it was time to post a few pics of our chickies. Our 3 big girls are 11 weeks old, and our new babies are 11 days old. Includes the mystery white chick that that Natalie and I asked about in the "Breeds & Genders" forum last week. Still can't figure it out. Looks exactly like our...
  9. dovecanyon

    hatching poem

    Our little chickies, sent from heaven The last one born, number eleven! Tiny and sweet, soft and fuzzy They make me happy and keep me busy! More eggs in the mail I've no self control. You'd think this many Would take a toll. Today I'm building a bigger pen To keep the little fuzz-butts in. Many...
  10. dovecanyon

    Mystery chick- joint effort!

    Here is a pic of 5 of my 11 new babies, they are 2 days old in this photo, and a couple of pics of the mystery chick. These chicks are from eggs I received from a fellow BYC member, and when I sent her this picture she said that she has no idea where the white chick came from! She has no white...
  11. dovecanyon

    Separate hatcher for staggered hatch- temp question

    We currently have eggs set to hatch on two different days. The first batch goes into lockdown Wednesday afternoon. We built a separate hatcher for the first batch, to use while the second batch finishes incubating. Our incubator has a fan, and has been kept at 99.5, but the hatcher does not...
  12. dovecanyon


    Is there a medication that takes care of all worms including tape worm? I have had to recently worm my dogs for roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm! I think I should do the chickens too, just to be safe. Also, is there something I need to do in their run? Can they get the worms from the ground...
  13. dovecanyon

    Mareks vaccine

    Where is the best place to order vaccine supplies for Mareks? Want to have it here before we hatch! Thanks.
  14. dovecanyon

    I'm starting to wonder... * Pics Added*

    In October I ordered 3 sexed chicks from MPC (all girls). One RIR, one Barred Rock and one White Leghorn. They hatched on Oct 19, so they are 6 1/2 weeks old now. I have been looking at photos of these breeds whenever I find them on BYC. The White Leghorn looks ok, like a female Wh...
  15. dovecanyon

    Limping *update, so sad*

    One of my 6 week old girls has somehow hurt her foot or leg. I have checked her over very carefully, and I cannot find any visible injury. She is limping, and standing on one foot quite a bit. She will lift the bad leg, stretch it out in front of her, flex her foot then set it back down. It...
  16. dovecanyon

    Fig Newton- Who knew?

    I was just sitting out in the run with my 6 week old girls, having my morning coffee. I accidentally dropped half of a Fig Newton. Goodness, they went crazy for it. Two of my chicks are very friendly, and two of them want absolutely nothing to do with me. Well... even my most skittish...
  17. dovecanyon

    Hova-Bator turner

    Will the Hova-Bator egg turner (model 1611) fit in the LG incubator? They look the same in pictures, but want to be sure before ordering. Thanks.
  18. dovecanyon

    analog or digital

    I am shopping for a thermometer/hygrometer for my incubator. There are so many to choose from! Should I go with analog or digital? Is there a brand I should avoid? Or a brand that is really good? Sheesh, I thought the hard part was over after finally selecting brand of incubator, fan/no...
  19. dovecanyon

    San Diego- help finding DE

    I am having trouble finding DE in south SD. I am in Chula Vista, but am willing to drive a ways to get it. Where do you SoCal folks get yours? I would order online, but the shipping makes it too expensive. Thanks!
  20. dovecanyon

    Yikes! chicks got cold last night.

    So, the brooder was at 80' when I went to bed last night at around 10pm (remote thermometer by my bed!). When I got up this morning at 6:30 it was 67'. I don't know how long the bulb was out, but the brooder is well insulated, so it must have been shortly after that to drop so low. The girls...
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