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  1. Happy Quack

    How do you find a humane home for ducklings?

    I was thinking of raising Australian Spotted ducks, but after seeing some very abused Rouens. They were under weight and had the worst wet feather I had ever seen. They were living in filthy conditions. It made me think twice. Just looking for some ideas. I would like to help the breed out as...
  2. Happy Quack

    Does anyone know what to do with a gander attackin a goose?

    Has anyone had a issue with the ONLY gander attacking a goose? I have four geese and one gander. He hates my Chinese/production African what ever she is goose. He has attacked her and will not let her near the other geese. I have to keep her in a crate at night to keep her safe. Any suggestions...
  3. Happy Quack

    How is the temperment in Oregon Mini Geese?

    I am think of getting one or two Oregon mini geese. I have American buff and blue and a brown African and a brown Chinese. I really don't care fore the Chinese goose but love the Americans and African. So I was wondering if anyone knows how the minis are for temperament?
  4. Happy Quack

    Help please. My chinese goose is attacking my ducks and my year old buff goose.

    She was hatched this March. She has been very agressive toward my year old buff goose who backs down and does not start the fight. She is separated at night but still in the same house as the other geese. The ducks and geese have different houses. She has also got hold of my khaki hen and...
  5. Happy Quack

    How many eggs a year does your goose lay? Have they been right on, lower or higher than their averag

    I was just wondering what are others experience with their geese. My American buff has laid and whopping 42 eggs and 12.6 LBS. so far. She weights 16 LBS. Average is 25-35 eggs a year.
  6. Happy Quack

    Ways to prevent mites in your flockplease share you know how.

    I thought it would be good to get ideas on preventing mites, lice ext. Please share your input on what works for you and what does not. I know this is about mites but if you have information on other external parasites prevention please post. Mites are tiny crawling external parasites that can...
  7. Happy Quack

    Cutest Goslings pics

    Ima Goose at 3 days and 1 1/2 weeks
  8. Happy Quack

    Does anyone else have a goose that gets upset when your ducks mate?

    For some reason my American geese get very upset about my drakes doing their thing with the hens. Wilbur and Charlotte ( the Geese) will run over and honk like crazy until the drakes get off. I use to have a African goose (I had to put her down do to a very bad injury) that would pull the drakes...
  9. Happy Quack

    Showing American Blue geese?

    My kiddo is wanting to show geese. We have decided on American Blue geese. We are getting them from Holderreads. Can anyone tell me what conformation to look for or tell me where to get a used APA book? Thanks.
  10. Happy Quack

    Help with understanding APA in ducks Please? Geese too.

    I am interested in showing waterfowl and so is my kiddo. I was wondering if color is more important that conformation. Like in horse color is that important. It is more about the angles of the shoulders and hips, how long or short the back is ext. If someone could post conformation pics good...
  11. Happy Quack

    Is this bantam good/show/poor qaulity?

    I can try to get a better pic. I don't know chicken conformation and my daughter is wanting to show this hen. She is a super sweet chicken. Thanks.
  12. Happy Quack

    How many people are raising American Blue geese?

    I was wondering because I noticed that the blue verity is not in the APA only the buff. I think that it would be nice to get the blue ones recognized also. I do have a pair of blues coming in the mail that are show quality. I am interested in showing the someday. So I would like to know if...
  13. Happy Quack

    Are these good quility geese?

    I think they are, but I am not a goose expert when it comes to conformation.
  14. Happy Quack

    Help name these geese.

    Just would like some ideas.
  15. Happy Quack

    Animail Welfare Approved Duck Eggs

    Pasture Raised duck eggs Animal Welfare Approved. [email protected]
  16. Happy Quack

    Why do poeple think that eating duck eggs is gross?

    I have found that most people will not eat a duck egg because it is different or gross in their eyes. I was wondering why? They come out the same way as chicken eggs.
  17. Happy Quack

    What were your reasons for getting ducks/geese/chickens or turkeys?

    Just wondering how many get their fowl for what ever reason? Just for fun.
  18. Happy Quack

    Pasture Raised Duck Eggs

    Eggs from very spoiled ducks. Pasture raised. Unlimited outdoor space. The ducks have at least 12 hours out a day and duck pond. I get about dozen eggs a day. I do not ship eggs.
  19. Happy Quack

    Animal wellfare Aproved.

    Does any one have any experience with them? Will it help with sells of duck eggs? Or does anyone have good ideas of marketing duck eggs. I am on the western slope of Colorado.
  20. Happy Quack

    Does diatomacous earth work to kill interal worm on ducks?

    I am looking for a natural way to deworm my ducks. I just don't want to throw away all the eggs for a month. Thank for any info.
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