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  1. chickluvinfreak

    Natural death or euthanasia? :(

    So I need an opinion on a very hard and sad question. My dog Leroy is turning 14 next month and is a lab, which is really old for that breed. He has suvere arthritis and hasn't been able to move his hind legs for awhile. His hearing is going, he has problems with his eyes and lots of bumps on...
  2. chickluvinfreak

    Avian pox? Bullying? Something else?

    I was out of town for a few days the other week and when I came back I noticed that my usually top of the pecking order hen was acting weird. She normally comes over to me for treats and to be pet but instead she was running away and would'nt eat. I thought it had something to do with her...
  3. chickluvinfreak

    Is this BCM a rooster?

    I'm almost postive my black copper maran is a rooster. He/she is 4 months old, he hasn't crowed or mated or any thing yet. But my hens the same age haven't laid eggs either. Wanted other people's opinion on what gender they think it is. I'm hoping he's a roo. The picture below is the one I...
  4. chickluvinfreak

    Maiden mare with leaking udders

    Hi my 16+ year old mare recently started getting a discharge on her udders. Today I scraped it off only for them to start leaking and I can almost milk it out of her. I have never bred her in the past 4 years I have owned her so she isn't pregnant. A few weeks ago she got some bad misqito bites...
  5. chickluvinfreak

    Baby chicks in the summer heat

    I am raising some baby chicks now and the weather is 100+ degrees without a heat lamp. Even without a lamp a few still pant. I'm not sure if anyone else has had a problem with young chicks (under a month) being overheated. But I thought I would share my ideas on how to keep them cool. If you...
  6. chickluvinfreak

    Help Fermenting feed

    For some reason I'm still confused on how much and how often to feed FF. Is feeding 1/2-1 cup per chicken 3 times a day OK? How do I know if their full? Should their be some food leftover? Does a full crop at the end of the day mean they have had enough to eat? Can they over eat, I'm worried...
  7. chickluvinfreak

    AC, Swamp Coolers, Misters, Fans???

    Hi, I live in Arizona and June-September is 100-120 degrees. The heat has proved deadly for my chickens and I am trying to find the best way to deal with this summer. I originally thought fans, misters, frozen treats, some wading pools and electrolytes would help keep them alive. Now I'm...
  8. chickluvinfreak

    Baking Soda OR Electrolytes?

    I would like to add baking soda to my laying hens diet this summer. Which I have read is commonly done on commercial farms to increase calcium absorption. But the weather will be 100-120 degrees and the chickens need ectrolytes added to the water. Can they be given baking soda and electrolytes...
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