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  1. feathersnuggles

    Spontaneous mega-sized mealie

    Tonight I was replacing carrot and apple slices on my mealworm farm and what should appear but a HUGE mealworm...way bigger than anything I've ever seen in my farm. It's about twice the length and width of the regulars. I've been raising mealworms for a while - this is about the 5th...
  2. feathersnuggles

    Blue Wyandotte egg size - always small?

    Does anyone here have a blue wyandotte laying large eggs? My BW has been laying small eggs since she started laying in January this year. She's been on and off broody all spring. But her egg size, whenever she resumes laying, continues to be a small "pullet bullet" size egg. I'm curious...
  3. feathersnuggles

    Top beak is broken in 2 places

    My 1 year old Wyandotte has a broken beak - the tip is nearly broken off and there's a tear at the top. Pics below. Just discovered this morning - I don't know how she got it. I tried cleaning the top tear with water, then dabbed with bentadine. I don't know what to do for the bigger break...
  4. feathersnuggles

    Egg laying in the run - how do I stop it?

    So, my 39 week old Blue Wyandotte just started 2 days ago and she doesn't use the nest like the others do. She uses the run. Sunday, I saw her attempting to nest on the ground and I lifted her into the nestbox in the henhouse. But, she jumped out. Later in the day I found her dirty little...
  5. feathersnuggles

    Burned foot!

    This happened last night. She was on the kitchen floor and flew up to the hot stove, and landed on a hot burner! I screamed, she screamed. I pulled her off as quick as I could, but the bottom of her foot was charred. (the smell was awful). I ran with her to the bathtub and stuck her foot...
  6. feathersnuggles

    What's a Blue Wyandotte egg look like?

    Does anyone have a blue wyandotte (like my girl below) and do you have a picture of the egg? My girl is 30 weeks old & no eggs, yet. I know they mature late, but I'm really getting antsy and starting to feel like I need a picture... to tide me over! (until she lays.... if she ever does lay)...
  7. feathersnuggles

    30 weeks old and already molting?

    Is it possible for my 30 week old pullet to molt, already? I'm asking about my Cuckoo Marans (possibly crossed with Barred Rock). She started laying in mid-Sept. and stopped laying over a week ago. She's been really healthy all along; her feathers are glossy, she's strong and active, eats...
  8. feathersnuggles

    What mix could she be?

    OK, I have a 28 week old pullet that we got as a day-old chick from an individual who was breeding brown egg layers. The lady said the chick was a buff brahma, and I was inexperienced so I didn't know, then, that BBs had feathered legs. Anyway, this little chick had clean legs with a black...
  9. feathersnuggles

    Two eggs from same hen, in less than 3 hours!

    Freaky thing happened this morning. My BA laid a large egg and then 3 hours later, she laid another larger egg! Both are well-formed with good solid shells. She's been laying a bunch of eggs, since she started around 4 weeks ago. Some days she lays an egg in LESS than 24 hours from her...
  10. feathersnuggles

    Is this blood on poop or not?

    Hoping this is normal poop...but I haven't seen anything like it under the roost before, so decided to post and ask you all who have more experience. Found this clump under the roost this morning, so I took outside the straw mat with suspicious poop and put it on the ground to get a better look...
  11. feathersnuggles

    Crooked toe with nodule - pic

    I noticed today that my 20 week old pullet (we don't know what she is, she's a mutt from someone else's farm) has a bent toe. She doesn't favor it especially. I do remember about two months ago she was holding the leg up, from time to time, but she was really hard for me to pick up so I didn't...
  12. feathersnuggles

    First Egg and double yolks!

    A first egg came out of our Cuckoo Marans today! She is the first of her flock (5 girls) to lay and she's about 19 weeks old. It was soooo eggciting and she didn't even make any noises until I came out of the house this morning. Since she's been in and out of the nest box for over a week...
  13. feathersnuggles

    What is normal "beak behavior"?

    Hi, I just got chicks, first time, this May. And now I have a 4-1/2 mo Ameraucana (EE, probably) who does a very slight scissoring with her lower beak when she eats. It's barely perceptible, but I think it's a little different from how her 4 other flock members use their beaks when they are...
  14. feathersnuggles

    Greeting from western WA

    Hi everyone, I just joined today, but have been haunting BYC messages since I first got chicks in May this year. Great posts, btw, and I've already learned a lot from you all! I have 5 pullets, about 4-1/2 mos old, not yet laying: Cuckoo Marans, Ameraucana, Black Australorp, BBS Wyandotte, and...
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