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  1. mustangrooster

    Chicken came down with heatstroke

    So, Yesterday my bantam came down with heatstroke, a very bad case of it too. Thought she was nearly dead. Poor baby. I rushed her to cool water and emerged her whole body in it (minus the head). She seemed to slowly be getting better until this morning. She is simply just sprawled out in her...
  2. mustangrooster

    Pullet unable to use her legs.

    So, yesterday afternoon, I saw one of my little pullets laying down, with her wing splayed out. Because she was with a couple of other hens, I thought she was maybe just resting in the sun. This morning however, she was in the exact same position...she hadn't moved at all. Instantly I went over...
  3. mustangrooster

    Need thoughts on breed.

    Hi all, I got these two little Wyandotte ladies around January this year. Sadly, the rooster that came with them got eaten by a snake, however with the show coming up, I sorta need to know exactly what they are...before I enter them. I'm 90% sure that they are silver laced Wyandotte bantams...
  4. mustangrooster

    Need help with wild baby rats

    Hi all, Hoping to get a bid of advice. So around 5 hours ago, we found 4 baby orphan rats. I’m sure it was a nest of 6 but I think one of the dogs got two of them. Nearly positive that the mum was killed by the dog, (don’t know if it was the mum or the dad) but another one of the parents got...
  5. mustangrooster

    My cockerel is getting worse--- Help please

    Hi all, Not too long ago, I posted on this forum that my frizzle cockerel had a large lump on his face. Well, he has gotten worse. Alot worse. The lump has gone down, but now its like a black lump. Thats not the worst part, he is very lethargic. You can easily catch him...all you need to do...
  6. mustangrooster

    What is this on my cockerels cheek?

    So, I have just noticed this weird abcess/growth like thing on my frizzle cockerels check (technically its under his cheek). I only noticed it a couple of hours ago, and its a bit worrying. I dont exactly know what it is or how to go with treating it, but what I do know that one of my hens have...
  7. mustangrooster

    Therapy dogs, how to go about it?

    First off, let me introduce to you guys the dog that I have been interested in making a therapy dog. This is the little goober. Her name is Heidi. She is absolutely gorgeous, and she has come so far since that little helpless 4-week old puppy she used to be. She turned one this...
  8. mustangrooster

    Chicks dying--- Acting lethargic, suddenly 'paralyzed' etc

    I really need help as soon as possible. A couple of hours ago, I just lost my little chick, Piku who suddenly couldn’t walk, had her eyes closed, and had no control of her neck (See what happened here...
  9. mustangrooster

    Chick is constantly yawning

    I'm not too sure on what to do. Whenever I have had chicks yawning, it’s just been adjusting its crop or something like that. But this is different. This little chick was hatched 4 days ago in the incubator. Her and her sibling were the only two to hatch out of all the eggs I set (Due to when...
  10. mustangrooster

    Call for help! Cleaning a messy drake?

    My town's annual show is coming up soon. I have entered a good lot of my birds into it, and my drake. The chickens are easy to prepare them for the show, it's the Drake that's the problem! I have one week to get them in tip top shape now (Although I have been getting them ready throughout the...
  11. mustangrooster

    Looking for prizes?

    If you need a prize for an online show that your hosting, I can help out. I have a rather advanced picture editing software and I'm willing to edit pictures for the prize. I can make it as simple or as complex as you want. Hopefully, that makes sense? Some of the stuff I've done...
  12. mustangrooster

    Dog pregnant? I hope not!

    I need a bit of confirmation here please……..whilst I know it may be a bit early, I’m going to try and get an idea… My dog has just come of her first heat, being a larger dog breed, she is a lot older than 6 months old. I think its been a bit over a week, if that, since her heat has finished...
  13. mustangrooster

    Who knew chicks would eat chicks? Not me.

    This is a bit of ramble, because i know people would be smarter than me in regards to this. I just really need to get the image out of my head. My newest of chicks hatched was a total of 10. Now its 8, i lost one because it was a very sticky chick who ruptured its yolk sac. I lost my other one...
  14. mustangrooster

    New life......even in the smallest of sizes

    I just feel like I need to share this, hmm, actually maybe its just my excitement so I want to share it. I’ve had another batch of 10 chicks hatch, so what’s so special about that? I had my first home hatched Cochin Bantam Frizzle hatch, and my first Silkie. When I first got my Silkies I...
  15. mustangrooster

    Emergency with Cat! Help?

    Hi Guys, I really need help Before we went on our holiday my cat was missing, now, as we are back, he came back the day before we returned. Thoughts are maybe he got hit by a car…………… His right hip seems dislocated, and his leg/foot have no use at all, they are just flopping around, so I...
  16. mustangrooster

    Confirm on genders please?

    Usually at 5 weeks old my cockerels get big red combs.....but these guys are tricking me a bit. Roughly 5 weeks old, mixed breed. Still thinking pullets but it would be nice to have reassurance since my last batches of chicks have all been boys. Kai Olive Thanks...
  17. mustangrooster

    Feathered chick has really badly bruised legs/feet

    Hi all, One of my 4 week old chickens, have very badly bruised feet. When Olive was 3 weeks old i noticed she had purple swelling in her hock. However, she (Thinking it’s a she….no red in comb) had no trouble in walking so I left it. Now, she has really bruised up greeny/black looking feet...
  18. mustangrooster

    Can you feed your chickens ENTIRELY of the land?

    I've been coming across websites and such were people are feeding their chickens MOSTLY of the land. Having to buy chicken feed is a pain in the butt. Before chickens were domesticated they live entirely of the land, right? Cant we cut out buying chicken feed and start feeding them...
  19. mustangrooster

    Its so H O T

    Its so hot that the chicks in the brooder are panting and just hot. I've been having to switch the brooder light off as soon as it starts to heat up. Even with the brooder light off they are in the corner panting and still hot! I’ve been freezing ice every night to put in the birds water, for...
  20. mustangrooster

    New hatched chick with blood bulging out of butt?

    Chick emergency again… This chick pipped yesterday morning. Made no progress during the day or night (where as the other one hatched at night) It made no progress today and seemed to have trouble doing any zip. So I helped it out by making a zip but not breaking the Membrane. This chick was...
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