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  1. lissalischicks

    Can they stay out?

    Need some advice. My chicks just turned 6 weeks yesterday. They have been doing day trips for about a week now and the older chicks leave them alone 95% of the time. It's been nice and warm during the day and they have been out when it is 65 and warmer. I want today to be they day they stay...
  2. lissalischicks

    Freak out with me ... chicks being delivered on Day 4!

    Long time chicken mama but first time ordering chicks through the mail and having a freak attack. Just need some nice words to tell me everything will be ok (hopefully) I usually get my chicks locally but this year decided to get some breeds that are not usually found around me. I ordered 12...
  3. lissalischicks

    Do you think the chicks can go outside fulltime??

    Stupid question - My chicks are about 10 weeks old. They appear fully feathered but I haven't put them out yet full time yet. Mostly because I live in California and it's been raining ... A LOT. I feel like if it wasn't so rainy I would have transitioned them out as I have done before but...
  4. lissalischicks

    What was the earliest age your rooster started mating

    Just curious what the earliest age your rooster started mating. I just caught my 13 week old rooster mating with his "mom." "Mom" is the one that hatched him but didn't lay the egg.... not that I think it matters. Just odd I saw him mating "mom." But back to my original question.... isn't 13...
  5. lissalischicks

    Just finished an impacted crop surgery

    I am not sure if I am just freaking out after the surgery and need to talk or just rambling. I would first like to explain why I did it and not to a vet so here goes: 1. We are in quarantine (for nVD) and we cannot move birds. 2. The one vet in my area that will see chickens ( i have taken...
  6. lissalischicks

    How to catch a chicken

    Saw this and decided to share cuz only we would get it. :lau
  7. lissalischicks

    Newcastle disease in S. Cali ... finally made it on the news

    Finally on the news.... It's the newspaper but better than nothing. Hopefully this will inform people and if anyone sees anyone breaking the quarantine... report them ( i know this is harsh to say but it's due to people ignoring and moving chickens that is causing this to not go away!) I added...
  8. lissalischicks

    Is this normal sprouting/foddering eating?

    So my girls only eat the seeds. They break off the green stalk and munch on the seed. Is this normal? I thought they were supposed to eat the green portion. I have tried alfalfa, black sunflower, wheatgrass, oats, barley and couple other seeds with ( what I feel is) no success. But is it...
  9. lissalischicks

    Has this ever happened to you before?

    I have an Easter Egger who is about 3 years old. Her first year she laid a lot of eggs. Then she molted .... bad..... Not the bad where she lost a lot of feathers and regrew all of them. She lost some feathers and grew only some of them back. She looked sad but she was still happy. After the...
  10. lissalischicks

    Success!!! Scared off the opposum!

    So I've been dealing with a handful of oppossums that roam around in my backyard at night. I have tried many Methods that don't seem to work. I haven't tried trapping yet but that will be my last resort. A couple days ago a purchased a pest repeller and installed it last night. My camera caught...
  11. lissalischicks

    The lone feather..... will she lose it?

    So my girl Cotton is molting. She has one back feather left. Its the lone hold out for now... maybe. Will she lose it? Or will it be the one back feather she doesn't molt??!??! What do you think??
  12. lissalischicks

    I see you!!!

    My girl was caught getting into the kale I was growing for them. She heard me yelling get out from across the yard and ran off and tried to hide behind a rose bush. Obviously didn't do a good job as I could see her from a mile away. Then as I got closer she started talking to me and acting...
  13. lissalischicks

    What could this be??

    I am posting for a friend so I apologize if I don't have all the info and no pictures but hopefully you guys can help. About a few days ago her girl starting limping. She thought she had hurt herself so she was immediately separated. She has progressed to not being able to walk. She can...
  14. lissalischicks

    Its chickens might be a little slow

    Either they are slow or really confident that bird netting is gonna hold up. Woke up this morning to screeching hawks went outside to take a look and saw this. Apparently I am the only one that gets freaked out by this. There were a trio of hawks flying around and my girls couldn't care less :eek:
  15. lissalischicks

    What type of bird of prey is this

    This bird has been hanging out near my house. Does anyone know what type of bird this is?
  16. lissalischicks

    Questions and Critique my jail box for my broody hen..

    So my first attempt at making a "jail" box to break my broody hen. I have a girl who I am pretty sure is going broody. Yesterday at night caught her in the box (she entered around 7pmish) and she did some mild yelling when I took her out. Today when I got home I was informed she was in the box...
  17. lissalischicks

    Group family picture

    Ok so more like my group chicken photo shoot. Got then together with treat bribery. If you look closely you can see all 10! Show me your group shots! This one is just for fun. Checked my camera in the hen house last night. Counted the girls and thought I was missing a girl. Turns out...
  18. lissalischicks

    Broody or just wants to sleep in the nesting box.

    So my 2.5 year old Easter Egger, Peach, has been sitting off and on throughout the day today (not unusual). She officially sat in the box around 2pm and hasn't gotten off since. I am trying to figure out if she is starting to try to go broody. Some background around Peach: she tends to sit...
  19. lissalischicks

    The inevitable has finally happened....

    A cat has finally dared to enter my coop. There has been an increase in cats in our neighborhood. We don't know if they are feral or someone's pets who just lets them roam and poop in everyone else's backyard... but they are coming to my house now. I was woken up at about 5am this morning to...
  20. lissalischicks

    3 years late but finally doing my intro

    Sometime last year I realized I never did a formal introduction, but figured it was a little late to fill one out. Actually, when I first joined, I didn't even realize there was an intro page. But today, while looking through some old emails I realized it is 3 years today when I ordered my...
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