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  • Users: TxAg11
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  1. TxAg11

    Sneezing hens. Administering antibiotics

    My hens usually don't get sick, but 2 weeks ago one started sneezing and hasn't stopped yet, then yesterday I heard another one start sneezing as well. This is uncommon for my flock. The sneezes were frequent. I travel a lot for work and don't have time to hand feed each of them some magical...
  2. TxAg11

    (FREE) Copper Maran Cockerel- HOUSTON, TX

    I have a great looking maran cockerel with all sorts of beautiful hues of green and blue in his feathers. He is going to be a huge handsome rooster, but we can't keep him because hens are not allowed in our area, much less roosters and we can't have him blowing our cover. Local pickup only. He's...
  3. TxAg11

    Black Copper Maran Cockerel- HOUSTON TX

    We got this pullet because they said it was a female. It's been a little over a month and it's DEFINITELY a male! He will probably start crowing soon which would be really really bad news since chickens aren't even allowed in our area. He's handsome as all getout and is going to be a really good...
  4. TxAg11

    Experience with weighted auto-doors?

    Does anyone have any experience with building doors that close as all chickens hop on the roost at night? We have had frequent possums as of late and I am not able to close them up and let them out every morning/night. I have a concept that I think SHOULD work (in theory), but was wondering if...
  5. TxAg11

    Did I do the right thing? Warning GRAPHIC CONTENT!

    today was a sad sad day. We have been out of town for the past two nights. A few nights ago it seems a possum maimed our beloved Big Black Betty. I didn't discover it until we got back last night. By then she was already showing signs of infection and pooping what looks like puss. There were...
  6. TxAg11

    Paralyzed left leg

    Last week one of our hens was hobbling really badly on her left leg. She wasn't putting any weight on her left leg and would lay down with it out in front of her. Now she just drags it behind her and hops everywhere on her good leg. It's not out to the side or anything, it's just dragging behind...
  7. TxAg11

    How to make new pullets less skittish around me?

    We had a flock we had raised from chicks and they loved us and were constantly climbing all over us and visiting us whenever we are out in the yard. Then we had a dog-related disaster and our flock got rediced to 2, so to keep the 2 remaining girls company (AFTER I redesigned their enclosure to...
  8. TxAg11

    Big news in TEXAS this week! For us under-the-radar members, we can come out of hiding, sorta. But, hey, this is a big step in the right direction...
  9. TxAg11

    Starting a new flock. Marans or Welsummers?

    Several months ago a dog got into my back yard and wiped out most of our flock. Since then we have been fortifying and we are about ready to start anew. We had 11 hens in all of various breeds (2 Gold sexlinks, 3 Amer/EE's, 1 Wyandotte, 1 Dominicker, 1 Australorp, 1 Buff Orp, 1 White Brahma, 1...
  10. TxAg11

    Is excess noise indication of illness?

    First, please see attached video. Several weeks ago our white brahma started making noise. Now she does it ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Even at night! It's gotten hot now in Houston, so some of our chickens have started panting with their mouths open (see Orpington behind tree). Is this normal? All...
  11. TxAg11

    Lice bath recommendations?

    I knew this day would come. Some of our fatter hens start losing a substantial amount of weight, frequent pale combs, and our most docile White Brahma started making constant "honking" noises. They also pant with their mouths open (no sneezing), but I assume this is due to the heat. Please...
  12. TxAg11

    7 Hens, 3 Days, 0 Eggs. Weather or illness?

    I'm fairly new to this chicken thing, so I'm not sure when to be worries or just brush things off. Lately it has been very rainy in TX, accompanied by an increase in temperature, generally around the lower 90's. My hens have plenty of shade and often get to free range on our 1/5 acre backyard...
  13. TxAg11

    Losing weight, noisy, weird behavior.

    About a week ago I noticed my hens had lost a lot of weight. So I added 2oz of Wazine-17 to 2 gallons of water and left it in their waterer for a day and a half. It's been over a week and their combs are still pale and I noticed that they're doing this weird gaping thing with their mouths. Even...
  14. TxAg11

    Broody... Not in a good way

    We have 7 hens and NO roosters. None are even remotely close, as we live in the suburbs and technically aren't even allowed to have chickens in the first place (oops, oh well). Our youngest, an Australorp mix, has started going super broody. She hogs the most popular nesting box and sits...
  15. TxAg11

    White/skintone eggs. Where did the brown go?

    Lately we have been getting eggs that are mostly white-ish with a skin-tone color. Almost a very faint pink at times. When we first got our hens they laid dark brown eggs with rich orange yolks. Now the eggs are more white and the yolks are more yellow. We feed them Purina layena crumbles and...
  16. TxAg11

    Not pooping, not laying, acting normal.

    Three days ago we got 1 egg from our 7 hens. The next day only 3. This is strange because they usually put out around 4-6. I have also noticed that there is about 60% less poop on their poop boards than normal. The only thing I can think of is that I fed them some whole corn from the neighbors...
  17. TxAg11

     Purple cabbage and turquoise poop

    We recently got 7 hens and I have read that stringing up a cabbage to a string and letting them peck at it is a great way to keep them entertained and well fed. Shortly after they demolished the cabbage (in less that 48 hours- impressive) I noticed that their poop had this odd turquoise coloring...
  18. TxAg11

    Have I set myself up for an escape?

    Howdy. Last night my wife and I picked up our first 5 hens and couldn't be more excited. During the coop construction phase I guess I was under the impression that chickens aren't much for flying. I asked a friend who used to own chickens if he ever had problems with fence jumpers. He said that...
  19. TxAg11

    Starting a flock with hens from different farms

    Howdy, I'm a first-time chicken owner and am planning on picking up some chickens this weekend. My wife and I want a variety of about 7 chickens. I like the idea of having up to 4 difference breeds, but the only problem is most places in our area that sell laying hens usually only have about...
  20. TxAg11

    Howdy from Houston

    I have been wanting chickens for several years now and was finally able to budget the time to build my coop. I promised my wife that building the coop would cost us $0, and after several weeks of raining construction site trash piles, I've finished my coop for free! I'm looking to buy 5-7 hens...
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