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  1. gottalovemychickens

    23 FREE Chicks , 4-6 week old !!! Need to get rid of fast

    **Per the rules: 6. No Spam. Spamming is posting the same thing several times. "Bumping" (posting to move a thread up on the forum list) and cross-posting (posting the same thread in several forums) are examples of spam.
  2. gottalovemychickens

    23 4-6 week old chicks for FREE

    I am moving and can not take my 23 4-6 week old chicks with . I have buff orphs , RIR , NHR . 23 total , i need to get rid of them like now . Free to the first one to come and pic them up . Im in Elizabeth CO . Will not be shipping sorry
  3. gottalovemychickens

    Weather and shipping chicks

    I have my order of 25 chicks that have been shipped today , Right now the temp is 3 with a windchill of -4 , Tonights low is 2 with a low of -5 thats not even with a windchill . Question is the chicks are being shipping from Texas and the high temps from there to here is only 30s Will they...
  4. gottalovemychickens

    The Office and Favorite Quotes !!!!

    Dwight Schrute: What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No. I go for the chandelier; it's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the...
  5. gottalovemychickens

    How the heck to get a 4 month old human baby to sleep PIC UPDATE

    HELP now please , its goign to be so hard to deal with all the crying tonight i got some money together and got a swing , SO FAR SO GOOD !
  6. gottalovemychickens

    HMMM the race is only mins away . Cheer for your favorite driver !!!

    Kyle Busch & Kurt Busch , please knock out jimmy J , mark martin , tony stewert , jeff gordon, and any others that are in top 10
  7. gottalovemychickens

    best egg layers of brown eggs ??

    Anyone ??? What is the best chicken for laying brown eggs , i need to buy 25-100 more chickens / chicks with in the next week that lay brown eggs !
  8. gottalovemychickens

    Great news !!! All my eggs are sold as of Jan 1st

    Starting Jan 1st all my eggs are sold to a local grocer that only buys local !!!! Im so happy . Finally maybe a business might be getting started !!!
  9. gottalovemychickens

    Chickens in the NEWS , here in Colorado !!!check out the link hahahah,0,5669286.story watch video and please read story , i thought this was so funny
  10. gottalovemychickens

    12 week old chick , ready to be put in with flock of 5 hens ???

    Is 12 weeks still to young to be unleashed with 5 hens that are about 7 months old ? The 12 week old pullets are still eating chick/grower food so i dont know if they are ready to be unleashed with the others
  11. gottalovemychickens

    Finally selling eggs on CL
  12. gottalovemychickens

    2009 Remington Long Range Rifle .22

    Serious buyers please ask for a pic via PM . Also im willing to trade for paintball gun and Co2 Tanks
  13. gottalovemychickens

    2 Hens killed last night . dont know from what watch out hope yall can see this picture
  14. gottalovemychickens

    Blah blah blah , Jimmy Johnson , seriously winning the cup ???? Hhahah

    Who here thinks that jimmy j will win the cup ?? Who is your favorite driver in nascar ??? Mine is Kyle Busch , he is the best !!!
  15. gottalovemychickens

    Do you have 2 chickens and want a cheap coop/run LOOK ! Yes i know this is for a turtle but at $59.99 , how can you beat that . Any comments ??? MINI TRACTOR !!!! HEHEH
  16. gottalovemychickens

    Prayers to those at Fort Hood TEXAS i cant believe this FORT HOOD, Texas – A soldier opened fire at a U.S. Army base in Fort Hood, Texas on Thursday, unleashing a stream of gunfire that left 12 people dead and 31 wounded. Authorities killed the gunman, and apprehended two other...
  17. gottalovemychickens

    Me Against Eggland's Best UPDATE #51

    This is a email i just sent to Egglands Best . I really want to hear from them and i really want to see if they will get back to me with truth. If there is no truth , i wont stop till there is You are a big company with big lawyers and what not . But i would like to know how you "Eggland's...
  18. gottalovemychickens

    Looking for huge prebuilt chicken coop... any websites ???

    Just as the title says , im looking for a huge chicken coop that is prebuilt . Please link me any sites that you know selling great coops !!!
  19. gottalovemychickens

    Is my hen going into molt ???

    I have 1 of my hens that is 8 months old and lost all her feathers on her chest. They are just really small feathers but i can see her bare skin. None of my other chickens that are the same age have feathers missing . Could she be molting ? Being picked on ? Not getting something her body...
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