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  1. JudysMuscovy

    Only one chick hatched

    My daughter incubated eggs in her classroom that I bought from a local farmers - it was day 21 and one chick hatched. Waited a couple days and nothing happened. The eggs were brown and some greenish so really hard to see anything in them during the incubation.. Well when I opened the eggs up...
  2. JudysMuscovy

    Hatching eggs needed

    I am looking for some hatching eggs to do in the classroom. I live in Conroe Texas so someone nearby me would be ideal. I only need like 6. If Anyone has any eggs please let me know. Barnard mix would be fine. No need for a certain breed. I already have a home set up for whatever hatches...
  3. JudysMuscovy

    Leghorn hens

    I have 18 hens 12 of which are leghorn hens all a year old. About a month now I have been keeping an eye on this one hen because she had a small lump on the side of her face. It has been growing. Today when I looked at her I noticed it's actually gotten bigger and almost covering her eye. I...
  4. JudysMuscovy

    Broody Australorp hen

    This girl is persistent. I have had her since November of 2016- so she's almost 3 yrs old - she went broody a couple years back. These last two months she's gone broody twice- last month I just kept taking her out of the nest and she'd go back in when I walk away- it took a few times and she...
  5. JudysMuscovy

    Polish smoothe and frizzle chicks

    Is this a pullet
  6. JudysMuscovy

    Polish smoothe and frizzle chicks

    For sale in Conroe Texas Cockerals and pullets 2 months old These guys are adorable. Mixed colors would like to sell as pairs -
  7. JudysMuscovy

    Polish frizzle chicks

    Ok so I am trying to figure out who's who There's two that look exactly alike.. This is the first one - I am leaning towards CockerelThis next one I think Cockerel also This next one I am not sure
  8. JudysMuscovy

    LovePolish smoothe and frizzle chicks

    So I want to keep a few pullet and at least one Cockeral out of a group of 8 chicks can someone help me decide the gender of this one
  9. JudysMuscovy

    Lavender ameraucana chicks

    I am leaning towards this being a Cockerel. He is 5 weeks old and already has comb - I have 4 other's that comb is pinkish and the same age and he's feisty.
  10. JudysMuscovy

    Lavender ameraucana chicks

    I am leaning towards this being a Cockerel. He is 5 weeks old and already has comb - I have 4 other's that comb is pinkish and the same age and he's feisty.
  11. JudysMuscovy

    Chicks for sale in Conroe Texas

    I have 3 week old polish frizzle and smooth chicks $8 each I also have lavender ameraucana chicks for sale Message me if you are interested I will send pictures
  12. JudysMuscovy

    Chick not able to walk

    I have a three week chick that was fine and then two days ago is not able to walk. It's legs are completely behind it. I don't know what happened - I found it like this - when I found it it was gasping like they do when they are about to die- I slowly gave it some water and I wasn't sure if it...
  13. JudysMuscovy

    How much for chicks

    I have just hatched lavender Americana chicks- I am wondering how much I can sell them for? I also have polish frizzle chicks and also wondering how much to charge. These chicks are gorgeous. I am in Texas
  14. JudysMuscovy


    I just wanted to say I love this site! Always good stuff to read up on and learn! I am a totally addicted chicken Mama and you guys are the only ones that understand
  15. JudysMuscovy

    Muscovy duck

    I hatched some ducks for some one and one of them is not right, it always has it's head looking back wards - it does move forward sometimes but mostly has it's head back. Is this neurological? Should it be called?
  16. JudysMuscovy

    Incubating ducks and chickens for someone

    What are your thoughts on how much to charge some one for incubating their eggs ? How much do I charge? I am thinking$1 a day for incubating and heat lamp use. And I usually have them for a week in the brooder until they pick up. I am using my feed (which I had to buy some chick starter) and...
  17. JudysMuscovy

    Americana eggs and polish frizzle eggs in incubator!

    I am very excited! I even bought a new Brinsea incubator the Maxi II I bought the eggs off eBay so I am really hoping for a good hatch! Both people had good ratings so we will see
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