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  • Users: vstoltzfus
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  1. vstoltzfus

    Broody Hen on Egg for 4 weeks--added new ones

    I've had chickens for years, but just got roosters last year and am excited to expand my flock through "natural" means. My broody hen was given 4 eggs 4 weeks ago. Somehow 3 broke, so she only has 1 left. Tonight I went out to take the egg away from her and give her 4 more (she's determined to...
  2. vstoltzfus

    Broody hen won't stay in dog pen--lock her in?

    I've had hens for years, but I recently got roosters. I'm thrilled that one of my hens is broody. Unfortunately she's sitting on the favorite nest in the henhouse, and when I tried moving her to a little dog carrier, she got out and went back to the nest. The problem is the other hens are laying...
  3. vstoltzfus

    Questioning "the system"

    I've been raising hens for years now, and until a few months ago I've been happy with feeding my girls commercial feed. But lately I've been wondering if the old way is best--letting the girls fend for themselves as they free range over my 3 acres. I give them some feed in the morning, but no...
  4. vstoltzfus

    listless hen not eating or drinking

    Here are the facts on my sick hen: 1) What type of bird , age and weight. Red sex link, 15 mos, and 3 pounds 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Very listless, eyes closed most of time, head held to side, sitting mostly 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 2 days 4) Are other...
  5. vstoltzfus

    Need hard numbers on chicken run

    About how long did it take your chickens to strip away the plant life in their run? How many chickens do you have, and how big is your run? I need some numbers so I can plan a paddock system for my chicken run. Thanks so much for your help.
  6. vstoltzfus

    Loss Percentage-how many is normal?

    I went to TSC and bought 20 chicks. They seemed fine at first. I made sure they all knew where the food and water was. When I checked on them again, 5 of them were obviously distressed, so I separated them and gave them sugar water and watched them for several hours. Three perked up, two died...
  7. vstoltzfus

    Broody hen wandered away

    Help! I've been busy integrating 2 flocks (with success!) and didn't notice that my broody hen had wandered away. She's been broody for about 2 weeks. We don't have a rooster, so I've been taking the eggs out from under her. My son said he last saw her on Tuesday morning, and I let them out of...
  8. vstoltzfus

    Broody production hen?!!

    I have 11 red sex links, and I think one is going broody! I never thought a cross would go broody, because I thought that was pretty much bred out of them. But for the past 2 days all she's been doing is sitting in the nesting box. Gives me the stink eye, and won't let me get the eggs out from...
  9. vstoltzfus

    Desperate help needed for cross stitch

    Hello! I am not a cross-stitcher, but my mom was. She died in March, and for Christmas I want to frame a piece of cross stitch for my sister. I am attempting to do the framing myself, but I'm stuck at the first step. The cross stitch that I'm framing is a piece from a quilt Mom was working on...
  10. vstoltzfus

    Raccoon chased my hens in middle of day!

    My hens and I had a big scare today. The hens were free-ranging, which I let them do a couple of hours a day under my watchful eye, and a raccoon came out of the garden and chased them right across my patio! I thought they were nocturnal. I chased the raccoon, and we came face-to-face about 6...
  11. vstoltzfus

    Hens pecking my freckles...cute or bad behavior?

    My hens frequently peck legs. It starts off with them pecking my freckles, but sometimes they peck where there are no freckles. It doesn't really bother me, but I don't want to let them continue any bad behavior. It crossed my mind that perhaps they are tasting (and enjoying) the salt/sweat on...
  12. vstoltzfus

    New from Conestoga asks: have hens, now what?

    I am Melissa, living in Conestoga, Lancaster County, PA. I have been visiting this website for months, looking at coop plans and flock management. My husband built me a coop, and now have 11 RIR pullets laying 9-10 eggs a day. I've had the hens locked in the coop since I got them Aug 1, but...
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