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  1. bigoakhunter

    What kills a chicken and takes it up a tree?

    I have not posted in quite awhile, but I am stumped....I have a automatic coop door closer that has worked well for a year or more. It failed to close the other night and I failed to check things out after dark. Something took advantage of the opportunity pulled one chicken from roost dragged it...
  2. bigoakhunter

    Tested my patience, BUT they finally got it!

    My BC Marans have not learned to use the roost. They are 18 weeks old. I blocked off nestboxes and they just kept huddling on the floor. So i thought to my self, time for plan B. Went out at dark to close coop up and lifted each one up to the roost. Night 2, all on floor again. Repeat lifting...
  3. bigoakhunter

    I Hate Losing One for No Apparent Reason

    Was around the farm all day, chickens all acting fine. Had water and feed. I had given them some partially ripe tomatoes for a treat. Left home about 3pm. The birds in this coop were all in the enclosed, roofed run. It has 1x2 welded wire fencing. Went to visit step-mother who just got out of...
  4. bigoakhunter

    For All of You Waiting, It is Worth It!

    Lot's of you are awaiting that first egg! Or for the Flock to start laying. Well here is what happened with my young flock in the last week: Monday - first egg, a fart egg in the floor of coop Tuesday - another fart egg on coop floor Wednesday - nothing Thursday - nothing Friday - a double...
  5. bigoakhunter

    Can feed brands for layers make that much difference???

    I have some layers that had the same feed for 6 months or so. They have laid just fine. Recently averaging 12 per day for a flock of 15 layers. ( range is 10 to 14). A freinmd works for a feed company and kept after me to switch to his company. So I did....4-5 days later egg production dropped...
  6. bigoakhunter

    Hen O.K., then 3 hours later pecked bloody

    I have some 13 week old hens and some 10 week old hens that have been together for 4-5 weeks now with little problems. Today, one of the 10 week olds that is towards the bottom of pecking order was fine when I left the house at 3p.m. Returned home at 6 p.m. went out to check feed and waterers...
  7. bigoakhunter

    Can 4 week olds and 8 week olds go together?

    I am getting some 4 week old chicks and currently have a flock of 8 birds in a big coop with a 8x16 run. Could I integrate them? If they would work it out, then fine, but I don't want to cause harm to any of them....
  8. bigoakhunter

    Eggs in car for 7 hours today - Safe???

    I was making some egg deliveries to my customers this morning. About noon I cleaned up and then wife and I had to goto two different graduation open houses. Got back tonight and realized 2 dozen eggs that I had collected in last couple of days had now sat in car for 7 hours. Windows were...
  9. bigoakhunter

    Estes Hatchery came through!

    I don't see much on here about Estes Hatchery, but just wanted to say my experience with them has been great. From the intial order, to the quality of the chicks, quick shipping from Missouri to Michigan, (shipped on Monday , recieved on Tuesday) and customer service to refund a couple chicks...
  10. bigoakhunter

    8 month old Broody pullet, with no Rooster in sight!

    I have a 7 month 3 week old Black Australop that has been acting weird for 2 days now. Sits in one of the nestboxes for hours at a time. With 3-5 eggs under her. She acts real funny if I get close, givning me the look and if i try to get eggfs out from under her she tries to peck at me. The...
  11. bigoakhunter

    Is SEARCH function working?

    No matter what I search it turns up nothing found. I was trying to search moving flocks. Nothing, so I tried 4-5 variations, then tried searching topics i know exist like; fart eggs, Marans, runs, etc. andf keep getting the message that no hits came up. Is it broke? Or problem at my end? I can...
  12. bigoakhunter

    Special request for a dozen of those "GREEN EGGS"!

    I sell some eggs locally. But recently got contacted as a lady had heard I had green eggs. They are having a special reading day that features Dr. Suess at the school. They are going to make green eggs and ham, ( with food coloring). But they wanted a dozen of my green eggs to show the kids...
  13. bigoakhunter

    Anyone feed grits for a treat?

    I recently obtained a large bag of grits, that i could use for chicken treats. Do they eat them? I normally give them a bowl of oatmeal each morning in the winter. Could I mix the grits with the oatmeal? I am sure some of our southern friends have tried grits.... Thanks, Dave
  14. bigoakhunter

    Weird Egg Day!

    My 11 pullets have slowly worked up from 3-4 to 7 eggs a day. Which I thought was good for Feb. In Michigan. They are new layers. Today I got my 7 , but on the droppings board under the roast where 3: a shell less one and 2 brown eggs that were cracked. This has never happened before. The...
  15. bigoakhunter

    Freeloaders no more - 1st egg finally!

    I had just replied yesterday to another post about freeloading flocks that had laid no eggs yet! I even went out to run and had a talk with them about my patience running thin. Well holy Sunday's! I go out later than normal to let them out from coop to run and then look in coop to check food and...
  16. bigoakhunter

    Opportunity or recipe for disaster???

    I was contacted by a person, who hearing I had chickens wants to get rid of his flock. I went and looked at them. THeir are 10 Barred Rock hens and one rooster. There outward appearance is good. They are about 18 months old. He said they were laying up till winter came. He does not feed them...
  17. bigoakhunter

    17 week old pullets - 2 questions

    I have 3 breeds: Black Australops, Plymouth BR's and Amueracanas. They are 17 weeks old. 1. The nest boxes have been boarded up the whole time and they are all roosting every night. When do I uncover them and stick the golf balls in? 2. I have enough grower pellets to get me through about...
  18. bigoakhunter

    1st try to post pictures of my hens

    Just spent time opening a photobucket account moving pictures, reszing to less than 800. I hope to get this as I want to enter next coop contest and have many pictures of my girls that I would share. I am posting the IMG...but not sure if this will give me the actual picture in the post. I...
  19. bigoakhunter

    COLD WEATHER - How much is too much scratch?

    Last month or two i have given treats, pumpkins, greens etc. Since colder weather started I have been giving 11 pullets about a pint jar of scratch each afternoon. When it gets really cold or like now high of 27 degrees today and low of 20 tonight, would it hurt to give them scratch in morning...
  20. bigoakhunter

    HELP! Switching Light sources

    I had gone from the original 250 watt red heat lamp for the chicks, to a 125 watt red lamp. ( and I admit I should have shut that off sooner, as girls are 13 weeks)....So I had finally got a timer to mount in coop , thinking I would start supplementing daylight, as our Michigan hours are...
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