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  • Users: LittleFeat
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  1. LittleFeat

    Dominance issue or what do you think?

    Question removed as no one had any ideas. Thanks
  2. LittleFeat

    Pullet Died....looking for possibilities.

    My favorite little pullet Frisbee died yesterday, Sunday. She was an EE right at 11 months old. She had been laying eggs very regularly and I'd noticed no change in her up until I found her dead in the run. In hindsite, she did seem to be "dust/damp sand" bathing more than usual Saturday...
  3. LittleFeat

    My poor girls have a dumb momma!!

    Just wanted to share with you all a funny situation that I caused yesterday. I went out to the coop/run yesterday morning around 7 and opened the big coop door to let the girls out of the coop into the run. The pop door is on a pulley around the outside of the coop but I usually go inside to...
  4. LittleFeat

    Advice hopefully BEFORE I have a problem:

    The last few days I've noticed a few eggs will get cracked a little. Not sure yet if it's from getting bumped or if someone is pecking them. I typically have to leave for work in the mornings before I can collect the eggs and I'm worried one of my hens might realize just how tasty they are. I...
  5. LittleFeat

    Ok Nifty What's Up????

    We have this great site with all the posts about hens and chicks and hatching eggs and broody hens etc, etc, etc, AND we don't have a single smiley of a HEN SITTING ON A NEST!
  6. LittleFeat

    Whose eggs?

    Who typically lays a darker egg, a Black Australorp or a Rhode Island Red? One of my girls is laying while the other hasn't started yet. I haven't been able to catch who's laying. The eggs I'm getting are a little darker (not much) than my Buff Orpington or Silver Laced Wynan. Which of the two...
  7. LittleFeat

    WOO HOO...Valentine's surprise!

    My fourth of five chickens laid her first egg today! I collected 4 eggs today! Not sure whether it was Lilith my BA or Amber my RIR but it was definitely a darker brown than the ones the other 3 girls have been there was a total of 4 today! One more to go!
  8. LittleFeat

    This egg-laying business is just so exciting!!

    OK so the first egg that my Maisie laid was definitely exciting but now 3 eggs and 4 days later....this whole process is just soooo much more exciting than picking up a carton from the grocery!! Today she kept going back in the coop and the others all gathered at the top of the ramp. I could...
  9. LittleFeat

    I'm anxiously waiting.... ***UPDATE with PICS***

    My girls' combs and wattles have gotten bright red. They are beginning to do the "squat". Well actually Maisie's doing more than "beginning to squat"... she runs around the yard squatting at anything that moves. I'm beginning to get excited that I might actually have pets that "make my...
  10. LittleFeat

    What funny quirks do your chickens have?

    Aren't chickens funny!? This morning when I did my usual routine, my chickens did something that got me thinking about what all weird, quirky stuff your chickens do.... I take some kind of treat out to mine each morning before I open their pop door. I place it on a white paper plate and set it...
  11. LittleFeat

    Newbie needs advice please....

    My 5 chicks (6 weeks next Mon.) have been in their coop about three weeks now and had settled in as I'd hoped. Put themselves to bed each night, at first stayed on the floor but gradually learned to move to the lower roost and then the highest one. They were so cute snuggling together. Each...
  12. LittleFeat

    My babies are growing up!

    Friday night was the girls first night in the coop! I moved them out of the dog crate in the garage and out to their permanent home. They did fine and last night and tonight they walked right up the ramp to the coop and put themselves to bed. It was sooooo cute and I am such a PROUD momma! They...
  13. LittleFeat

    EE not putting on weight ~ UPDATE ~

    I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't put my hands on it... My 3 week old EE is not gaining much weight compared to the other chicks I received at the same time. She acts healthy but also acts VERY hungry but seems to just run around chasing whatever any of the others have. I've...
  14. LittleFeat

    Electric fence question

    I'm hoping some of you experienced with electric fences can help. I am putting a small Pet & Garden electric fence around the base of my coop/run 9" up from the ground. The run is basically predator proof but want the fence to keep my dogs from hassling the chickens. They can't get to them but...
  15. LittleFeat

    How to question about the forum?

    I've tried searching and can't find answers to a couple of questions: 1. I've noticed some subjects/posts will have "Update" added to the subject line. I have not been able to find or figure out how to add the "update" note. 2. I've noticed sometimes that a person will suggest to the OP that...
  16. LittleFeat

    How fast they grow!

    Well my chickies are 1 week old today. I can almost see the changes while I watch! AND their coop is finally finished and ready for them to move in. DH did a great job helping me build it.
  17. LittleFeat

    Look what showed up!

    Look what showed up in the parking lot where I work. Momma and 2 kittens but luckily there are no chickies around. I work in an area right in the middle of a busy shopping mall with a small area of undeveloped just behind our parking lot. They were in the shrubs right by our front door when I...
  18. LittleFeat

    Will my new chickies ever get here!!!

    Anxiously awaiting a call from the post office. I've got 5 chicks ordered from My Pet Chicken and I can't wait for them to get here! I ordered them in early July and they were scheduled to ship yesterday. Oh will the phone ever ring???? Oh where are they???
  19. LittleFeat

    New chicks and working full time

    I've done a search and can't find anything about this but wanted to ask....It seems so many of you are around with your chickens all day and I've got 5 baby chicks ordered from MPC and wondered if I'll have any problems being at work all day and not be able to be there with them? I will be with...
  20. LittleFeat

    Chicks ordered and coop started!

    I've ordered my 5 baby chicks and hubby and I got 4 sides of their new coop/run framed in today. Will post pics when finished. Now we just need to figure out how to make the pen look like a playhouse! I'm new to all of this and it's sooooo fun and exciting! Chicks coming week of 08/17: 1 each...
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