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  1. frenchblackcopper

    New Hampshires

    I'm seeking a breeder that can sell me 2-3 dozen fertile hatching eggs of this breed that will ship to me asap. I'm wanting to shut down my incubator for the year and another month I'm hoping to be done. I'm looking for birds from the German Lines,no hatchery stock. I purchased some from...
  2. frenchblackcopper

    Wanting a Blue Asil rooster

    Looking for a nice Blue Asil breeding rooster. No Hatchery stock. Must be willing to ship. Pictures a must. If you happen to know of anyone that breeds Asils please let me know their contact information. Thanks
  3. frenchblackcopper

    American Peafowl and Pheasant Association

    Looks like a new horizon may be here for us Peafowl people. I'm not going to relate to pass posts about the UPA and it's shortcomings but for me this is some news that could breathe new life into Peafowl breeders.
  4. frenchblackcopper

    New Incubator Idea

    Okay I've got a Humidaire incubator that you can tip back and forth to rotate eggs. Problem is if eggs are not tight against each other if you would turn the incubator the loose eggs would roll into each other so hard they would crack and break. Same thing with my old Brinsea 190 Ova Easy. If...
  5. frenchblackcopper

    Craigslist Peafowl "facts"

    I was trolling craigslust this morning going the peafowl ads in regards to hatching eggs and came across some interesting facts that I think all here should be made aware of. There is a new mutation called a "piebald" as evidenced by this ad.
  6. frenchblackcopper

    Everythings bigger in Texas?

    Bet it's gonna be a double yolker and nothing will become of it,but hey,the bators running so Sunday nite we'll start cooking it.
  7. frenchblackcopper

    Mice problem

    I seem to have a mouse problem here and it's breaking me buying mice bait. These thieves have went thru no less than 4 bags, each containing 16 packets of mouse bait. Believe me I put the bags out religously when I see all the baits gone but it only takes 2 days and that packet is gone. It...
  8. frenchblackcopper

    Celebration of Life- Hatch-a-long essentials 101!!

    Alright,who's ready?
  9. frenchblackcopper

    Malpractice suit against a veterinarian?

    Has anyone pursued a malpractice lawsuit against a veterinarian before? We have a very good case against a local vet that caused the unnecessary death of a perfectly healthy female German Shepherd of ours. Negligence has been validated by a necropsy done at the University of Illinois and the sad...
  10. frenchblackcopper

    Less than 2 weeks for spring- Hatchtime to follow.

    Was out feeding the flock tonight and the sun was actually out for the first time in what seems like weeks here.Now the winds blowing,snow is flying again and the temps are down to 18 degrees and expected to be close to ZERO the next few days. The males trains are looking great and coming along...
  11. frenchblackcopper

    Closed Heritage flock comparison

    I've searched high and low looking for Large fowl White cornish chickens. Checking e-bay sellers and trolling thru Craigslist ads weekly yielded few results. I'm rather picky and want traceable genetics that they are purebred with no crossbreeding in them. I belong to many facebook groups as...
  12. frenchblackcopper

    Mt Hope March 26-28th

    Got a flier in the mail last week about it. I've got the itch for 2 specific colored-patterned Peacocks as well as the possibility of meeting another breeder from Ohio that has some purebred chickens of the variety I gotta have,,,anyone else have this penciled in??
  13. frenchblackcopper

    E-BAY Selling

    I noticed last year on E-Bay sellers are now offering to hatch eggs then ship the chicks. Since selling live animals on E-Bay is a no-no,by selling the eggs,then offering the hatch service gets around this stipulation.One particular auction comes to mind where this in my opinion,should have been...
  14. frenchblackcopper

    Fsh food pellets anyone?

    Was at the farm store last nite stocking up on dog food for the coming snowstorm and seen in the animal feed aisle a bag of fish food for those that has koi fish or anyone that has an outdoor fish pond. It was a 40 pound bag and when I looked at the ingredient analysis...
  15. frenchblackcopper

    Fixing Splayed legs

    We all hope it never happens but sometimes it does. Right around pipping time is when the legs and toes begin to start to stiffen up and become less pliable,so to speak. That being said, once the egg is pipped hopefully it shouldn't take more than 24 hours and it's out and doing great. But if it...
  16. frenchblackcopper

    Sonja Violetta - Connerhills.

    Due to the skepticism of a few members that have mentioned that Violetta's does not exist,there is no pictures of them,or are a pigment that is the same as Midnights, here is pictures to prove otherwise. I personally have witnessed a Black Shoulder Violetta Peacock at Brad Leggs very early last...
  17. frenchblackcopper

    Baby ducks? What kind and help please?

    We have never had ducks or geese before but today at school a teacher that we are hatching some chickens eggs for said last night there was 12 baby ducks-geese all by themselves and alone. They managed to catch 7 of them and tonight after school my wife went and picked them up. We raise...
  18. frenchblackcopper

    What are these?

    We have never had ducks or geese before but today at school a teacher that we are hatching some chickens eggs for said last night there was 12 baby ducks-geese all by themselves and alone. They managed to catch 7 of them and tonight after school my wife went and picked them up. We raise...
  19. frenchblackcopper

    Dark Cornish-White Rock cross?

    Seems about the only three people on the continental USA that owns White Cornish large fowl doesn't want to part with any. Aside from importing any and jumping thru USDA hoops and dodging other importers who intentionally ruin your chances of getting your imports passed thru quarantine, has...
  20. frenchblackcopper

    Yard Ornament Stupidity!!!!

    Maybe some has read here this week where I posted a co-worker was contacted by a lady who had 2 peafowl she needed to get rid of?? For those that may have missed it this coworker of mine asked me if I wanted some free peafowl. I said it depended on what color,ect and he told me a lady he knew...
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