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  1. Coop de Grass

    Use for Fermented Feed Liquids?

    Hello BYC, Well, this will be the third time that I've restarted my flock. This time, just 3 hens and never more than 6 or 7, or??? My last flock was 16 hens and I fermented there feed I started fermenting feed again forgetting that even though I reduced the quantity I still have way to much...
  2. Coop de Grass

    Controlling dust in the coop

    A couple of years ago I read a post on BYC where a creative chicken keeper made a diy dust system for his coop. I don't think it was complicated, but all I remember is that a leaf blower was involved. I can't seem to find the article anywhere. Please help!
  3. Coop de Grass

    Heated container for feeding Fermented Feed in the winter???

    I have heated waterers for my flock, but I am wondering if there is something that I can use that will stop the Fermented Feed from turning into a block of ice. Food and Water is in the run, and the girls won't be outside when I leave for work, so the fermented feed will be out for an hour or so...
  4. Coop de Grass

    Broody behavior and reliability

    I have a broody hen who was broody in May. She has decided to be broody again. I arrested her and threw her in broody jail, but the sly creature faked me out. Her behavior went back to normal after 3 days, so on Day 4 I turned her loose. Out with the flock all day, but then back into the nest...
  5. Coop de Grass

    Is the Bumblefoot scab always round?

    Some of my hens definitely have bumblefoot. Some of those, and some of the others have scabs that are not round, but are formed along lines or on the edges of footpads that seem to be folded over. I will try to get photos tomorrow but wanted to ask if the scabs are always round? Is a normal...
  6. Coop de Grass

    Clostridium and length of treatment with Tylan 200

    My flock of 11 showed signs of clostridium perfringens, droppings were water with a few bits of green. It started with 1 hen, but by the time I figured out what it was several more were infected. I have been giving them Tylan 200 orally twice a day. They have completed a 5 day course and are...
  7. Coop de Grass

    Treatment for Cecal Worms and lice, Panacur with Ivermectin?

    I have a new flock thanks to the township cracking down on Chickens in South Brunswick. Good news, we got our variance and then got the ordinance changed for the township! I am seeing problems that I didn't encounter in my limited experience with flock #1. Flock #1 got poop on their feathers...
  8. Coop de Grass

    South Brunswick Township NJ allows Backyard Chickens!!!

    :wee:wee:wee:wee:wee One December 8 2018 South Brunswick Township granted our variance to keep chickens (8) on our 1 acre lot! :celebrate No roos... and when each hen died they could not be replaced... well, I thought that was better than nothing. My plan was to use the summer I would see if we...
  9. Coop de Grass

    Intestinal lining or Cocci(diosis)?

    Hello all, I've been treating my 5 week olds with Corid. They have been through the first course, but I am still seeing this. Is this shed intestinal lining? I am about to start the second course of Corid, but I would think that poo like this would have been eliminated. I have seen it in the...
  10. Coop de Grass

    Bielefelder flock: Roo and 4 hens

    I received notice from our township that I am in violation of local ordinances. I have decided to sell all of my chickens. Too hard to just keep one or two. All are Greenfire Farm stock. 1 Rooster, 16 months old 1 laying hen, 2 years old 2 lay hens, 14 months old 1 Point of lay hen I am in...
  11. Coop de Grass

    Roo or Pullet - 10 week old Golden Cuckoo Marans

    Any opinions on what this 10 week old Golden Cuckoo Marans is? I thought it was a pullet, but now I'm not so sure!!! The eggs were purchased from My Pet Chicken and supposed to be autosexing...
  12. Coop de Grass

    4 week old chicks with raw bottoms after move to outdoor brooder.

    I recently built an outdoor brooder that has 1/4" hardware cloth floor. The lower units are 12 inches above the ground - I wanted to be able to clean under the unit easily. The first morning I found several chicks with raw and bloody bottoms with feathers missing. I cleaned them up and applied...
  13. Coop de Grass

    Roos or hens?

    Hi all, I've been having fun with my chicks this winter/spring. I have 2 roosters, 1 Bielefelder and 1 Crested Cream Legbar, and lots of chicks. Some of them I know are hens, but there are some that I just am not sure about,,, Your opinions would be helpful! Dec 20 hatch date, True Blue...
  14. Coop de Grass

    My 10 month old Crested Cream Legbar Roo is pulling out his chest feathers!???

    I have 2 Roos that get along perfectly! and 1 3 month old roo that is working his way into the flock - he is low man on the totem pole. The older roo is a Bielefelder who is 1 year old next week. His little brother is a Crested Cream Legbar who doesn't fight with anyone, but does try to keep me...
  15. Coop de Grass

    HELP! My CCL roo has strange discoloring on his comb.

    My roo has new discoloration on his comb.I suspect frostbite but have never seen it like this. He is 1 1/2 years old and this is the first time I've seen anything at all on his comb, What do I do?
  16. Coop de Grass

    Bielefelder/Austalorp mixed Pullets and Cockerel - 13 weeks

    I have 3 pullet and 1 Cockerel for sale. All from the same hatch. I would like to sell them as a flock if at all possible. I would consider selling a pair. I don't want to ship - I am in the Princeton NJ area.
  17. Coop de Grass

    Gravity fed Watering system for 20 hens in HOT weather

    Hello all, I am looking for a system to install that will also function well if we are away for a couple of weeks. My neighbors will be checking the girls every other day, if not every day. For the sake of the hens, the neighbors, and myself, I want a system that will keep the water clean! I've...
  18. Coop de Grass

    You know your family loves your chickens when...

    Yesterday, as I was preparing dinner, my son was standing between me and the picture window facing the backyard. I saw an enormous bird swoop down over the lawn, followed by another. I ran out yelling - my flock was free ranging- and I wasn't sure what the thing was. I realized they were turkey...
  19. Coop de Grass

    Can I use Deep Litter over a linoleum floor if I put down garden soil first?

    I have a coop with a linoleum floor. I tried deep litter for 8 months, even adding some soil, but nothing was composting. Then I tried dropping boards with sweet PDZ (my favorite, but my shoulders can't take it). I have sand in the coop right now, but I don't like it, and it is pretty smelly...
  20. Coop de Grass

    Brown egg laid on ground has whitish bloom???

    My brown egg laying hens have laid their eggs on the ground outside, and from the roost (onto sand also onto shavings) on three separate occasions. Those eggs have had a strange white/grey color to them. When removed from refrigeration they revert to their normal color, but when returned to the...
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