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  • Users: Big Cluck
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  1. Big Cluck

    Ring teal question

    So I've read that ring teals are the rabbits of wild duckies. If you didn't want an abundance of them would you: take their eggs? Not provide a nesting box they would like? I've not had experience with birds who WANT to hatch eggs.... Except 1 hen who has never succeeded despite her efforts.
  2. Big Cluck

    Question for experienced mixed aviary keepers.

    So, I am pondering building an approximately 180sq ft aviary primarily to house 4-6 ornamental ducks, ring teal, Mandarin possibly wood duck. I intend it to have several small ponds, a mulberry tree, ornamental grasses and other plants.... I (while Im hearing*not recommended*) am wondering, are...
  3. Big Cluck

    Duck pond question

    Does anyone have any experience with a Duptic system? I would imagine it would be like an underground reservoir that you could drain a small duck pond into? Kind of like an old grey water well, but more composty. Has anyone tried anything like this? Would it be worth the work or just make a big...
  4. Big Cluck

    Duck pen in progress

    Hi all! I have a duck pen in progress here. It will house a pair of BEI/call cross (I think) ducks. The pressure treat rectangle will hold their pond, have a water porch and be filled with sand. The non pond end will have a food and water station. The little house is also not finished. The front...
  5. Big Cluck

    Perfect ducklings with wet hair

    I have 2 absolutely perfect little ducklings here. I wanted to share their wet spiked duckling head down. Cuz how much cuter can you get than mischievous little ducks with spiked hair? People who don’t keep ducks seem to get sick of duckling pictures after the first 54 of them :lol:
  6. Big Cluck

    Duckling identification help, please?

    Hello, IM curious if anyone can give me help identifying these guys. I was told 2 week old black East Indies. But I’m suspecting some call mixed in. Can anyone tell me if 2 weeks old looks right feather wise? Thanks
  7. Big Cluck

    Mereks Treatment

    Hi all! Bobbie our BCM hen contracted Mereks as a pullet. She has always had trouble eating, seeing, walking and grooming as a result. We were told that she and the chicks we got her with were vaccinated but all of them contracted Mereks and all but she and one other passed. She’s about 5 years...
  8. Big Cluck

    Hawk attack (again)

    Hi folks, We had a hawk attack again. One of our hens got grabbed, but not taken. She has a wound under her wing, doesn't seem to be any punctures, but her skin is torn. We started her on clamavox and used neosporin on the wound as well as blue Cote. The skin is torn and, as my daughter says...
  9. Big Cluck

    2 Australorp roos available Central Ma/ Worcester County

    Hi I have 2 Handsome Australorp (we Think) roosters. They were supposed to be pullets. They have been hand raised by children and are very sweet. I am totally ok with them ending up in the freezer as long as they are handled humanely and kindly. My Husband has made it clear he is not going to...
  10. Big Cluck

    Broken wing?

    Hi there, we had a 7 week old chick get hung up in some avian netting. She hung there by her wing for about an hour before we found her. She is eating and drinking, but her wing is hanging down. is there something I can do at home to help it heal so she has better use of it in the future? Thanks
  11. Big Cluck

    Pullet or Roo? and any suggestions on breed

    We picked up 6 chicks 7 weeks ago at the tractor supply from the barred rock pullet bin...... only they are not barred rocks... we suspect Astralorps, because they are black and there was an astralorp pullet bin also, but it was empty. We suspect this one is also not a pullet either.... anyone...
  12. Big Cluck

    Aspirin causing seizures?

    Has anyone had an experience with low dose aspirin causing seizures in a chicken? I have an injured chicken, several people suggested giving 1/2 a low dose aspirin tablet. She started having seizures after wards. I almost put her down thinking it was due to her injuries. I stopped giving her the...
  13. Big Cluck

    hawk attack survivor question.

    My pullet Roberta (hatch date 6/15) was attacked by a hawk today (so much for my hawk deterrants!). I heard the commotion and scared it off. She has a few puncture wounds on her head, other than that I find no injurys to her body. When she came running to me she felt weak and in shock, She was...
  14. Big Cluck

    Low Cost Hawk Deterrents

    Most of my hawk deterrents are modifications of other people ideas that I have found by searching on line. I will be attaching pictures tomorrow. I have a "Chicken Web" over a portion of my yard that is made out of fishing line and 5ft lenghts of 1/2 in PVC pipes. This was my most expensive...
  15. Big Cluck

    Quick and easy $1. poop free waterer

    I'm sure others have made these or something very similar. I just wanted to share this idea just in case no one else had. I like these ones because they hang and fit in small areas and are perfect for brooders. My latest group of chicks is particularly obsessive when it comes to soiling water. I...
  16. Big Cluck


    Going a little crazy here! I have 6 eggs in the bator. I bought it used off of Craigs list. The farmer gave me the 6 eggs to test it out with. They are mixed breeds. He says the moms are Barred Rock/RI Red cross with a handsome white roo for a dad. All the eggs seem to be right on development...
  17. Big Cluck

    Pasty butt question

    Hi all, I have 6 chicks that are 5 days old. All healthy and active on arrival. 3 of them came down with pasty butt last night. They have been cleaned and seem fine now. Is this caused by something in their diet or just the way it goes? Should I expect it to continue or maybe a one time thing...
  18. Big Cluck

    New here

    Hi All! I'm expecting 6 chicks, assorted breeds in 10 days! Very excited, I have been intrigued by keeping chicken for years and finally feel I prepared to take the plunge!! Look forward to clucking with you all!
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