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  1. herefordlovinglady

    Chirping, Tapping, No Bator, Need some Advice please

    I have never done anything like this before. And did not know it was going to be so dang stressful. I had a hen go broody on March 18. She is in the coop and DH and I felt we could let her hatch them. Well on April 9 she hatched out 5 baby chicks. there were still about a 12 eggs left on...
  2. herefordlovinglady


    SEE LINK BELOW FOR THE STATUS OF THE FIVE STOLEN HORSES. VERY SAD AND DISTURBING. I just saw on my Facebook page the following: Last night someone stole a Featherlite gooseneck 22...
  3. herefordlovinglady

    Experiences with Invisible Fences --

    ETA: I guess mainly what I am looking for is feedback on the invisible fence. My main fear is that Bessy will bust out of it. Two Dogs: Andy: Lab/Border Collie Mix Bessy: Beagle/Bassett hound Mix Both spayed/Neutered I am trying to decide if I should put up a dog pen (gives the dogs 50...
  4. herefordlovinglady

    Tornados and Driving == What to do?

    I was driving today and got a weather alert message on my phone that there was tornado warnings in the the county I was driving through. So I pulled over at the fire station in town and waited things out. My question is: If I had been a few miles further when I got the alert, I would of been...
  5. herefordlovinglady

    Life Coach

    I just read a book and the main character was a life coach. It sparked my curiosity and made me curious to know who uses a life coach. Has anyone here ever used one? If so, what was your experience? Did they help you?
  6. herefordlovinglady

    Going to Jackson/Ridgeland MS this weekend. Where to stay? What to do?

    My DH and I are going on a road trip and will end up near Jackson/Ridgeland Mississippi area. We will be there around Noon on Saturday. Would like to go out to eat and enjoy some live music (not heavy loud music but live bar music so to speak). I am not familiar with the area at all -- is...
  7. herefordlovinglady

    Facebook Folks -- Please Vote for Tonka

    My dear Facebook friends -- would you please go like Tonka, first you have to "like" the Houston SPCA!/houstonspca and then you can "like" Tonka. You can always hide SPCA...
  8. herefordlovinglady

    My sister leaves for Berlin Germany -- Prayer Request

    Please pray for my sister and her sons safety. She and her son are leaving the USA for a 13 day trip to Berlin. I was excited for her getting to go, and still am, but scared because of the possibility of retaliation for the killing of Osama bin Laden No political comments please, just prayers...
  9. herefordlovinglady

    Ok Cat People, I need some help

    I recently moved and had to take my cat out of the environment of inside/outside cat to strictly inside. He can go outside if he wants, but since his one adventure out -- that lasted all day -- he refuses to cross the threshold again. I have never had to deal with a litter box, clawing at...
  10. herefordlovinglady

    Dog Diabetes

    My bosses dog was just diagnosed with diabetes. Have really never heard of a dog getting this. The vet prescribed 2 shots a day of insulin and to watch his diet. Would like to hear of other people who have dealt with this and what you do for your dog. My first question was shouldn't they...
  11. herefordlovinglady

    Any Plumbers out there -- I need hlep Bad....

    Okay so when ever I go to take a shower the valve that turns the water on and off comes out and water shoots everywhere. the first time i had to turn the main water off put the valve back in and turn the water to off then went and turned the main water back on. I have got to where I can here...
  12. herefordlovinglady

    Some Pictures to make you Smile (Very Pic Heavy)

    I received an email with these in them and enjoyed looking at them so much i thought I would share. Hope they make you smile. I know i sure love them. Enjoy!
  13. herefordlovinglady

    Microsoft Excel Forumla Help -- Anyone?

    I know enough in excel to be dangerous. I am setting up a spreadsheet and need to calculate a total based on the following: 1 to 10 days = 1% 11 to 20 days = 2% 21 to 30 days = 3% 31 to 40 days = 4% 41 to 50 days = 5% 51 to 60 days = 6% 61 to 70 days = 7% 71 to 80 days = 8% 81 to 90 days = 9%...
  14. herefordlovinglady

    New Puppy -- Do you know what he is?

    Can anyone give me an idea of what type of dog this is. Rescue puppy. Not the best pictures, all I have right now.
  15. herefordlovinglady

    Rooster Experts I Need Your Help!!!!!

    Last week my main roo Captain could not get on his roost due to the wind blowing so bad (he roosts in the trees with one other roo and 6 game hens). He made it to the fence and I took him and put him in the coop with 6 other hens I have. I decided to keep him in the coop for a couple of days...
  16. herefordlovinglady

    seriously what keeps me from logging out?

    i try to log out of byc and it just doesn't happen. any suggestions?
  17. herefordlovinglady

    Need Help deciding -- Opinions of quality

    I want to buy my niece and nephews a horse tire swing for Christmas. Here is my choice between two. this one is regularly 150 on sale for 100 plus shipping (about 25) This one is 120 on sale for 75 plus shipping (about 25.00) The first one has a seat belt, handles and you can choose...
  18. herefordlovinglady

    Why don't they just go ahead and make a cat/dog food

    I get so tired of going in and seeing the dogs eating the cats food and the cats eating the dogs food. It would be so much easier to just have one food for both, and cheaper.
  19. herefordlovinglady

    Really would like some advice before winter PLEASE!!!

    I have a 12 x 10 coop. I have eight hens that roost in the coop every night. I have 6 game hens and two roos that choose the trees at night. I would love to have all of them go into the coop at night. I have and can put scratch in the run and catch them all together. they all free range all...
  20. herefordlovinglady

    not sure what is going on--any thoughts PLEASE!!!

    I have one of my game hens in a crate tonight. earlier i saw her acting kind of slow i saw her poo once and it was white and sticky. when all the others went to roost she did not. she stayed near the ground. i was able to go up and catch her with no problem. she is wild. I held her no...
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