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  1. Wooden_Pony

    My Fav has something wrong with her eye.. *PICS*

    This afternoon while we were cutting up some pomegranates for our girl's I notice my faverolle's eye was half closed and a little crusty looking. Picked her up to get a better look and it looks like under her eye is swollen and somewhat purplish in coloring. She seems fine other then the...
  2. Wooden_Pony

    "Fairy Mirabilia" My latest project I just completed.

    This is a project I have been working on for the past several months. I finally completed it! My inspiration piece was actually a cross stitch pattern I have here. I have several of this cross stitch artists patterns and completed patterns and love her work. The Fairy and her little bird were...
  3. Wooden_Pony

    Having issues with My Page

    I have this one section on My Coop Page that is not working right. The sentences are all crammed up into each other and it will not center on the page. Also my sentences are not running together on the same line, they are broken apart. I am able to make it work while editing but after I save it...
  4. Wooden_Pony

    Combining Guinea Keets??

    So I have here 11 keets hatched on July 27 in the outside brooder pen, and I have 18 keets hatched on August 7 in the inside brooder. I am new to Guineas and I can not find this info on the web after searching for it so I figured I would ask here. So I was wondering if I would be able to...
  5. Wooden_Pony


  6. Wooden_Pony

    D'Uccle's.... I have a question for breeders of them

    Are all D'Uccles suppose to have beards and muffs? I have some Self Blues that I bought and hatched out and they do not. So now I am curious if they are not considered Show Quality? I am still learning about these little guys so if you have any helpful links to post I would apperciate that as...
  7. Wooden_Pony

    Looking for Guniea Eggs! Lots of them

  8. Wooden_Pony

    CA~ Ameracuna Cockerel SF Bay Area

    No shipping pick up only One black Ameracuna cockerel hatched out of Dipsy Doodles eggs. Sweet little thing needs a good home. One of my suriviors from and incubator breaking and egg bashing party done by some friend's kids. He hatched around May 3rd. $5.00
  9. Wooden_Pony

    ~~SOLD~~CA~Two White Silkie Chicks for sale. SF Bay Area

    SOLD These were hatched out of Chellester's White silkies. Chellester was sweet enough to add these into my son's Kindergarten classroom hatch we just had last month.These two are what I have left of the silkies that hatched out on May 21st-22. I have no clue on the sex of them. Sweet little...
  10. Wooden_Pony

    French Cuckoo Maran For Sale. SF Bay Area, CA

    I am not saying Roo or Pullet on this one, as it has me confused. ZeeBoo hatched out of some eggs that I won on an auction ZeeBoo's egg was a dark one!!! Here is a link to ZeeBoo's pictures.... $15.00 for this goof ball.
  11. Wooden_Pony

    French Cuckoo Maran Pullet or Cockeral??

    OK I posted ZeeBoo pictures up a few weeks ago and no one was sure what the gender was. Now here are some more pictures of ZeeBoo. Age 13-14 weeks old. Any help would be great as I need to find this guy a home but I have to know what gender ZeeBoo is. ZeeBoo is for sale...
  12. Wooden_Pony

    Oh no! I dropped it!

    I was candling some of my Self Blue D'Uccle eggs today. I was sitting on the floor candling. This one I was looking at has a moving chick in it and I can not believe it! The egg rolled out of my hand and smacked right onto my hardwood floors. This egg will be on day 18 tomorrow I re-candled...
  13. Wooden_Pony

    French Cuckoo Maran Cockarel?

    About 8 weeks old..... I thought it was a pullet but now I am thinking (pretty sure) it is a cockarel?
  14. Wooden_Pony

    !!!!!!! peeps7 !!!!!!!!! Here is one of your CHICKS!!!

    Day 20 and this little one rocketed out of it's shell!! These eggs are from peeps7's Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantams
  15. Wooden_Pony

    SOLD Northern CA 9 week old SPLASH Standard/Giant Cochin Roo SOLD

    "Sunny Boy" is nine weeks old and getting HUGE! He was hatched out here in our home and raised with my children loving on him so he is very sweet. He was hatched out of luvzmybabz cochins. SO I know the father is a splash and his mom was a blue. He would be perfect for your flock once he gets...
  16. Wooden_Pony

    BIZARRE egg!!! Pics Dial up Friendly

    Dave (DH) found this egg this morning on our back porch. Yesterday the same hen laid a soft shelled egg now this one?? The shell was soft but had now become a bit harder.....
  17. Wooden_Pony

    "You will NEVER Get my Bug Eyes!!"

    The showdown on the back porch. Tiger, the chicken wants Dream's, the chihuahua's big old bug eyes.
  18. Wooden_Pony

    Happy BIRTHDAY Kentucky~Momma

    KM, I just wanted to say..... Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear KM!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Wooden_Pony

    My Husband can not make a project "Simple"....

    but boy do I LOVE him!!! I asked for a simple coop he built my girl's the cutest coop. I asked him Sunday morning for help on my latest great idea, well I got his help. Acutally, he took over the project. I want to use my dog's old puppy play yard as a brooder for my collection of chicks...
  20. Wooden_Pony

    UPDATED pg 2 RARE XXXLarge blue egg

    ok my EE laid a whooper egg tonight. Here it is on my egg scale.... With one of her "Normal" sized eggs... In the egg carton.... which now does not close
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