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  1. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    I recently purchased a young goat. She is about 3 months old. When I got to the farm I bought her from, all the goats were healthy and the farm was very clean. They had a smaller goat about 2 months old, in the heard that wasn't getting enough food because the other stronger kids would push her...
  2. ameracaunagirl

    Chick Hatched 3 Days Early!

    One of my eggs hatched early yesterday morning. She is 3 days early. She pipped but did not fully zip. Instead of pushing out of the shell she started chipping away at it. After about 8 hours, only her head and some of her back was visible. At that point I was worried so I opened the bator to...
  3. ameracaunagirl

    How much do young toms go for?

    I purchased 3 royal palm poults about 7 weeks ago. Two turned out to be toms and the third a hen (from what I can tell). To avoid any future fights over the hen, I plan to sell one of the toms. What is a fair average price for a young tom? I plan to sell him at around 5 months old.
  4. ameracaunagirl

    I Need Some Incubation Tips. Low Hatch Rate

    Hey BYC! I am in need of some tips and tricks for increasing my hatch rate. This is only my 4th time incubating. The first was 12 coturnix quail eggs. 2 were infertile, 3 died early on and only 5 hatched. The second time was 4 chicken eggs. All seemed to be fertile but died early on. From the...
  5. ameracaunagirl

    Can size of beak determine sex? No, seriously?

    I recently hatched 5 coturnix quail. I have read that you can tell the sex by their color, however, all mine are the same color. The only difference is their beaks. Some have "petite" beaks while two have a small hump right at the nostril. Has anyone noticed this in their males more than the...
  6. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    Hello, I am getting a few turkey chicks in a couple days from the local feed store. I have had chickens but these will be my first turkeys. Doe's anyone have a method of telling male or female. Also how to tell whether or not I am choosing a healthy chick. I want to get a couple royal palms and...
  7. ameracaunagirl

    I need help choosing turkey chicks

    Hello, I am getting a few turkey chicks in a couple days from the local feed store. I have had chickens but these will be my first turkeys. Doe's anyone have a method of telling male or female. Also how to tell whether or not I am choosing a healthy chick. I want to get a couple royal palms and...
  8. ameracaunagirl

    New here and need help with incubator and quail eggs

    Hello, I'm new to this site and I have a question about incubating quail eggs. I am on day 16 and my incubator malfunctioned twice during the whole process. Once for two days I couldn't get it above 90F and just two days ago it climbed to 104F for about an hour. I cooled them down and candled...
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