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  1. featherbaby

    What do you do for Eggbound hen?

    I have a silky hen, 2-3 years old. I believe she is egg bound. Abdomen is distended and palpatation indicates a harder mass like an egg that she seems unable to pass. She doesn't walk well, just sits. This has been going on for at least 24 hours. What can I do? I'm in Florida, so keeping her...
  2. featherbaby

    Swamp Cooler To The Rescue In Record Heat Wave

    I am in N. Florida and our temps have been over 100. Well, I have been on the computer many many hours since I lost my beautiful silkie hen yesterday evening. I have found and ordered three portable swamp coolers and I hope they arrive before I have any more losses. I weighed the time and...
  3. featherbaby

    How Can I Get Rid Of Roaches?

    I have an infestation of german roaches in the coops. They nest behind the highest boards where neither I nor the chickens can reach them. At night they come out by the hundreds, but the silkies have all bedded down for the night and they won't go chase and eat them. They'll eat them in the...
  4. featherbaby

    Ummmmm, Tastes like chicken....

    I couldn't 1 wk old silkie chick met the dreaded Alligator puppet....OOoooohhhhh!
  5. featherbaby

    Got To Show Off My New Chicks

    I was blessed by a friend of mine with 12 Silkie eggs, which I divided up among my 3 broody Silkies. One beautiful little splash baby hatched!!!!! (I had two early quitters and the others were not fertile I found out at day 24.....) Well, I know it's not good to raise an "only chick" so I...
  6. featherbaby

    Is It Safe To Eat An Egg With No Shell?

    My silkie hen laid an egg with only a membrane, no trace of a shell. Although it's fragile, semi transparent and flexible, it is intact with no holes or openings. I picked it up a few seconds after it was laid. Is is safe to eat? I can't save it because I can't store it in anything but a bowl...
  7. featherbaby

    What can I do for Fowl Pox on a 2 week old chick?

    I have two silkie chicks, two weeks old. Each of them has a fowl pox lesion beside their beak under their eye. The lesion is as big as their eye. What can I do? I don't want to lose these babies! I have them indoors in a brooder by themselves.
  8. featherbaby

    HELP, My Second 1 day old chick just died....WHAT DO I DO?

    I am beside myself with grief and confusion!!!! Somebody help me with some information PLEASE!!!! My broody silkie just hatched 3 eggs. Three healthy chicks were walking around cheeping. I found one this afternoon that was dying. I thought the mother may have stepped on it. I removed the...
  9. featherbaby

    My Chick died less than a day after hatching!

    This baby silkie chick was the third to hatch under my broody hen. All three looked dry, healthy and lively this morning at 10:00. Now it's 3:00 and one of them is dead. No injury marks on him, no sign of trauma. Why after fighting it's way through 21 days of incubation and having the strength...
  10. featherbaby

    Which Incubator Is The Best One for small hatches

    Which brand/type incubator is best for small hatches (2 doz or less). I am told 'forced air' is a must-have.
  11. featherbaby

    What to do with Dirty Silkie

    I have a white silkie hen whose feathers directly below her vent are stained coffee brown. I have washed her with various shampoos but nothing has worked. Has anybody got a way to get these white again or should I just cut them off short and wait for a molt? She looks terrible, like she has...
  12. featherbaby

    Paper Thin Eggs

    I have one Silkie hen that lays paper thin eggs. All the others who eat the same foods and oyster grit lay perfectly find hard shells. What can I do to supplement her diet with more calcium? Is there another problem I should be looking at? I have liquid "calci-boost" but I don't know what...
  13. featherbaby

    Blood on outside of egg

    There was blood smeared on the outside of a silkie egg I gathered. I checked the vents of all the hens and found no evidence of blood. Should I be worried about this? Is one of my hens bleeding internally? I've had no illness or injuries in months and see no signs of trauma (other than the...
  14. featherbaby

    Split Hatch Problem....OMG What do I do?

    I'm hatching my first eggs in a borrowed incubator. I have 8 eggs that are due to be "locked down" on April 29th. I have 8 other eggs that are 3 days behind them due to be locked down on May 2. If the first batch are locked down, how am I going to turn the second batch until it's time for...
  15. featherbaby

    Did You Find Easter Colored Eggs In Your Coop This Morning?

    Did you hear about the Grandfather who had invited his grand kids over for Easter Morning? He thought he'd suprise them, so the night before he went out and put colored eggs under the hens so the grandkids could "find" them the next morning. Bright and early the kids came over. He gave each...
  16. featherbaby

    Who Showed Silkies At Clay County Fair?

    I'm looking for the Silkie breeder who raised the beautiful Lavender pair shown at the Clay County Fair. I think her last name is Bryant. I LOVED her Lavender hen and want to know if she sells Lavender eggs/chicks/pullets.
  17. featherbaby

    How long does a mated hen lay fertile eggs after rooster is gone?

    I have a new splash silkie who has been in a pen with a rooster until I got her yesterday. How long will her eggs be fertile? Also, how long does a fertilized egg stay good if she is not sitting on it? Does a hen go broody after she lays one or more eggs or does she go broody first before...
  18. featherbaby


    We have had very successful swaps at Bent Creek Feeds in Jacksonville FL for the last few months. Most people who bring stock, sell out. It is well attended and there's lots of parking for sellers and buyers. It's held the LAST Sunday of the month, every month, 9am-1ish This Sunday the weather...
  19. featherbaby

    Looking for Strawberry Popcorn seeds

    I am looking for Strawberry Popcorn seeds, does anyone have some I can purchase or trade for?
  20. featherbaby

    Mourning a Death in the Family

    I know all of you seasoned veterans have dealt with the death of one or more of your chickens. I'm new to the game and have only 8 silkies. One died last night, my youngest one (4-5 months). I brought her in from the coop, medicated her for a respiratory problem, wrapped her in a towel and...
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