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  1. chickenpotter

    Giving away beautiful D’Uccle Rooster in the Richmond, Va area

    If you live in or around the Richmond, Virginia area and want this adorable D’Uccle rooster, please let me know. He is the remaining chicken of my recent flock of 11, which I am giving away. I’m taking a break from keeping chickens, but only a break! Already planning my next flock for Spring 2022.
  2. chickenpotter


    I just had a dog attack. It killed two of my hens and injured one severely. Her entrails are outside her body. They look to be intact, but I am extremely wary of pushing them back in because of infection. How likely is it that this hen can make it? Should I just put her out of her misery?
  3. chickenpotter

    Sick chicken swollen belly, sat on nest and no egg today

    my gold laced Wyandotte has been ailing since yesterday evening. She seemed listless and didn't want her evening scratch treat with the rest of the birds. This morning she was on the nest for a good while. This afternoon I found her under a bush in the griping yard with her tail up looking...
  4. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    I have a Speckled Sussex/Gold Brabanter cross rooster. He is 7 1/2 months old. He has been a pretty nice boy - didn't even start crowing until he was 6 months old. He seems to be nice to all of the hens except one. I noticed some of her feathers on her back were missing a couple of weeks ago. I...
  5. chickenpotter

    My broody hen insists on laying her eggs in a secret nest next door

    I'm now just into my third year of living with chickens:) I love it and have learned so much from all of the great chicken people here at BYC. It seems, though, as soon as I solve one problem, another one pops up. So here's my current dilemma: my Specled Sussex hen Dottie went broody right out...
  6. chickenpotter

    Speckled Sussex- keeps going over fence- could she have a nest over there?

    Hi all, I have a Speckled Sussex named Dottie(I know- so original!), who is just the friendliest most curious hen in my flock. She is quite adventurous and independent. She has been getting next door over or under a fence and 3 times, counting this evening, was nowhere to be found at bedtime. I...
  7. chickenpotter

    My 8 week old gold brabanter has two toes that are beginning to curl inward

    This bird did not have splayed or curled toes as a young chick, but within the last two weeks I have noticed that his two inside toes seem to be rolling over and curling backward. His feet are very large and he walks awkwardly. Should I splint his toes? I have looked at several diseases ( Mareks...
  8. chickenpotter

    Limping 1yr old RIR hen

    I see no signs of bumble foot . What else should I look for? Just noticed the limping today. I watch my hens closely, so I'm sure this is new.
  9. chickenpotter

    Could this be a hawk injury?

    Hi chicken lovers! I am one year into being a chicken keeper. I raised the seven hen's I have from babies. We have a very secure coop, covered run and open run. We live on 2acres with woods behind us. These girls have been free ranging for several hours a day since last summer. We had one scare...
  10. chickenpotter

    Can extreme cold make a chicken sick? Help!

    I live in Virginia and two weeks ago it was 70 degrees here. For the last two nights the temp has dropped to 12 degrees. I am still new at all of this so I haven't heated my coop yet. I haven't checked the temp in there either, but all of the hens seemed okay yesterday. I have seven. This...
  11. chickenpotter

    Chicken sleeping on floor of coop

    I went out to lock my chickens up this evening and count them as I do each night. I have seven and only counted six. One of the SLWs was missing. I looked in throughout the front windows of the coop with a flashlight and I couldn't see her anywhere. It occurred to me to lift the egg access door...
  12. chickenpotter

    How can I tell which hens are laying?

    Okay, I am getting eggs from my seven hens. I get 4-6 every day, but never more than 6. I know the green ones are from my EE and the pale brown or creamy colored ones are from my 2 SLWs. That leaves an RIR and 3 Golden Comets. I never get more than three of the brown eggs in one day. Does this...
  13. chickenpotter

    I found a large clear gob on the floor of the run. It looks like just the white of an egg.

    I was shutting up my birds tonight and noticed a large clear gob of something on the floor of the run. Upon inspection with a stick it appears to be just the white of an egg. My hens have only been laying for 2-4 weeks, so there have been a few soft shells and double yolkers, but this looked...
  14. chickenpotter

    Does lighting outside the coop interfere with chickens' sleep?

    I am new at chicken keeping. This is my first flock raised from day old chicks. They are 20 weeks old. They are in a nice coop with windows that I have to keep open as we live in the South and it is very hot and humid here in the summer. We have an exterior security light on an out building that...
  15. chickenpotter

    Securing hardware cloth to a run

    Hi chicken lovers! I am a fairly new BYC member. I have a mixed flock of 7. We bought a coop and today completed building the run which is attached to the coop-it is 4x12 ft and 6 ft tall. We attached hardware cloth to the outside with pretty long staples -9/16"-and my question is should we go...
  16. chickenpotter

    Hi Chicken Lovers

    Hello everyone! I am so glad to be an official member of this amazing poultry community. I have already asked a question and gotten a good response so I thought I should introduce myself. I am a potter and my husband and I live in Virginia near Richmond. We just moved to this rural location a...
  17. chickenpotter

    My EE has watery poop! Not an emergency, but I'm a newbie who needs help.

    First thanks to all you experienced backyard chicken keepers for your great information and help. I am new to chickens and this site has been most helpful to me as I raise my first small flock of 8 chickens. I am totally hooked and loving every aspect of chicken- keeping thus far. My chicks...
  18. chickenpotter

    My EE has watery poo!

    First of all, thanks to all of you experienced chicken keepers for helping us newbies. The information I have gotten from this site has been invaluable! I am new to keeping chickens. We recently moved to a rural area and have 2 acres. Got 8 chicks in March and raised them in my garage. What an...
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