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  1. jonezjollyfarm

    Diy flock block

    Does anyone make their own flock blocks? I like to make them in winter to replace plain scratch on cold nights. There not huge like the ones you get at the feed store. I want to add some fruit to them but I'm wondering if they'll keep. I usually make a dozen or so then store them in the deep...
  2. jonezjollyfarm

    Holiday lights

    Wanted to share my holiday lights. We don't celebrate any religious holidays but I do love the lights. The inside of my coop is actually lit with crystal holiday lights. The lights help keep us chipper in winter which is usually a rollercoaster here in central Illinois. 55 one day and -4 the...
  3. jonezjollyfarm

    What a day it's been!

    Started my day with a new routine. Put new lights in the coop so we can give supplemental lighting a try. Went out and turned them on, said my good mornings and went back to the house for some much needed coffee. Had my coffee and watched the news till the sun started to peek out. Went to make...
  4. jonezjollyfarm

    Oh marshmallow.

    Over the years I've noticed marshmallow has a strange little thing she does. I'm curious if anyone has ever seen this. Shes always been a strange little being. She does not get bred. If a rooster tries to breed her she runs like the dickens and if I'm present runs to me (which is weird cuz she...
  5. jonezjollyfarm

    Green corner?

    Can someone tell me what the green corner on some of the profile photos is? I thought it was people who are currently online but after looking further I don't think that's right. I searched the help section and searched in the articles and what not. Its been driving me crazy. Sorry If the...
  6. jonezjollyfarm

    Daylight saving

    Did anyone else forget to change the times on their automatic door? Woke up this morning looked at the clock and thought that cant be right. Checked my phone and thought crap!!! Now gotta go change it without waking the little beasts! Didn't happen. Good thing I installed some new lights in...
  7. jonezjollyfarm

    Vocabulary words and abbreviation?

    Is there a thread or a link with all the vocabulary and abbreviations that are used in chicken tending and on here? I did a search and didn't find much. Can we compile them and create one? I know I'm no newbie but also no expert but I find myself wondering what some of the words and...
  8. jonezjollyfarm

    Cleaning the coop.

    I'm curious to find out how frequently and to what extent you clean your coop? Fall and spring I usually do the whole shabang... floors, walls, windows, roosting bars, ect. Then every month to month in a half I clean the floor litter and put down fresh (excluding cold winter months just keep...
  9. jonezjollyfarm

    Farewell boys.

    I woke up this morning very sad. Tomorrow my roosters are going to their new home. I was thinking about how I wont be able to see their sweet faces whenever I want. Made them a delicious breakfast. Went out early to get them up to spend some time with them before I have to go to work. Then two...
  10. jonezjollyfarm

    Feed bag bags...

    Does anyone else make these? My mom started to make them and people went crazy for them. Feed bag bags or in my case purse.
  11. jonezjollyfarm

    Do you have chicken nightmares too.

    I'm curious to know if I'm the only one that has nightmares I almost never dream but when I do I have these wildly vivid nightmares that almost have something to do with my chickens. Most recently I dreamed I was getting home from work and my dad had let them out to forage in the pasture next to...
  12. jonezjollyfarm

    Free roosters to good home Illinois

    Theses boys are looking for a new home. There is actually a third I dont seem to have a photo of. We are located in central Illinois. this is shaw. He was hatched in the spring. He is either a rir or a rir bo mix. Hes a good boy but is a little squirrelly. This is guster. He was also hatched in...
  13. jonezjollyfarm

    Fermented feed

    I've fermented feed in the last just for fun to and to give it a try. I did a butt load of research before and could never find a clear answer to this question. After watching videos and reading for hours I'm still confused. I'm using the double bucket with holes drilled in the inner bucket for...
  14. jonezjollyfarm

    I won the lottery....well not really

    Omg I'm like in shock. All this past week I've been standing I'm my coop waiting for the automatic door to close so can retire for the night. So yesterday I decided hey ding dong why dont you change the time so it closes earlier. So I did and adjust it to open a little later. Went out early this...
  15. jonezjollyfarm

    Dumb dumb question

    What is sop? I've seen it several times what does it mean? I'm sure it's a dumb question but its driving me crazy.
  16. jonezjollyfarm

    Solved Sketchy posts

    I've been a member for some time and haven't been on much over the years. Decided to check back in to see what's up and help people with the knowledge I've acquired over the years. I'm just wondering if there is any issues with spam post or malware links. I've seen some posts that seem sketchy...
  17. jonezjollyfarm

    Oh boy.

    Here's a funny story for you. Knowing it's going to start getting cold at night I wanted to insulate the rooster coop a bit so they weren't too cold. It's a nice cool summer coop and probably the most glorious piece of crap you've ever seen. But I build it myself from pallets and recycled wood...
  18. jonezjollyfarm

    Sheep prices

    I'm curious to know what a fair price for a sheep is. I know a guy that raises them and hes always complaining people are trying to rip him off and they want them for nothing. How much does a sheep go for these days?
  19. jonezjollyfarm

    Free roosters to good home Illinois

    Looking for homes for 3 young roos. Hoping to rehome before winter sets in. The red roo is shawn and the black is guster. They are both presumed mixed breeds. I also have a grayish black polish mix roo that is younger. All hatched this year. Good boys but still young and a little squirrelly. If...
  20. jonezjollyfarm

    2 roos to good home

    Hello. I'm looking for a home for 2 young roos hatched this spring. There good boys but I already have adult roosters and they have created an imbalance in my flock. One I believe is all rir and the other I believe is ee br mix. But they could both have ee in them. I really dont want to give...
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