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  1. LittleBoPeep1

    Chickens Get Sick Every Winter?

    Every winter, a few members of my flock seems to get "gurgled clucking" and the whole flock seems to sneeze occasionally. They also seems to get a little smelly around their faces. Otherwise, they seem perfectly healthy and normal. What should I be doing to help them?
  2. LittleBoPeep1

    What Color Is My Rooster??

    Here is my little mixed breed rooster...just wondering what his coloring would be considered...Thanks!
  3. LittleBoPeep1

    Should I treat the whole flock for coccidiosis?

    After introducing one pullet (around 11 weeks old) to my flock of full grown chickens, I noticed that she had a couple bloody poops and assume that she is dealing with some sort of coccidiosis. I started treating her individually with Corid but now I am wondering if my whole flock is at risk and...
  4. LittleBoPeep1

    Is this what the long tailed gene looks like....PICS!!

    Here is my nine week old pullet. She is a cross but has quite a bit of Phoenix in her. Just wondering if she carries/is expressing the long tailed gene or if she just has a normal tail. If she was expressing the long tailed gene, is that a trait she could pass on? Thanks!
  5. LittleBoPeep1

    How long is Coccidiosis contagious for?

    Recently, I got two 7 week old pullets that had some blood in their poop and presume they had coccidiosis. I have been dosing them with Corid for 3 days now and haven't seen any blood since the first 48 hours of treatment. These pullets are still in quarantine but I was just wondering when they...
  6. LittleBoPeep1

    Thinking Pullet....other thoughts?

    Here is my 6 week old rumpless Araucana...smallest out of all the siblings. Do you think Peanut is looking more like a pullet or roo???
  7. LittleBoPeep1

    Newly hatched chick with something hanging from vent!

    My chick just hatched out of its egg and there seems to be something yellow/brown with a white cap and a cord attached to the chick. The chick seems fine (although the cord is wrapped around one of its legs a little but it can still move). The yellow/brown thing kind of looks deflated and is...
  8. LittleBoPeep1

    Elector PSP and Lice Nits

    So I just bought two hens who seemed to have a very mild infestation of lice. I treated them about four days ago now and don’t see any more lice on them. When I pull apart their feathers though(especially around their face and wings), I still see some lice eggs and one hen continues to scratch...
  9. LittleBoPeep1

    Pheasant/Chicken Hybrid?!

    Hello, Someone local is selling what they claim to be a cross of a buff bantam and pheasant. Just thought I'd ask to see what other's thoughts are. Also wondering if this cross can reproduce. Thanks!
  10. LittleBoPeep1

    What breeds is this rooster crossed with?

    I just got a new rooster and was wondering what breeds he could be crossed with. He is pretty small (only about 3lbs). Thanks:)
  11. LittleBoPeep1

    Deworming question....

    Hello, I am getting a new rooster for my established flock and was hoping to deworm him for internal parasites so that my hens don’t get infected (just to be safe). I have some Panacure (fenbendazole) paste that I could give at a very low dose as well as some injectable ivermectin. Any...
  12. LittleBoPeep1

    Very sick/lethargic rooster and two sneezing hens!?!

    i just came back from out of town and my rooster seems to be failing fast. Classic signs of sickness: Purple comb Very lethargic Closing eyes Sitting in corner Most importantly, he seems to have some white stuff on the tip of his tongue. There is one other hen making tiny gurgling noises and...
  13. LittleBoPeep1

    Tylan 50 for respiratory?

    My birds have recently been sick with some respiratory disease (mostly sneezing and rattly voice) and one hen has a swollen face. I got Tylan 50 for them but now they seem better (an occasional sneeze) should I give them the medication anyways? Also, I am going to be introducing a new...
  14. LittleBoPeep1

    Sick Flock—Respiratory?

    Some members of my flock seem to be falling ill:( My rooster (7yrs old) is very lethargic but still eating and drinking. Acting very droopy and sneezing. Foul smell coming from him. My first hen’s (7 yrs old) eyes have been occasionally swelling shut. Eating and drinking but also sneezing. Her...
  15. LittleBoPeep1

    Wanted: Ohiki Rooster

    Hello, I was just wondering if anybody has a Ohiki rooster for sale and would be willing to ship. Pet quality would be fine. Feel free to PM me. Thanks so much!
  16. LittleBoPeep1

    Gender of 3 month old Ameraucana?

    This chicken is really stumping me...she/he acts very dominant and is bigger than the rest of the chicks, but nothing else really makes me think cockerel. Any thoughts?
  17. LittleBoPeep1

    Sick Chick?! With pic

    This chick is 5wks old. Tonight, I noticed that her tail feathers were dropping, she looked tired (although it was evening), and she sneezed a few times (after I changed the bedding). Is this normal or should I be concerned? all the other chicks seem fine.
  18. LittleBoPeep1

    Anyone heard of a Blueing?

    Today I was buying a few chicks. I was looking for a chicken that layed a lot of blue eggs, and the lady recomended a Blueing chick. She said they are a production cross blue egg layer. I got one just to see what it would turn out like:) It is all white, no muff, and has a pea comb. Has anybody...
  19. LittleBoPeep1

    These two chicks are stumping me.....

    Chick #1: Phoenix (cross?). 4wks 2 days old. I am thinking pullet. Chick #2: Calico Cochin. 4 wks 2 days old. Thinking cockerel but s/he is feathering our fairly quickly. I don’t know how much the breed influences growth/development, so I’m not really sure on these two chicks...
  20. LittleBoPeep1

    EMERGENCY: Broody killed all chicks but one egg. Still hope?

    I have a broody hen that just killed all her chicks but one egg what should I do???? The egg was left alone, and when I tried to put it back under her, it was chirping. It was not sat on for five minutes and jostled around quite a bit.Right now it is not chirping when moved and she is sitting...
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