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  1. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Question about homemade soap?

    The soap is great and works good for me. I passed it on to several people and they like it. A friend of mine thinks she is allergic to the felsnaptha. Is there a substitution she can use?
  2. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood

    I love my mr. ida and he is great, but when I went down to close the pen, he like attacked me three times and more, and drew blood. He is a beautiful rooster but I am thinking about letting him free range, because he is mean to me. I have done nothing but be nice to him, but he has allways been...
  3. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I think one of my chickens has frostbite on a toe?

    Should I bring her in and then, if I do how soon can I put her back out?
  4. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Is 5 am to early to let out of coop?

    Now, I know it sounds silly, but with the temps in the single digets all week, I just need affirmation that they will be fine. I have to go back to work tomorrow. I guess I'll I will have to hope the eggs won't freeze because I won't be home until 4:30 pm.
  5. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    My husband left me...just found out my 24 year old went to jail...fault of his own. I am in tears right now and I can't imagine it getting any worse. There are no words to describe the pain. Not a good time. I know you all need details but I can't bring myself to it right now. On the...
  6. LegHorn-BusHorn

    My dog got ran over and lived to bark about it!

    Yes, my 3.5 lb. min-pin got ran over by a car and is just fine. It is quite a miracle that Dolly survived. She somehow got out of the fence and my husband noticed that Dolly had quit barking for a while ( Dolly always barks when she is outside) he went to check on her and he saw her heading to...
  7. LegHorn-BusHorn

    What to do? OH what to do! About my sons pit..

    I am going to make this as short as I can. I am now taking care of my DS pitbull and I need some advice. I like the dog and he's not a bad dog just a big headed baby, he is 3 years old. I do not have the facilities for this type of dog, and he is now chained in a lower area outside my home and...
  8. LegHorn-BusHorn

    They are using chickens eggs for H1N1!!

    Just saw it on 60 minutes, and that's awesome. I just wonder about the poor chickens and the abuse they are going through. Anybody know more? They are using thousands of eggs. Maybe I am just in the DARK?
  9. LegHorn-BusHorn

    My beautiful brown leghorn rooster

    This is Mr. Ida...was supposed to be a pullet! But he is pretty gorgeous!
  10. LegHorn-BusHorn

    What about green tomatos?

    Will there be any ill effect on my chickens? I just got a bunch from my co worker.
  11. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Over wintering goldfish?

    Goldfish from Wallyworld. My sister says to cut off their food slowly, keep the pump on and keep the water from freezing. She has kept hers this way for three years and they are alive in the spring. Sounds like a plan? Any other opinions?
  12. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Paranormal Activity?

    Has anyone out there seen the movie? I heard it was really scary and was made for about 15,000. in one room. Kinda sounds like Blair Witch Project. Which scared the .... out of me.
  13. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Well, they're talking about the first freeze this weekend..

    and I need to bring my indoor plants inside. Does anybody know how I can prevent bringing unwanted creatures in, like snakes! And, I need to do it this week. I know how to get rid of bugs, but not sure about snakes and frogs. I know someone out in chickenland knows. TY
  14. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Boy, This flu is really getting bad.

    I heard on the news tonight they are making tents in the parking garages of seven hospitals near STL. to treat flu patients. Also, if your under 18, you can't visit patients in the hospital. To top it off, they are also making people wear masks in the hospital which I heard was not effective...
  15. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Did anyone see the PBS special tonight on chickens?

    It was totally awesome. They showed mostly the good stuff and I was crying at the end. It was a great show. They had a bit about Mike the headless chicken in great detail. And about a man that had 100 roosters and was made to get rid of all but 5. He was seemily raising them to fight...
  16. LegHorn-BusHorn

    How do you all do it?

    I mean with taking care of children, chickens, dogs, cats, fish, house work, lawncare, making meals, getting up and working 40 hours? And then have time for the BYC? I am only really dreading the dead of winter and having to clean the coop out, I forgot, I hate cold weather, but I will do what I...
  17. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Anybody like Foghorn Leghorn?

    This is pretty funny!
  18. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Well, Had a bad day....

    Was getting ready to go to a friends, all ready, going out the door, lock the door and go. Get to the car and I left my keys inside! Check all doors to see if I left any unlocked, NOT. So, I call a friend that has a key, doesn't answer phone. Call my DS because I know he got in without a...
  19. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I can't make brownies!!

    Of any kind, they are always burnt on the sides and not done in the middle. I have good intentions thou. I would think it's my oven, but everything else cooks fine. I'm gonna go get the half cooked half burnt brownies out of the oven now. Any suggestions out there? Anyone else have the same...
  20. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Finally found DE food grade local, now what?

    This was quite a trip, just finding it. The people around here look at you like you don't know what you want and this was at Dicky Bubs farm supply. They also said they never heard of it and couldn't find it on their computor. I also asked about an electric water base and all they could show...
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