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  1. Country Gal

    Any ideas on keeping the duck brooder drier?

    Hi all, I bought some ducklings last weekend and I currently have them brooding in the garage similar to what I do with baby chicks - they are in a kiddie pool, with a heat lamp, food and water, and I have wood chips down. All week I have been adding additional wood chips because they have...
  2. Country Gal

    Getting Ducks Back in at Night?

    We had gotten some ducks a couple years ago and tried just moving them into the barn after they were finished brooding - I think they were 6-8 weeks old at that point. It didn't work out so well, something would snatch one of them every night, so we started rounding them up each night...
  3. Country Gal

    Broody Hen Pushing Eggs Out of Nest?

    I had a hen last summer that was particularly broody. She would have spent the entire summer on that nest if I let her. So I finally let her sit, assuming that she had eggs under her. I kept collecting eggs from the other nest boxes, and after a couple weeks, i found out that I sold eggs to a...
  4. Country Gal

    Poultry Swap Meet in Imlay City, Michigan?

    There is usually a poultry swap meet held at the Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds in Imlay City every April... does anyone know which weekend it is scheduled for this year? Thank you! Kelly
  5. Country Gal

    A Reintroduction...

    Hello all! I'm not new to the site, however it has been a LONG time since I've been on... my, how the site has expanded!!! My name is Kelly, I live in Capac, Michigan. I have been raising chickens for about 3 years now and found the most valuable information from this message board! I have...
  6. Country Gal

    My first broody... question about after the hatch

    Hi all! Well, I think it has finally happened. I have my first broody that MIGHT actually stay on her eggs long enough for them to hatch! In the past, I've done my hatching with the incubator and kept the babies separate from the adults until they were about 18-20 weeks old. Here's my...
  7. Country Gal

    Recipes using 8+ Eggs...

    Okay, I have eggs coming out of my EARS right now! I sell between 6 and 8 dozen at work every week, and I still seem to always have about 3 dozen in the fridge at all times. It's not helping that I have several chickens still laying the "pullet eggs" and I have deemed those too small to sell...
  8. Country Gal

    How much have you paid?

    I was on e-bay last week looking at the hatching egg selection. I was most interested in Marans and Welsummers because I've come to the conclusion that my lone Welsummer hen may NEVER lay an egg! Last summer I purchased 6 Welsummer eggs (from e-bay) and I paid around $20 for them. There were...
  9. Country Gal

    When will my Welsummer lay???

    With my original batch of layers, they all started laying by 20 weeks. With the second batch, they all started laying around 22 weeks, except for my Welsummer! She is approximately 28 weeks old - are they normally late bloomers? Her comb isn't super red yet either... Thanks!
  10. Country Gal

    Is there a difference?

    Does anyone know if there is a difference between Isa Browns and Red Stars? I picked up some "red stars" from TSC (ordered from McMurray), and the following week I picked up some Isa Browns at a poultry show. Now that they're around 6 weeks old, they are starting to look a lot alike. They...
  11. Country Gal

    Staying out of the coop after dark?

    I've had my chickens since April 2007, they've been in the coop since June 2007. For the past year, it has been like clockwork that dusk arrives, and the chickens go INSIDE the coop for bedtime. The past two nights, there have been a couple hens roosting on the run after dark. And they've...
  12. Country Gal

    Ooops! How I almost ended up with 215 turkeys/ducks...

    So I placed my poultry order with McMurray this year (I purchased from them last year and was very pleased with my order). This year I decided on 25 meat birds, and "Backyard Combination #2" which consists of 6 turkeys and 9 ducks. For some reason, I decided to use my debit card rather than my...
  13. Country Gal

    Imlay City, Michigan - April 26, 2008

    Hey fellow chicken lovers! Just a heads up that the Poultry Swap Meet in Imlay City is this Saturday! It will be held at the Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds on Van Dyke. I went last year and had a great time. They had all kinds of equipment for sale. People set up their tables and have...
  14. Country Gal

    What would you put in your ideal coop?

    I just got into chickens last year and did NOT expect to get addicted like I have! I originally built a relatively small and simple coop and run. For my birthday this year, my husband got me a book on building chicken coops. I guess this means that he's forgiven me for making him build last...
  15. Country Gal

    Yellow Americauna?

    I have completed my "incubation project" and ended up with 10 new baby chicks. Part of that egg grouping included 12 Americauna eggs (ordered off E-bay). Of those 12, 3 hatched. The first two look like what I would think an Americauna should look like - dark brown with various markings...
  16. Country Gal

    I'll be darned, I did it!!!

    I built the bator, I put eggs in it, realized that I shouldn't put multiple groups of eggs in the bator at different times, built a hatcher, put my first group of eggs in the hatcher on Sunday night, and I'll be darned, I came home from work today and there was a baby chick!!! She's adorable...
  17. Country Gal

    A couple incubation questions...

    I cannot believe how addicting this is! When I first decided to get some chickens, I NEVER imagined myself actually building an incubator and trying to hatch my own down the road!!! So now that I'm in the middle of it, a few questions have popped into my head. I'm worried that maybe I didn't...
  18. Country Gal

    My first attempt at building a bator

    So I went to Home Depot today and picked up all the stuff I needed to build a bator. I stoped at my dad's on the way home because he said he had a styrofoam cooler I could have. First, dad's cooler is a regular cooler - plastic on the inside and outside, with styrofoam in the middle. No...
  19. Country Gal

    To all the "Bator Builders" - Will this work in a pinch?

    To all the people who have the skills to build their own incubator: To keep it short, I had a broody hen, I ordered eggs for her, they will probably arrive tomorrow, I messed up today and I spooked her out of the nest. I have no idea if she'll get back on. I don't have the time to build an...
  20. Country Gal

    What are my chances???

    So I've had a broody hen for about a week and a half. She was sitting on ONE egg and I didn't know whether it was viable or not. Today I think I made a BIG mistake! I went into the coop to lay fresh straw and while I was in there I noticed that they had finished their food so I refilled it...
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