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  • Users: Kitsune
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  1. Kitsune

    Not new but back after a break

    So I've been chicken-less for a few years, bought my own house last year and have finally got things sorted to add hens to my life again :) I have got 5 ex commercial layers to start with, it's day 1 and I am loving having them!
  2. Kitsune

    *graphic post mortem pic* Can anyone identify this?

    I found this inside a hen I culled, it felt like a jelly filled sac but when I cut it open clear fluid that looked just like water and had no smell came out. it looks like there is a tube leading from it to the vent but there didn't seem to be an opening from the sac containing the water to the...
  3. Kitsune


    I have pippage! 8 remaining eggs from 17 set, the 9 discards were clear (I knew some would be infertile so they probably were.) now 2 are pipping and I had forgotten how exciting this part of the process could be! I've lost two of my rescued hens in the past week so really needed something...
  4. Kitsune

    Chick feeder design to ensure no spillage?

    Ok, I'm looking for a design to ensure that no chick crumb gets spilled - I'm doing a final year project on chicks (see me, my chickens, my family for more info) and I need a way to accurately weigh the amount of food being consumed by the chicks - which means I need to make sure all the food...
  5. Kitsune

    Final year project! CHICKS!! (if you have DE info please read!)

    Well I've been fretting and worrying about what to do for my final year project for months now! I wanted it to be something I have experience with and that interests me - I really couldn't think of an area that I could get a decent project out of with enough data and controlled enough...
  6. Kitsune

    I'm back (again)

    Hey there fellow chickeneers I've made it back after life decided to take over for a short while - I've currently got 6 rescued layers (possibly the smae ones I had last time I was around here - I don't remember when that was though!) and next week I am getting *dun dun dunnn* an incubator...
  7. Kitsune

    Small numbers of meat chicks in the UK?

    Well the title really says it all, I'm looking for small numbers (5-10) meat chicks in the UK - I've had a look around but can only find layers, even the pure heavy breeds are hard to get hold of and I'm really looking for something that will grow a little faster (though something in between the...
  8. Kitsune

    9/10 chickens...

    Didn't escape the fox 8 silkies and my little Japanese bantam are now gone, I'm left with one black/dark blue silkie who I'm pretty sure is male. Including food, that's over £100 meal the fox got last night. And I'm left with a single lonely chicken - not sure what to do about getting more...
  9. Kitsune

    Back from the mists of time!

    Hi there people! I'm back, I have chickens once more (9 silkies and their jap bantam 'mother') and some spare time to sit at the PC (generally while taking a break from the everpresent spectre of studying) Just got back from a couple of weeks on a fundraising trip in Africa (raised just over...
  10. Kitsune

    lesions on necropsy - links to pictures

    Does anyone have any idea what could have caused all these leisions? I'll put links to all the pictures that I have in case someone can pick up on something I might have missed. I didn't take pictures of anything that looked perfect, just things that I either wasn't sure about or that I knew...
  11. Kitsune

    Dead cochin

    I've been away for a week, got back late last night and have been busy all day studying (my final exam tomorrow) I noticed one of the cochins was a little listless, but it didn't seem urgent, whenever I went out to see them it perked up and scooted off along with the rest. Just heard the other...
  12. Kitsune


    Well, after a whole host of issues and generalised ups and downs of life I have just restocked my chicken yard! They are all being kept in the coop for the first couple of days (other than supervised visits to the garden) so hopefully they will all know where to go when they are let out to...
  13. Kitsune

    Wolf Sanctuary Visit *pics added*

    Yesterday I went back for a visit to the wolf sanctuary I have worked at the past 2 years over the summer, the drive down went well, this is the first time I’ve been there in winter and the views were strikingly different. As we drove the roads got progressively smaller and smaller till we...
  14. Kitsune

    Invisible Children

    I stumbled across this today.. If you have 55 minutes to spare to take a look at something that will probably take you out of your comfort zone, touch your heart and open your mind a little more to a world that shouldn't exist, please follow this link. It doesn't matter if you decide to do...
  15. Kitsune

    New addition - Alsation (German Shepherd)

    Well I decided to help out a friend and take her dog for a couple of days while she sorted out issues with her fiance.. she came round tonight and dropped the bombshell, she doesn't want him back, in a choice between man and dog the dog once again looses out.. I hate this.. she has had him for...
  16. Kitsune

    Skydiving!! (eventually)

    Well after going for my initial training in October, being the only course out of 3 where students didn't jump the same day, spending every weekend possible between then and now at the drop-zone I eventually managed to get my first jump in! Well, more than my first jump actually, my first 7...
  17. Kitsune

    How much do I hate my ISP?

    This morning a letter from my ISP came through the door, as the bill is payed by direct debit I figured it'd just be a confirmation of payment and so put it to one side to open later.. As I'm checking e-mails and chatting to a friend online my connection drops, I do all the restarting stuff...
  18. Kitsune

    Why I've not been around

    Well I thought I'd stick up a quick summary of why I've been scarce around the BYC forums over the past year. I started University, while it's not as strenuous work-wise as I'd expected (and in truth hoped it would be) it is taking up a great deal of my time, meaning that the rest of my life...
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