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  • Users: Sustained
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  1. Sustained

    Shipped eggs, terrible air cells

    It's been too long since I hatched shipped eggs. I can't remember the best position for lockdown. Sitting up in an egg carton or laying down? I received an almost completely scrambled batch of eggs. 3 of the 18 developed. Lockdown in 2 days if they keep going. The air cells are really bad. Not...
  2. Sustained

    Will a roo adopt a chick???

    Short and simple version... I put a chick under a broody hen. The hen is still broody and the chick was out with the flock this morning. That chick has decided that my roo is mommy. I have no clue what to do.
  3. Sustained

    Adding ducks

    I've had a pair of WH for almost a year. I just love them and decided I'd like a pair of Ancona as well. Will the new pair stick together? Or will they all intermingle? And one will be the dominant male like with chickens? My welsh were my first ducks ever so I'm not sure how the dynamics of 2...
  4. Sustained

    ISO self blue (lavender) silkie hatching eggs, npip+ai clean

    I'm hoping someone has some of these for sale so I can start a project pen. I would prefer pure lavender rather than splits. Let me know your prices. Thanks!
  5. Sustained

    Paralyzed leg

    I have a silkie hen, about 2 years old, that developed a hurt leg a few days ago. She acted as if it was painful to walk on it and was kind of hobbling around. I felt the leg and all the way up to her hip but she didn't act as if I was hurting her and I didn't feel anything unusual. Thinking she...
  6. Sustained

    Help identifying barnyard mix please

    I got a lovely barnyard mix from a BYC user that have just hatched. I've identified a few but I'm a silkie girl and don't have much experience with most of the breeds in the mix. Chick #1 Chick #2 Chick #3 I do realize they'll be mixed breeds most likely but a general idea of possible...
  7. Sustained

    Broody hen question

    I have a silkie that's gone broody. After 4 days of her refusing to leave the nest I decided to give her some eggs that I was going to put in my bator. I gave her 10 eggs that I had been collecting from my flock. Well 2 days running now I haven't gotten a single egg from my other hens in the...
  8. Sustained

    Lockdown questions, wisdom needed!

    So I have a still air LG with chickens and ducks in lockdown. Humidity has been holding fine but half of the bator is 98 degrees and the other half about 96-97 and fluctuates. I did everything I could think of to even it out without frying the eggs on the warmer half. Hatch day was Sunday. I had...
  9. Sustained

    Putting a rooster on a tie lead?

    This is not something I do or want to do. I'm curious how common it is to basically leash a rooster? And what's the purpose?
  10. Sustained

    Rooster behavior question

    I have a silkie roo about 7 months old. He's started grabbing at the hens tails and pulling a beak full of feathers out. There doesn't appear to be a cause for it. At least from my point of view it's very sudden and sends the unlucky girl running off squawking. Is this normal? Why is he doing...
  11. Sustained

    What killed them?

    my grandparents lost almost their entire flock this morning. 8 hens dead. 4 were still there but are not chewed. They just have tiny sores on their back from claws maybe? The other 4 are gone and there are feathers everywhere. Would a hawk do this? Even a pair? There's no sign of any predators...
  12. Sustained

    Silkie hatching eggs- various colors

    I have black, partridge(standard color), white, and splash already so I'm looking for other colors to hatch. SQ parents preferred. PM me with colors and pricing please :)
  13. Sustained

    duckling question

    I have some newly hatched khaki Campbell/welsh harlequin cross ducklings. They're extremely skittish?? Is that normal? And how do I convince the poor little things that I'm not going to hurt them? These are my first ever ducks and I've never had a bird of any kind that I hatched be afraid of me...
  14. Sustained

    Can anyone tell me what's wrong?

    this is a 2 day old rir chick. All she does is sleep and has a hard time standing up for very long without falling asleep. She also gets stuck on her back a lot and can't right herself so she hollers until I help her. This is her bottom. She was born with a much bigger nasty looking blob...
  15. Sustained

    Duckling internally pipping day 22???? Please help!

    I didn't do my 21 day candle yesterday so I decided to do it just now. All eggs look good except one looks like it has already internally pipped?? I put the egg to my ear and thought I heard little taps and there's definitely movement in the aircell but mostly a shadowy outline and nothing...
  16. Sustained

    Lyon RX incubator

    Does anyone use one? And how does it do for you? Any quirks or issues? I tried looking online and didn't come up with a whole lot. Thanks :)
  17. Sustained

    4 week old silkie chicks pecking? And sneezing

    I have 2 silkie chicks that I hatched almost 4 weeks ago. I adore them but the last few days they've started pecking me constantly and about half the time it hurts a bit. Is there any way to teach them not to peck me? Or at least not so often? Right now they're small enough that it's not a big...
  18. Sustained

    Coturnix in lockdown, when should I become concerned?

    I'm sure this has been asked roughly a billion+ times but I'm incubating coturnix eggs for the first time. Hatch day was yesterday. I set them in the early morning if that matters. Anyway, I have yet to see anything happen. No wiggles, no pips, no peeping... nothing. At what point do I start to...
  19. Sustained

    Silkie chick with deformed toes?

    I have a newly hatched silkie chick that's having some trouble walking. She can but she's very clumsy and actually rolls backwards if she gets unbalanced by walking over a tiny bump. She mostly walks on her entire legs, doesn't stand up if that makes sense? I noticed that her outer side toes are...
  20. Sustained

    day 18 internal pip

    I went to candle one last time before going into lockdown. I discovered 2 out of the first 4 eggs I candled had internally pipped already. (After that I quit candling and just went into lockdown so I'm not sure how many total have internally pipped) It's only day 18... ? I wasn't expecting...
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