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  1. chrissiemids

    Lame rooster

    My 9 month old buff top suddenly started keeping leg up as tho injured about 5 weeks ago. Vet couldn't find anything broken and prescribed pain relief and rest. He has improved and is walking with a limp now, however his gait seems a bit strange, as tho the lame leg is set back from the other...
  2. chrissiemids

    Lame cockerel

    Hi, i have a 9 month buff orpington roo who has, i think been a bit enthusiastic with his ladies. He suddenly started limping about 3 weeks ago. Holding one leg up and sometimes moving it around as if peddling a bike. He has begun to occasionally put it to the ground but not weight bearing...
  3. chrissiemids

    Rooster lame

    Hi, my rooster was a bit too amorous and injured his leg. It isn't broke as he occasionally moves it up and down. He can't put weight on it. I've strapped it with vet wrap for support and put in coop alone. I've read that infant ibuprofen can be given orally, but what dose? Rooster is roughly...
  4. chrissiemids

    Sick hen,is it ascites?

    One of my hens who is 2years old stopped laying last year after being broody most people f the time. Recently her bottom went totally bald and swollen, like a water balloon, bad breath and fluid coming from beak wen bending forward to eat or drink.So not eating much and wasting away.Took her in...
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