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  • Users: kezabel
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  1. kezabel

    Silkie Cockrel 6 months old and already servicing the girls????

    He is 6 months old the youngest of my silkies and he is crowing away and is already having fun with the girls, I though silkies were late bloomers???? I have a cockrel a month older than him and he still isn't crowing or interested in the girls. Is he a Silkie freak??? lol oh yeah nearly forgot...
  2. kezabel

    Is he Breeding Quality?

    This is my Partridge silkie Spike, he is 5 months old (nearly) and I was wondering if he is worth keeping for breeding? He has good toe spacing, the proper color comb(I think, cause I don't know what the standard is) and Black skin.
  3. kezabel

    what colour would you get if....?

    What colour chicks would I get if my partridge silkie rooster mated with my black silkie hen?
  4. kezabel

    Broody Again !!! Pic added of cage

    One of my girls Fiffie went broody last year in December and she hatched 3 chicks, she looked after them until they were 3 months old and then motled and started laying eggs again only about 1 month ago, now she is broody again Ahhh So this morning I went down to the coop and put her out of the...
  5. kezabel

    I found this on ebay
  6. kezabel

    I had to buy store bought eggs AHHHH!!!!

    My girls haven't been laying for about a month and a half now, 2 went broody and now have chicks and 1 hen died ( can't expect much from her) and the other I think is jealous or lonely cause she doesn't have any chicks but she isn't laying either. So I had to buy my first lot of store bought...
  7. kezabel

    When will they lay again?

    I have had 2 of my hens go broody this Summer and I got them some fertile eggs from the local feed store so they both have chicks now. My question is when will the hens start laying again? One of the hens chicks are now 8 weeks old so when should I expect her to start laying again?
  8. kezabel

    Am I a boy or a Girl???

    Ok I'm 7 weeks old now can anybody tell what sex I am?
  9. kezabel

    Help!! one of my girls has a swollen face

    I went down this morning to let the girls out and noticed that Dipsy( Australian Langshan) has a swollen face, but only on one side of her face, the other side isn't swollen at all. I'm thinking she might have been bitten by a spider or something? what do you guys think? I'll try and get a photo...
  10. kezabel

    At what age do chicks stop following mother hen around ?

    I am just curious to when the chicks will be independant from there mumma hen? they are 6 weeks old now and still follow her everywhere she goes.
  11. kezabel

    Can anyone tell the sex of 4 week old silkie chicks?

    Cause if you can I'd really like your help, I have 3 silkie chicks and I have no idea what sex they are. I will be taking pics in a few minutes to poston here.
  12. kezabel

    I just set 5 Fertile silkie eggs under a broody!!!

    Anybody else expecting a hatch on the 26/27th of January? This is the second broody I've had. The last hen hatched 3 of the 6 eggs i put under her, they are a Month old now.
  13. kezabel

    Happy Birthday To Me Happy Birthday to Me!!!

    Yep as the title says its my 36th birthday today and I'm feeling old especially after I got a web cam so I can talk to my friend in western australia and seeing myself on it makes me cringe lol oh well we all can't stay beautiful forever.
  14. kezabel

    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! from Australia

    Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!!! Its 10:25am here new years morning. We had a quite new years eve, we took the kids to see the fireworks,and came home and watched the sydney fireworks on TV. The Sydney ones are spectacular. Heres the link if you'd like to take a look I would...
  15. kezabel

    Someone stole part of our front fence??????

    I don't understand why? Fence pailings are not expensive. Its an old fence and we also can't work out when because we were up late last night watching movies till about 1:30am and I got up at 7am. I'm really annoyed GRRRRR. Bloody fence theives. Now the fence looks ugly.
  16. kezabel

    What type are we??? Pic

    I have no clue to what type of silkie these chicks are, Can anyone help please?
  17. kezabel

    Look at us now!!!- we are 5 mths old - partridge silkies

    Mummy hen fiffie and 3 lil silkie chicks, hatched yesterday 6th December. Can anyone tell what type of silkie they are?
  18. kezabel

    New pics of chicks 6 weeks old now

    I have six silkie eggs bought from the local feed store and one is bluish in colour. What type of silkie lays blue eggs? Oh and its about to hatch I can hear it chirping!!!!!
  19. kezabel

    They Hatched!!! 3 silkies hatched this morning!!!!!

    I'm so excited(and worried) this is my first hatch. My broody bantam Fiffie is sitting on 6 silkie eggs... I just went down and after being pecked madly by her I got an egg from under her and I put it to my ear and I could hear pecking on the inside.... YAY well at least I know one is going...
  20. kezabel

    I finally got a broody hen

    One of my little bantams has gone broody so instead of trying to break the broodiness I decided to get some fertile eggs to put under her. I'm really excited !!!! They are silkie eggs and I put 6 under her. Now for some questions. How long should I expect to wait for them to hatch?(I read 21...
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