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  • Users: clickie
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  1. clickie

    how to tell the gender on mille fleur d'uccles

    I don't have any good pictures yet, since the weather has been bad, but I was wondering when I would be able to tell what my mille fleur d'uccle were. 2 of the chicks (they are about 4 weeks old), have a redder comb than the other one. so I'm guessing they will be roos, I have never had...
  2. clickie

    How to get rid of mites inside the house..

    Hi, I know this has been asked alot but what can I do about mites. I have looked up ways to get rid of them, but my problem is my chickens are inside. I have them my room which is carpeted. They chickens are also near other birds and small animals. Will just vacumming get the mites up, or is...
  3. clickie

    How to get rid of lice...

    Hi, I have 2 chickens that have lice. I know lots of people have been asking how to get rid of lice, and I did a search, and found that I should wash them. So I just got done washing my chickens first with salt and water, then with soap and water ( I used a shampoo for rabbits, hope thats okay)...
  4. clickie

    * Udate* White German Shepard found a home

    Hi, my older brother needs to find a home for his white german shepard, Samson. He is around 7 years old,and is neutured. My brother adopted him from a lady who bought him from a breeder in alaska. My brother is moving into an apartment, and cannot take Samson with him. Samson is good with other...
  5. clickie

    eggs started to hatch!!

    I checked on my broodies this morining and found two baby chicks. one is still drying off but the other one is fluffy. there are still 3 more eggs under them, and I was wondering if they will still hatch. Today is day 20, so the other two hatched 2 days earlier. I was also wondering if I need...
  6. clickie

    Facebook People...

    Did you know that you can set the language to be in pirate. I was bored and a friend told me about it lol. You just go to settings, then language. Scroll down till you find english (pirate). Anyway I thought it was cool .
  7. clickie

    Need help picking a movie...

    Hi, I have to do a report on a movie, telling why it is illlogical and thet correct physics, for my physics class. The problem is, I can not think of another movie to do. I wanted to do the movie Up, but the movie has to be out on DVD, or VHS. any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks:D .
  8. clickie

    How to get ride of cowbirds

    Does any one know what to do about cowbirds? It seems that every nest of birds near my house has cowbirds in them. The poor birds are being chased by the cowbirds, and I keep finding eggs on the ground. I even saw a pair of pigeons taking care of cowbirds. I would rather have pigeons than...
  9. clickie

    Will my duck egg stil hatch?

    Hi, I was just wondering if my muscovy duck egg will still hatch. It is on day 37, under a broody silkie. I know they take around 35 days to hatch. when I candled the egg it was really dark, so I could not see much with my little LED flashlight. How can I tell if it is pipping or not. Do I need...
  10. clickie

    Pool Poll

    What do you use in your pool- chlorine or baquacil? We use baquacil, since it does not smell like chlorine or sting eyes, etc. Just wondering to see which one is more popular.
  11. clickie

    Just wanted to share a cute picture

    lol my dog, with his "woggie", he loves them. ignore the messy couch cover lol, I didn't want to disturb him to go fix it. I thought it was a cute pic lol.
  12. clickie

    What goes good with chocolate cheesecake?

    I made a chocolate cheesecake for my mom today, and was wondering what would go with it. For other cheesecakes I make a berry sauce, but I don't think that would taste great with chocolate. Hmmm maybe some strawberries lol. I should have taken a picture of it lol, but I already silced it up. It...
  13. clickie

    What are my silkies?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could possible tell me what my silkies are. i know silkies are extremly hard to tell until they are a few months old. The white one is five days older than the partridge one. I got both of them from a member here at byc. Thank you. They are both a few weeks old...
  14. clickie

    Anyone growing watermelon......?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has grown watermelon before. I just planted some and wanted to know what to expect since this is my first time planting it. Will it take over the garden like guards do? and how long will it take for fruit to grow. Thank you in advance for any other advice.
  15. clickie

    Cat noises

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else's cat did this lol. When my cat sees a fly or any other kind of bug he makes a cackling dolphiny sound. Its really cute. I'm not sure if its his breed or if every cat does this. He is a straight eared scottish fold, he is scared of birds, fish, etc. He...
  16. clickie

    Please Help...

    Hi, sorry if this is not the right section, I'm not sure where I should put this. I was emailed a flyer stating that a farm here in RI, was being foreclosed. It is Bonniedale Farm, which houses rescue animals, such as cats, dogs, horses, chickens, goats, etc. When the farm is taking all of the...
  17. clickie

    Random post about animals most consider to be pests but I love. lol

    Okay, I have been reading so many posts about people killing raccoons and other animals, because they are pests. So I want to know if anyone likes these animals. One of my favorite animals are foxes, I find them to be adorable and pretty. I don't mind raccoons, though I don't really see them. I...
  18. clickie

    Duck eggs

    Hi, I have a broody silkie incubating a muscovy duck egg and I was just wondering what the egg should look like after 6 days of incubation. Does anyone know a website or have pictures that show each day of incubation that way I can see if everything was okay. thank you. Also I was wondering if I...
  19. clickie

    poor puppy...

    I just saw on my news that this little kid accidently flushed the family's puppy down the toliet because he said it needed a bath. Luckily the puppy stayed near the pipes that were near the house and did not go into the main sewer system. Rescuers were able to get the puppy out and it looked...
  20. clickie

    Can a broody silkie chicken hatch out duck eggs?

    Hi, I have a silkie that recently went broody, and after a few attempts of trying to stop her( taking her nest and eggs away, bringing her outside), decided to let her sit on some eggs. The only eggs my local farm had at the time were duck eggs. They forgot to tell me what breed of ducks, but...
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