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  1. okieinalaska

    Life changes in an husband passed away

    My husband just retired from the coast guard last summer. He just turned 44 in January and we had our 20 year anniversary. He completed his first year of college on the GI bill and was enjoying school. He was taking the summer off to be home with the kids. With only 3 days left in my kids...
  2. okieinalaska

    Chihuahua warned me chick was in trouble at 3am this morning!

    I have 2 chihuahuas. One is named CHewie and is always getting into trouble. I make him sleep with me and shut my door otherwise he wanders the house at night looking for food and getting into trash etc. Well last night he woke me up at 3 am like he needed to go outside. I was not very happy...
  3. okieinalaska

    Help, need your opinion, does this look normal?

    I have seen the poop chart but honestly some of them I think don't look right it says are ok. This seems different than what they normally have too. And it's not just the one, I saw another one with a similiar foamy yellow poop. It's foamy with little chunks. Only thing I did different...
  4. okieinalaska

    Silkie, orpington and BC Maran photo shoot

    I finally got to take some photos of my chicks today. Just used a roll of leftover wrapping paper, my nikon camera and my big flash which I bounced off the ceiling. My daughter was the chick wrangler. I posted some under the bantam poultry show. What's cuter than a silkie in a basket? 3...
  5. okieinalaska

    My little Coopy in progress (1st pic)

    I feel coop envy after seeing all these fantastic coops here and then looking at my coop. But I am very proud of it and I have done all the work myself with my own tools. Soon after starting this project I realized how tiny this little coop is and decided I need another coop! So this one...
  6. okieinalaska

    Rubber bands on legs now feeling better...and a little feisty!

    The girls are doing much better today. I will post some photos of their feet next. But they are getting a little feisty and more active instead of just huddling all together in a little lump. They had to get outside some today even though I was worried about keeping their feet clean. Here are...
  7. okieinalaska

    Rubber bands left on feet of chickens, has grown into legs (PHOTOS)

    I had posted earlier in the week that I got three gold laced bantam cochins off craigslist. I bought them without seeing them walk (we were in a parking lot). We get home and while they all limp I think it's because they have mud and poop in their foot feathers. Then I notice one is really...
  8. okieinalaska

    Coop Build comes crashing to a halt

    I bought the plans for the City Biddy coop off ebay. Over the past couple of weeks I have been buying the lumber, hardware etc. I bought the sheets of siding in two trips because I had them cut each piece for me to size. This helped it fit in the truck to get it home and I didn't hog all the...
  9. okieinalaska

    Newly Hatched...with PIC!

    I am a little worried because it's not eating. And what breed do you think it is? And is it a Pullet or Roo? Sorry, I couldn't help it. My real baby's don't arrive until Easter. I am practicing till then.
  10. okieinalaska

    Need help with Run design, can't be permanent

    I looked but didn't see any posts or photos that answered the questions I have on building a run. I have the plans for my coop and bought most of the supplies. I am not worried about it as I am very good at following directions (my husband would beg to differ, LOL) . But the run...I have no...
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