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  • Users: s6bee
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  1. s6bee

    2 Mille Fleurs Bantam roos - 2 Splash -1 white Silkie roosters in WNY

    2 Mille Fleurs Duccle Bantam Roosters - 2 Splash -1 white Silkie Roosters located in Upstate, Western NY near Rochester. Please PM if interested. Too many Roosters!!!
  2. s6bee

    Fighting for my chickens tonight- wish me luck- UPDATE-we lost!!

    Well tonights the night. We go in front of our local town and plead our case to allow a variance. I'm not looking at this point to change town codes. I did find out that today the town came to the houses near me on my street knocking on doors asking them what they felt about me having...
  3. s6bee

    Anyone a swim coach?

    I know this is not Chicken related but I wanted to get opinions or ask someone some questions who may have a background in being a coach or on the Board of a swim club. Please pm me. I figrued this would possibly pull in various opinions.
  4. s6bee

    Blue Heeler fans look....

    I thought of all the folks here on BYC when I saw this. Newark, NY is located East of the city of Rochester by about 30-40 min.
  5. s6bee

    Keep your fingers crossed!

    Almost 2 wks. ago we got a notice telling us about a complaint and notice to remove our chickens ( we only have 3 left now ) from our suburban back yard. My husband called me today to say that the Town Assessor will review our case and will possibly allow a veriance (sp? ). So please keep...
  6. s6bee

    Anyone in WNY who changed town rule to keeping chickens??

    I have just been given notice to get rid of my hens ( 3 ) in 2 weeks. My town codes are pretty tight ( no loop holes that I can find ) and so it seems I might have to fight the authorities. Just wondering if anyone local to me has had success changing town codes?
  7. s6bee

    For those that collect....

    Saw this in a recent's made by Lenox, nice stuff
  8. s6bee

    Help, need advice on transfering chicknes to new coop and new "friend"

    Ok, I got a new coop with a new free bantam hen quite a while ago from a friend. We've waited a month+ time to quarantine, etc. So over the weekend while I was gone, my husband thought it was time to have them all meet ( my 3 three standards to the one banty ). Well, I wasn't here and he...
  9. s6bee

    Are all bantam hens...

    Upright? I am aquiring a lone bantam from a friend who is getting out of chickens. I took a look at the bird last week and noticed that she was very lean and upright in her stature ( she's not a roo ). She is a mutt but I'm wondering if she comes from Sebright stock? I don't have a...
  10. s6bee

    Good basic diseas/treatment fact chart

    In attempting to find what the heck is wrong with my hen, I found this chart that is easy to read and clear to understand for a lot of the ailments we seek info. on. Just thought it might be helpful to others.
  11. s6bee

    Need Help- Is she egg bound??

    I posted earlier that I thought it was heat, but now I'm not so sure. My 1 y.o hen Ming Ming is very lethargic acting, doesn't move not really eating, drank a little but just not moving. I thought maybe mites, but not convinced. I checked her back side/ vent area and no tell tale signs...
  12. s6bee

    Help Suddenly lethargic hen- did I do something wrong?

    My hen Ming Ming is a 1 yr. old who is always assrertive and alert. This a.m. I noticed her just laying in the dirt and when she didn't rise to greet me I knew something was wrong. She did get up, I took a look at her and she seems to be clear of anything near/on her vent, waddles are still...
  13. s6bee

    Got my new Coop but..

    I picked up my new coop from my friend who got out of chickens, however, it came with a little broody bantam. She's from what I was told, pretty wild, roosting in trees etc.. My daughter said she didn't think she saw any eggs, but once she gets a little more comfy with us we'll double...
  14. s6bee

    Is the forum layout changed or is it just my computer?

    I noticed last night when I logged on that the whole forum format presents itself in a completely different way. The main page is the same/normal. It's hard to explain but each person's reply at individual subjects aren't boxed, or divided up in any fashion, no color, etc. It's all just...
  15. s6bee

    Who's kids are members of the FFA?

    Hi everyone, Well, I have a 13 yr. old daughter who I know one day will either be working with animals, or for the enviroment. She's involved with 4-H, Pony Club and volunteers at TB racetrack adoption center. She's really trying to discover herself and with H.S. right around the corner I...
  16. s6bee

    Did she die from fear?

    We lost our first chicken tonight and it's not been easy for us. Problem is, we have no idea why? She was healthy, active and eating this a.m. when I left, the kids collected eggs after school and she was fine, then we got a bad storm when we noticed she was laying under the ramp of the...
  17. s6bee

    Awsome coop for sale

    I was checking something else out and saw this. Not cheap, but for those that have the money, it's cool looking.
  18. s6bee

    I get the coop free if....have questions

    I have a friend who is getting out of chickens. She only has 2 bantam mutts left and asked if I wanted them. I told her I really have no more room in my tractor but would she consider letting me take the coop with them. So here's me question, I've seen plenty of posts on here about...
  19. s6bee

    Buttermilk and Pumpkin seed for worming?

    I've read a lot about the Pumpking seeds used for worming, but I also read that you should use buttermilk with it. Can anyone support this and the ratio and duration you should give to be beneficial? Thanks
  20. s6bee

    Who lives on a busy street?

    I am interested in looking at a old house that is for sale out in the country but on a road with a 55 mph speed limit. It's not far off the road either. It's really quite cheap leaving tons off financial room to remodel and even build a small barn + 6.5 acres, ( I have horses the I currently...
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