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  • Users: hugz4all4
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  1. hugz4all4


    Got them on may 7th, hatchery birds. Sexed as pullets. However Same hatchery that sold me a barred rock "pullet" that is now a 3 month old Roo.. Pictured is a buff orpington, an all white EE, and a colored EE. Out of the 5 I got, I think 2 maybe roo's unsure of the third Thanks for your help.
  2. hugz4all4

    Sneezing, wheezy, itching at faces

    My 1 year old flock seems sick.. Well 3 of the 11. They are a closed off flock. Dont free range etc. bought as babies. No new food. No new bedding. Weather jas been dry, warm/humid for a few days then it gets cold. No visable discharge anywhere. Still eating, drinking, laying and are active...
  3. hugz4all4

    Snowy mallard ducklings, scratching

    At thier necks? They are 2/3 weeks old. when I had them in the sink tonight for their nightly "swim" I noticed the smaller one of the two had a bare neck and he was scratching at it alot. When I picked up the other one it too had a small spot of bareness and was scratching. What could be causing...
  4. hugz4all4

    Food issues.. Beware

    I bought a bag of Purina flockraier and Dumor layer crumbles from TSC last weekend. I normally have my hens on Nutrena layer crumbles from my local feed store. My chickens seemed a little thin, bored with the food, i had a coupon and when they were chicks I had used flockraiser before without...
  5. hugz4all4

    Pullet or Roo??

    7/8 week old "sexed" "Ameracauna" pullet. Done some research, the coloration and tail seem to be favoring a roo.. No expert but would like opinions. Ive posted on EE threads so far no response yet. Comb is still small, seems to be one row and still pale in color.
  6. hugz4all4

    6/7 week old Lt Brahma..Roo?

  7. hugz4all4


    I think I have THE only chickens on this planet that will not eat strawberries. We bought some fresh picked strawberries from an Amish farm up the road from my house, could eat them all before the went soft, threw them out in the run today.. They looked at them, one pecked at one flung it across...
  8. hugz4all4

    Almost 5 week old Light Brahma's

    Hatchery chicks, slow to grow and feather out. I also got 3 EE's at the same time, all 6 birds are pullets.. EE's are fully feathered and bigger. They are healthy, eating, playing and growing. Just slow. I have one that we call Pixie that is the runt, her wings are short, her feathers stick...
  9. hugz4all4

    Ack this rain!!

    My 7 and 6 week olders ( and one older hen) have been cooped up for two days because of the rain, ( along with dome 3 weekers that I have offically let out in the run yet.) Im afraid they are still too young even though they are fully feathered. Am I being over protective? I no they want out! lol
  10. hugz4all4


    I have a 8 foot high chain link fence run that I keep my chickens in during the day only. It is connected to my coop that has a door to keep them on at night. Is this raccoon safe? I know they can climb trees so I can only assume they will climb the fence but if they are cooped up at night they...
  11. hugz4all4


    Long story made short, Got 12 chicks, shortly after neighbors got 8 laying leghorns to add to their already laying flock. 2 of them flew the coop, one must of heard my babies ended up in my pines by my coop/run a few weeks of coaxing she is now in the coop/run with my chicks loves the babies...
  12. hugz4all4

    Not so much a newbie anymore!

    At least I hope Im learning! I got my pine instead of hay, got the babies some starter grit, meal worms, starting to add fruits/veggies/grass slowly. One of my older chicks tackled her first worm the other day I was so proud! lol. I just went and got my " dusting bath bucket" for the bigger...
  13. hugz4all4

    Grrr I think I have a roo!

    Not only was I lied to about my ameracauna's being EE's. I think now one of my Austalorps might be a roo! They are 6 weeks old and its comb is definifty more prominent than the other two I have. They were sold as all pullets. I will get a picture tomorrow.
  14. hugz4all4

    Pine or hay?

    For coop bedding? Ive been using hay, but see in many pics pine. If pine is better can I use the wood shavings from an Amish saw mill that we have living right up the road? They are free for the taking, you bring a bucket/truck etc. Thanks
  15. hugz4all4

    Well pretty sure

    My 3 2 week old "americauna's" are Easter Eggers.. From reading one one of the ' cauna threads, a true ' cauna has slate legs with white on the bottom of their feet.. Mine have yellow.. Oh well.. Love them anyways.. Just disappointed that the hatchery didnt tell the feed store where I got them...
  16. hugz4all4

    Flock Raiser

    After Im done with the rest of my chick starter/grower Im switching my birds over to flock raiser. Do I just switch over or do I start mix the two? I dont want issues with my babies. Thanks.
  17. hugz4all4


    naturally eat alot? I have one hen. She was a stray for abit ( long story, some may no the story, some may not. Im not gonna repeat it). She always eats likes she starving. She eats, laying mash, starter/grower crumbles when she is around my babies, berries, cheerios, cat food ( on occasion)...
  18. hugz4all4

    Just shows ya that chickens are smarter than

    Humans..:/ or she is just very determined to stay a wanderer..we have a " stray" chicken. We were able to get her in our pen, she loves the babies, the babies were lovin on her.. It was like a long lost reunion.. I go out to coop up them up for the night early because we are headed out for the...
  19. hugz4all4

    Do americauna's

    have colored leg's? The three 2 weeker's I have legs seem to be turning a dk green/ grey color.. Interesting..:)
  20. hugz4all4

    Made a trip to the feed store..:)

    Bought my wandering "stray" chicken Wanda Some laying mash along with some oyster shells, been also treating her with fresh strawberries, blackberries, little bit of cat food and cheerios to hopefully win her trust. Everyday she moves closer and closer..:) She loves the babies and hangs out by...
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