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  1. irisshiller

    Peahen nesting on rooftop..?

    Hi, I'm after some advice from experienced peafowl people :) One of my peahens has made a nest and laid eggs on top of a shed (outside of my yard). This is the first time they have laid eggs, they are only 2 years old, the male is 3. She sits on the eggs and comes down regularly to eat, then...
  2. irisshiller

    Help with sexing peachick?

    Hi, I have a 4 month old India blue peachick with some sex confusion. He is incubator hatched, there were two but the second one was grabbed by a dog... Now "Walter" is always alone, he doesn't connect to the older peafowl (1-2 years). I want to get him a friend but want to be sure first what...
  3. irisshiller

    Silkie 3 months hen or roo..?

    Hi, I have a 3 month old silkie that I can't figure out..! Really hoping it's a hen because I already have a Silkie roo! (The grey one) The white one is much smaller than him and still peeps and behaves like a chick. The roo acts protective towards the chick and calls it to eat, but I don't know...
  4. irisshiller

    Any good 'animal managing' apps?

    Hi! I'm looking for an app to help organise/manage my animals - does anyone use anything like that? At the moment, I use a Word file on my computer, along with the calendar and notifications on my phone and my actual mental memory... but it doesn't work as well as I would like. I forget stuff, I...
  5. irisshiller

    Sick peachick, need help...

    Hi, I suspected I'd be back again begging for more pea-advice, and here I am... :/ I got 3 peachicks a few weeks ago, that are about 2-3 months old. They were fine until now, perky and inquisitive, but today I noticed one of them sitting in a corner. I went to pick him up and saw that both his...
  6. irisshiller

    Help with sexing silkies?

    Hi! I just bought 3 young silkies. I was told they were 4 months old and a rooster with 2 hens. They were living in the tinest wire cage and seem to be bemused by all the space they have now :) They are very shy and gentle, I love them! I just can't see which is the male and which the females...
  7. irisshiller

    Sexing help :)

    Hi, I just acquired 3 peafowl chicks, a dream come true! I'm totally new to peafowl and trying to learn all I can about them. The guy I bought them from couldn't say if they were male or female. He said they were 2 months old. I'm assuming they are regular Indian blues, that's what the parents...
  8. irisshiller

    coturnix chicks just hatched by broody little hens:)

    Hi, I just had to share this! My coturnix quail decided to go broody and actually hatched chicks today :D We were told that they would never hatch their own chicks and I've read many stories about how difficult it us to get them to brood, so I counted on always having to hatch them in an...
  9. irisshiller

    Mother duck does not accept duckling

    Hi, I need some advice... One of my muscovy ducks has been brooding on a nest of eggs, but because of the extreme heat (I think), only 2 eggs hatched. both were welsh harlequins. Only one of those survived, that duckling is now a week old. She got up with the ducklings and left the other eggs...
  10. irisshiller

    hatching duck egg question

    I have a duck egg in my incubator right now... This egg is a bit of a mystery! One of my female muscovies has been brooding on a nest of welsh harlequin eggs. Because of the extreme heat, only 2 hatched, then the female left the nest. Most of the eggs were only half developed, but there was one...
  11. irisshiller

    Trying to puzzle out gender of mixed breed chickens of about 1 to 3 months old :)

    Hi, I have 3 mixed breed chicks that are now almost 3 months old. There are 2 white ones that I'm pretty sure are girls, but the black one has a bigger comb and I was thinking it might be a rooster. He/she doesn't show any difference in behaviour though. I've tried to examine him/her from all...
  12. irisshiller

    Young Welsh Harlequin Ducks - male or female?

    Hello, I posted some time ago about my brooding pair of Welsh Harlequin ducks. Well, 11 ducklings hatched, 10 survived, and now I have a flock of 10 young ducks! They are about 10 weeks old now. They kind of surprised us by all looking similar, even after their feathers have come in. It is...
  13. irisshiller

    Mule duck questions!

    Hi! I have a few ducks that puzzle me and I wonder if anyone has experience with ducks that are mixes between muscovies and a mallard-derived breed. This is Shulman: The people that gave him to me told me he was a muscovy male. As he grew though, I realised he looks nothing like my...
  14. irisshiller

    Broody hen questions!

    Hi everyone, I need help again with another unforeseen poulty situation :) I have a small, mismatched flock of rescued and adopted chickens. I started out with three ex-battery hens, who were very good at laying eggs every day. After a while, someone brought me a small, rescued rooster. I...
  15. irisshiller

    Is duck nest OK...??

    Hi everyone, I'm here to pick your brains again :P I have a mallard duck who is sitting on a nest of eggs at the moment. She had in total 12 eggs if I counted right. The eggs are due to hatch this Wednesday and excitement and tension are mounting :) She made a nest next to the pond between the...
  16. irisshiller

    Getting a mother hen to accept month old foster chicks..?

    Hi! Question... One of my ex-battery hens did something quite unexpected and hatched out 3 chicks last month :) She is doing a perfect job raising them and the chicks are doing great. Now, I got another 2 'rescue' chicks and 2 ducklings a few days ago. Their previous owners want them to stay...
  17. irisshiller

    Was just threatened by an 'animal rights activist'...

    ... because an egg broke. Seriously!! I found a broken egg in my coop and posted a picture of it on my site, making a joke of it: who broke this egg?? Next thing I know, someone is telling me that I have to close down my pet zoo because all my animals are being savaged (we had a very sad...
  18. irisshiller

    Is this angel wing..?

    Somebody dumped two muscovy ducklings in my duck pond about three weeks ago... they were about a month old I think. My other ducks were chasing them so I kept them in a cage for a week or two. Now they are bigger and out of the cage. No more aggression issues, but I noticed one of them has...
  19. irisshiller

    Rooster bullying one hen..?

    PHi! I recently got 3 'brandless' white chickens from a friend and so I started a little flock... The chickens seemed to have their pecking order sorted out - two are the higher ranking ones and the third one is always lower than them, literally. She seemed to have trouble walking at first and...
  20. irisshiller

    Questions about new chickens and first egg...

    Hi everyone, I have some questions for you chicken experts..! We recently got 3 chickens from friends, who had got them from a battery. I'm not sure how old they are exactly, but they said they got them because they were sort of past their 'egg-laying prime'. They did still lay eggs, though...
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