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  1. eggsforsale

    Stinky egg mystery

    So, I have been upset because of bad tasting stinky eggs. I finally have at least figured out that the same chicken is laying all the bad eggs. I have 8 chickens. 6 EE's and 2 RR. I gather a rainbow of eggs every day. I finally started experimenting and noticed that the darkest brown egg...
  2. eggsforsale

    Some of my eggs smell bad while cooking...

    Why do some of my eggs stink when they are cooking? I can't eat them, it grosses me out. Coop is clean, eggs are collected daily, they are eating a store bought feed for layers, occasionally free range. No odors in my fridge to absorb. I have 2 Rhode Island Reds and 6 Easter Eggers. They are...
  3. eggsforsale

    I accidentally got locked in the chicken run!!

    Hubby and I were out with the chickens, feeding, etc. I went in the run to socialize with the hens for a bit. We have to be careful that the dog won't follow us in, so I hadn't realized it but Hubby had locked the door behind me as a precaution. He was just puttering around the yard. He...
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