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  1. Americano Blue

    Dry, red skin-Need help identifying

    From what I can tell, only one of the hens has this issue going on. It is mostly on her neck, but there is a patch on her head, belly, and on the main part of one wing. The skin is bright red and dry. There are no feathers but there is dark spots where they use to be. I didn’t see any mites...
  2. Americano Blue

    Chicken Attack by Bird Dog.

    Good Morning fellow BYCers! This morning our neighbor's dog came over to say hi, as he usually does. Unfortunately, two of my chickens had escaped and were wandering around. The dog is trained to hunt pheasants and went after the hens. One was okay, but the other we found in his mouth. She is...
  3. Americano Blue

    Please help identify breeds and sex (in the correct section this time )

    I received four lovely chicks from the kindergarten class after they hatched them for a project. I asked, but they didn't know what breeds the chicks actually were or what sex. I usually order them off line or pick them up at a feed store so I've never had to identify breeds or sex before. I...
  4. Americano Blue

    Please help identify breeds and sex

    I received four lovely chicks from the kindergarten class after they hatched them for a project. I asked, but they didn't know what breeds the chicks actually were or what sex. I usually order them off line or pick them up at a feed store so I've never had to identify breeds or sex before. I...
  5. Americano Blue

    7 mo kitten's first heat cycle. Advise welcomed.

    My cat, well kitten, named Sophie, is going threw her first heat cycle and is being very....vocal. She is also rubbing on everything in the house. Any advice on making this easy for both cat and humans???
  6. Americano Blue

    Six word stories

    Write an entire story in only six words!!!!!! Inspired by Ernest Hemingway's famous six word story: For Sale. Baby shoes, never worn. Rules: All BYC rules apply Can be true or fictional Nothing super morbid please. Must be six words. No more. No less. Have fun!
  7. Americano Blue

    Weird large egg

    I went to get eggs and I found a rather large, soft, almost latex egg. It is way larger than normal. Now I understand that sometimes chickens lay a shell-less egg but this on is weird. Oddly enough they laid it in a puddle. I am wondering if maybe the shell dissolved in the puddle and it...
  8. Americano Blue

    Waiting to get chicks.

    I am allowed to go buy chicks this weekend. The wait is killing me!!! So, until Friday arrives, I need some advice on how I should set up the brooder and what bedding to use. Advice?
  9. Americano Blue


    My chickens were attacked and killed by dogs a few days ago, two survived. Clara and Mary. A few days later, Clara and Mary were attacked AGAIN!!!! I checked them over and they only had some cuts on their feet. (Thank goodness) but now I think they have PTSD. They just kind of sit down in their...
  10. Americano Blue

    A carport...for a coop??

    We've been needing a larger coop for a while now but are afraid to get one. With our current situation, we needed a portable coop and we thought of one of those portable carport things. Any advice about how to get it ready for chickens or is this even a good idea? I can't have a 'real' coop at...
  11. Americano Blue

    ~Love and War~ OOC Chat Thread

    Hey! This is the chat thread for ~Love and War~ Here is the link for the RP
  12. Americano Blue

    ~~Love and War~~ An action adventure RP (Role Play)

    ~Love and War~ "Kill him! Kill him!" the crowd shouted wildly. Cross looked up at his mentor, waiting for the 'okay'. His mentor nodded and Cross stabbed his rival through the heart. The boy's body slumped to the ground. Cross pulled his sword out of the lifeless body and beheaded his rival...
  13. Americano Blue

    Blue's Story Thread!!!!!!

    So I started this story thing on Mountain Peeps' chat thread but it got confusing so I moved it to here!! Everyone is welcome to join! Please be appropriate and BYC rules apply. This is not a RP (Role Play) so there are no forms. Just jump in and have fun Here's what has happened. Blue and her...
  14. Americano Blue

    Should I get rid of my chickens?

    I have 7 hens we adopted from a friend but honestly, I don't like them and they don't like me. They aren't very social and tend to be moody. Should I get rid of them and try again or just try to tame them again. Right now they aren't laying and they are 2-3 years old.
  15. Americano Blue

    ducks and dogs, will they ever be friends??

    I have a couple dogs and ducks. They don't get along at all, is there any way I could help them become friends, or at least not kill each other??
  16. Americano Blue

    4-h Dogs

    Any one else in 4-h dog?? Well, now you can talk with other 4-H dog people about showing, training, grooming, breeds or what ever!!!!
  17. Americano Blue

    How to use sevin dust

    I was told to use Sevin dust on my chickens for mites but when I was reading the back It said "caused cancer in laboratory animals" or something like that. That made me really second guess using this on my girls. Is it safe? And if it is, do I just sprinkle it on them or put it in their coop, or...
  18. Americano Blue

    Aggressive Drake

    My Muscovy Drake has been acting aggressively to his favorite hen. I really don't think he's trying to mate since its cold and going into winter. He has always been mean to my other girl but never this one. He will grab the back of her neck and hold her down, then drag her when she tries to get...
  19. Americano Blue

    How to grow fodder for chickens, rabbits and ducks

    Hi. I've been interested in growing fodder for my animals for a while but never had the time. Now I do so I really need help starting. I have barely seeds, buckets and stuff but I really don't know what to do with them all. ANY HELP WOULD BE HELPFUL!! I honestly don't know anything about growing...
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