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  • Users: kubotafoot
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  1. kubotafoot

    Sour crop on 6 week old Golden Comet Roo

    2 days ago this little man had a beautiful tail and then in the morning the tail area was de-feathered and red. No big blood amounts but a little very light pink when touched with gauze. Put on liquid Blue coat and cream. Treated with ease, but noticed vent has white liquid-like poo and nothing...
  2. kubotafoot

    An egg is a closed system, so it will get lighter as it incubates.....

    Got that, but here is my dilemma. I am hatching Welsummer eggs, and have never done that before. For those of you who know, the eggs are VERY dark, and candling is impossible, so the question begs.....How do I know if the egg is viable verses a dud? Someone wrote and said to weigh the egg, but...
  3. kubotafoot

    Optimum temperature for incubator is 99.5F right?

    I have an old still air incubator which I have installed a fan to move the air (yup....that's what fans do). I ran the incubator for 2 days to get a feel for the temperature and humidity settings and all was well.....then I put 15 eggs into it..... Here is my dilemma.... I can NOT get a real...
  4. kubotafoot

    Candling a dark brown egg......?????

    Going to start some Welsummer eggs in the incubator and in the past, I have not been able to see ANYTHING through the shell as the hatch goes on. Anyone have any ideas or tricks to follow the hatch and be sure (as best as possible) a dud doesn't blow up? Thanks!
  5. kubotafoot

    Can chickens safely eat canned cat food?

    I have two 3 month crossed beak chickens and I am trying to get more protein into them. I thought about adding a bit of canned cat food to their diet. Right now, I make a mush with goat milk, chopped peanuts, flax seed and their crumbles and they eat that fairly easily, but I would like to get...
  6. kubotafoot

    Tag team broodies here in CT

    The main laying broodie had 8 eggs under her. When she got off the nest one day (about 2 weeks in), another hen got into the box and refused to let the first mom back. The first mom decided not to fight over the nest, but waited until the 2nd mom or "auntie" left for a bathroom and feed break...
  7. kubotafoot

    Genetics....what gene and from whom determines visual sexing?

    Some breeds can be easily sexed at birth due to different feather colors, especially on the head. Which bird carries the gene (male. Or female?) for this and do you need to breed pure to have this happen or will it be dominant in a cross breeding?
  8. kubotafoot

    Open water bowls for chickens in winter

    I saw some ideas folks had used to keep water liquid in freezing temperatures and one included using heated bird baths or heated dog bowl. I do not recommend either for chickens as the birds have a tendency to "fall into" the open areas and get soaked and then can freeze to death very easily. I...
  9. kubotafoot

    Swedish Flower Hen breed, looking fior chicks and/or local fertile eggs

    Am in Burlington, CT and these birds sound wonderful. Anyone in CT - MA- or RI hatching chicks or have fertile eggs for sale, please? Thanks!
  10. kubotafoot

    Flock attacked by "something" roosters and hens lefty for dead

    Picking up bodies over the back pasture. Some alive, still.....Brought live ones into house and keeping warm and loved. All seem to be in shock, for sure. Anything I can do for them? Paula in CT
  11. kubotafoot

    Chicken attacked and left for dead

    Buff Orpington and Copper Marran attacked today by "something" as they free ranged. Rooster has broken neck and is dead. Hen was lying on her side in snow. Could have been attacked for up to 3 hours as they free ranged..... Brought her into home which is warmer than barn. She is alert but...
  12. kubotafoot

    Aprox. how long do mature meal worms live before becoming pupa?

    I have a thriving colony now (since figuring out they needed more moisture, but that's a different thread....) and want to feed a bunch out to my blue bird friends and hens. I am assured there is not a set in stone number of days, and it has to do with food, water, temp and so forth, but for...
  13. kubotafoot

    Current hatch and when to give up or cull

    Broody hen set on 15 eggs from her and her friends..... 2 hatched on Friday..... 9 hatched Saturday..... 4 eggs left she was still setting on until late this AM when one had a head out and she left it with her 11 others to a separate area of the pen. Chick was very much alive and I brought it...
  14. kubotafoot

    Bought whole corn with molasses.......

    Bought what I thought was cracked corn and molasses for my goats.....Turned out to be WHOLE corn. Can the chickens share in this as the kernels are pretty big........
  15. kubotafoot

    New Member

    Been raising chickens off and on since high school.....many, many years ago. Had success but wanted to be a member of a group for information sharing as you're never too old to learn. Currently have 2 hens gone broody with baby chicks under them. Spring is here!
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