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  1. hen-thusiast

    Hen Diagnosed With Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome

    Our two year old black BLRW stopped eating and was laying with her head in the corner of her coop, so I took her to the vet. The blood work came back as borderline liver problems and coupled with bruising throughout her body, the vet is guessing fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome. She is the...
  2. hen-thusiast

    Feedstore Said They Were Female Brown Leghorns...Wish They Were Right

    A couple of months ago I rescued seven chicks, from the local feed store, that were labeled as sexed female brown leghorn chicks. They had horrid pasty butt (well over an inch thick) and their toes were warped from the flooring they were on. I didn't think they would make it home and it took...
  3. hen-thusiast

    Chicks Eating Their Own Feces

    I have seven brown leghorns chicks that I "rescued" from the local feed store. They had the worst pasty butt I'd ever seen. The poop was well over an inch thick on some of them. I didn't think a couple would make it, but I diligently cleaned their bums for the first week and they all seem to...
  4. hen-thusiast

    Anesthesia Used on Pullet - Withdrawal Time for Eggs?

    Long story, but I forked over some $$$ for an injured dominique pullet. She's about a year and a half. They used anesthesia on her. She is not on antibiotics, but we are applying a topical antibacterial (Silver Sulfadiazine) to the site. I was so worried about wound care and asking the vet...
  5. hen-thusiast

    Crabby BLRW Pullet - Likes to Bite... Suggestions??

    She is a BLRW pullet who lives in a 4x8 coop with her sister. We got them in January and they lived in the house most of the winter and were handled A TON. Her and her sister had severe frostbite and she lost most of her toes. They live in a custom made coop that is all one level - half for...
  6. hen-thusiast

    SEVERELY Frostbitten Toes - Update **Graphic Pictures**

    **Pictures and updated added today. Post #23. Pictures are graphic.** I was hoping somebody could help me out with a severe frostbite problem. First of all I just wanted to say, advice only. Please no judgements. The birds in question were rescued today. I did not cause this problem and...
  7. hen-thusiast

    My Rabbit Is A Thug!

    We heard all this commotion last night coming from the room where we let the two rabbits range. There happens to be a caged chicken in the room as well, only her cage is three feet off the ground. The rabbit had somehow gotten up where the chicken cage is and was thrashing on the door trying...
  8. hen-thusiast

    Any TimTam Cookie Fanatics Out There?

    I was as SuperTarget today and my DH nearly knocked me over. There were TimTams sitting there on the shelf. Pepperidge Farm has introduced them to the U.S.! No more begging my Aussie friends to send me some! Of course we had to celebrate the occasion by...
  9. hen-thusiast

    UPDATE - Black Around Face & Shrunken Purple Comb... Mild Ascites

    Our 30 week old golden campine has developed three symptoms in the last week. First, her face turned blacker around her eyes and beak, then she stopped laying and now her comb has shrunk in half and turned dark purple at the base. She doesn't appear to have lost weight, still has appetite and...
  10. hen-thusiast

    Best Way To Shell Black Walnut??

    We've only lived at our house for 11 months and have a HUGE black walnut tree. I've decided that if the squirrels think they are so great, I'll give the them (walnuts not the squirrels ) a try. I've heard gloves are a must. What's the best way to open them? Running them over with a car...
  11. hen-thusiast

    EE With Odd Sleeping Behavior

    Our EE, who is definitely lowest in the pecking order, has some very odd behaviors when it comes to bedtime. She started it around six weeks old and she's been doing it for the last twenty weeks, so I think it's permanent. She likes to sleep under the other chickens. Not just her head, but...
  12. hen-thusiast

    Why No Egg Song? Will They Ever Learn?

    We have eight hens that are 24 weeks of age, of the eight, seven are laying. The first started around 18 weeks and they have all been laying for at least two to three weeks. Two or three times our EE did the egg song, but randomly like when she was free ranging, not after laying. That was a...
  13. hen-thusiast

    Horse Owners - Looking For Advice Regarding Sand Colic

    Looking for some advice from all you horse owners out there. Never really had a problem with colic until the horses were moved to a sandy area. I've had two mild cases of sand colic in the last two months. I bought a bucket of SandClear, my gelding likes it, but my picky eater mare won't...
  14. hen-thusiast

    When Is It Time To Add Calcium Supplement?

    Here's the backstory: We have 8 ladies around 18 weeks of age. About a week ago we started observing very red combs and squatting from 2 of them. Started slowing mixing in Purina Layena. During that time we witnessed one of the squatters eating two feathers. It could have been a...
  15. hen-thusiast

    Can't Get Link To Work

    I was trying to open a link on the learning center diseases page. It's the one titled "Veterinary Medicine/Dosage Chart". I can't open it. It's saying that can't be found. Is it just me? Here's the link to the page where the other link is. I'm not smart enough how to...
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